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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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I am downstairs working in the garden and Mrs Pute won’t have anything to do with it. She never helps with the trimming either so everything works out.
My garden is my hobby and he has his own toys. He has kept my plants alive tho when my momma was sick. Weed turned out pretty good too labled the jars Mr Subs Cap junky 😊


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I did have to teach him about cleaning the company toilet when he leaves an explosion in there and I don’t see it for a week. He thinks there is a product that you can just spray and walk away for that. Another thing passed down from generations I think 🤪
I am expected to leave things as clean as I found them…..I try but I am always in trouble for something that didn’t meet her expectations.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
He can rinse dishes, we all can,we can even load it properly,the whole shebang,we don't do it intentionally,this is something passed down to us from previous generations ,screw it up as much as possible and never have to do it again. I taught my son the same thing,he has already passed this valuable information on to his son.
Unfortunately as a bachelor I used special dinners and breakfasts to lure unsuspecting young lasses to my lair, so Grayfox knew I could cook once we started dating.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
As a bachelor I also learned to hire the heavy house keeping and landscaping done by pros, to which Grayfox has no objection, and I get away with just cleaning up my messes.