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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Forgive me if you already know this but depending on how much weight training you include you may find that while you have more success at getting rid of that adipose fat creeping around to your backside you might also find that your total weight doesn't decrease as much as you think it should and might even increase since muscle is heavier then fat.
That is a wonderful concept, and regarding muscle mass is absolutely true! Before my last surgery, however, I had gotten myself down to my former high school weight area, so I know it's doable. Perhaps focus on both worlds! :love:


Well-known member
Good morning all. 🌞 Im working my ass off over here but I found enough time to send you all this picture. Enjoy.
Ghost Candy

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I hear ya, and thanks again! My issue with squats is that I have a knee that's seen the knife twice. One fairly recent. Unfortunately had a PT delay experiencing an infection on the opposite foot twice also, with some dramatic under skin encroachment. So ya, I'm old, and spent a lot of my life looking at documents. Most. I love the pool so I wish I could understand what you are referencing regarding strengthening my core stomach area in the pool. That sounds absolutely ideal. Given I too have back issues (don't we all), that really do not need any aggravation. A link perhaps?
Looking at your various physical problems - I'd say that hydrotherapy/aqua aerobics would be ideal - water gives you buoyancy and so support when training - you can't fall over - as you might on land - yet still you can find more than adequate resistance to work against - here's a link to an aqua core workout -

Here's another one for weight loss -
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Well-known member
Looking at your various physical problems - I'd say that hydrotherapy/aqua aerobics would be ideal - water gives you buoyancy and so support when training - you can't fall over - as you might on land - yet still you can find more than adequate resistance to work against - here's a link to an aqua core workout -

Here's another one for weight loss -

Thanks Bro! I am up for some water but this weekend I am going to give these a gander twice over. Much Mahalo!

Unca Walt

Well-known member
You and Walt need to get a private room to carry on this argument. Nobody needs to apologize here but it’s obvious yall want to take it to the next level so maybe you could just PM each other and take the negativity off this thread.
Until then, I am burning sage in the room. Just try it y’all. Breath in breath out breath in…
View attachment 19023887
‘Now let’s all burn one and try to respect the thread. Thank you
SubGirl 🥰✌️
@SubGirl -- Subbie, I am not arguing with anyone. Look back: I have made zerio response to continued insults (except to point out the fact that this person is unique to this group by his surprising and totally unique -- and out of place -- vituperation).

Why he hates me, I haven't a clue. Honestly.
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Well-known member
Off topic- Is there anyway to recognize if I am talking to an AI ( artificial inteligence) program? I have interacted with a member on another forum and I have a gut feeling that it is a computer program. He is a nice computer and I dont have a problem with him but I am concerned that he may be collecting information about members. I am reluctant to notify the moderators because I dont want to hurt anyone if I am wrong. What should I do?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
They oughta raise it to $1000/hr so everybody can be rich.
I read an article a few years ago from Denmark as I recall, where they did a study involving giving everyone $1,000. They then studied the results, which were that most were happy to receive $1,000, but nothing else changed.

Sadly, while we were all born with equal and unalienable rights here in the US, anyone who believes that all men were created equal with equal marketable abilities, is not paying attention or likely themselves to fall for the infamously old, " Double your intelligence or no money back" scheme.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

A partially cloudy day here starting at 52F and predicted to reach 78F.

My back is maybe some better after the steroid injections, but not dramatically so this morning. Improvement can ostensibly take up to two weeks, so watching with bait on my breath!

Alas, I tried to set up an A-Team luncheon, but my 90-year-old associate has been ill for the last couple of months and sadly it doesn't look like he will recover.

I talked with an old 78-year-old Marine Corps buddy who was circling the drain last time I saw him and got lost visiting me the last two times, so that I had to go get him and guide him here, despite having been here at least a hundred times. Miraculously he was alert and sharp again after heart surgery. The issue with his mind was poor blood supply to his brain.

I ended up making luncheon arrangements with my old boss, whom is 88 years old, a vegetarian, uses a pacemaker, but works out daily at the gym and is otherwise in good shape.

Off to the gym this morning and we are scheduled for dinner out at Uncle Chen's Dynasty tonight with NM!

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Off topic- Is there anyway to recognize if I am talking to an AI ( artificial inteligence) program? I have interacted with a member on another forum and I have a gut feeling that it is a computer program. He is a nice computer and I dont have a problem with him but I am concerned that he may be collecting information about members. I am reluctant to notify the moderators because I dont want to hurt anyone if I am wrong. What should I do?
@Magu -- Face to face is your only recourse. Lemme 'splain:

Back in the Olden Days (about 1966), there was sumpin' called the Turing Test. The TTest was to put a human in one room, and a machine in the other. Then a panel of judges addressed questions to both rooms, and try to determine if it was a person or a machine that answered.

They could use syntax, slang, innuendo, yada.

Well, ELIZA fooled the judges. Back in 1966. We may possibly have progressed just a tad in the last 68 years, considering the computational power we had then and what exists now.

Here's a 1min 42sec video from 1966.


Well-known member
Premium user
I'll say it's down to pot size. They're in 25L of Batmix, and I've given them a weekly run through with fish emulsion twice, apart from that just water.
Nature has done the rest. I'll start giving them a drop of bloom feed now with their waterings and see what happens. No more fish now they're starting to flower, plus I can't keep the dog from sticking his nose in the pots after I've run them through with it. Most of his diet is fish, so I think he thinks it's his dinner in there. :biglaugh:
does sound delicious


Well-known member
Premium user
I read an article a few years ago from Denmark as I recall, where they did a study involving giving everyone $1,000. They then studied the results, which were that most were happy to receive $1,000, but nothing else changed.

Sadly, while we were all born with equal and unalienable rights here in the US, anyone who believes that all men were created equal with equal marketable abilities, is not paying attention or likely themselves to fall for the infamously old, " Double your intelligence or no money back" scheme.
all I want is my hair back .


Well-known member
Premium user
Good morning folks
its friday.
The only political thing I can say about the debate was it was very enjoyable.
Im layin on the couch with my head in my Honeys lap.
As She is scratching my back ,I am instigating a wittle.
The more I instigate, the harder She scratches my back.
I cant wait for the second debate.