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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
When I was a young fellow, early teens, I would keep score at the ball park. The numbers were on blocks and you spun them around to keep track of the game. Now by the looks it's all electronics. It put a few dollars in the pocket and I could stay out a bit later. It was awfully dark riding my bike down the railway tracks to get home. I rode like the wind and every lunatic in the city was chasing me down the tracks:)
I’ve always enjoyed buying a program and playing the fun games for prizes now they put one of them QR codes up on the screen and you are supposed to find it online… it’s too much for me now 😁


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
its hard to tell in california
the new fast food minimum wage just took over (20/h v 16/h for regular jobs (???)) but i think hooters is exempt from the law because of the type of establishment they are
but they are feeling the competition, with employees jumping ship for higher wages else where or wanting more money to stay
they sell an experience, just going to a sports bar to watch the "game" or other nicer places where i would pay $40 just for a steak (sides cost extra), im paying extra for the experience
it turns out there are two hooters here in san diego and they are both staying open

i know the chilis closed down a long time ago same with the marie callanders (i liked their pies) and now rubios
but new places will open up and take their place
I would definitely say that California is a unique situation with it's own unique problems given the incredibly high taxes and extreme homelessness that has driven people likely to visit sports bars out of the state and into much more reasonably managed locations. I would also say that the places that are popular would appear to be regional as in my area on the east coast, Hooters was a brief fad that lost it's appeal a long time ago while places like Chili's and Buffalo Wild Wings are doing a thriving business.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I had to go back 4 times. The last time the doc burnt my nerve endings.
Hope it works for you! The tests to justify RFA on my nerve endings were ineffective, so that won't work for me.
You shouldn't underestimate those rabbits theey're viscious enough to make a knight of the round table soil his armor. :biggrin:
Especially the Kung Fu bunnies!

Kung Fu bunnies.jpg


Well-known member
It just proves to me over again - EXERCISE - is really the BEST MEDICINE - had a good chat with the experienced lady physiotherapist there at the med centre - and she said that no matter how old and fugged up you are - even if you are 90 years old and bedbound - you can still harness the benefits of exercise - she had workout routines for bedridden people even -

You can have all the gold or silver in the world - but if you ain't fit enough to enjoy it - then what's the point? - without health - ya can't appreciate wealth - unless you just get a buzz out of giving it away - after all - generosity is a luxury - for many -

- so drop and give me 20 - 😆
You are so right! Without some degree of health which supports mental sanity and stability, life becomes much more of a chore, and much less of enjoyment. Health is the true luxury! And we can be blessed with it, but cannot shirk the gift we are given if we want longevity from it. And the ability to move and walk, even in pain.

A few months back I talked about needing to lose a British stone in weight, and have finally succeeded in doing so. However, after shedding that I realize that there is half a stone more! Sneaky - when you get older the adipose tissue curls around to your back, which I cannot see, and also hides in the upper chest area. So, to be totally lean and mean, I am shooting for another half stone. In my high school years I was a full stone leaner. Perhaps, given my current aim, that should be my ultimate goal.

I ended up finding I liked organic unprocessed brown sugar too much to totally give it up in my coffee. So, in trading off, I have eliminated all snacks other than a banana or piece of fruit if hungry, or whole grain olive oil bread. That seemed to do the trick. Like always, and with any diet, the goal is staying with it. So it is not a diet, anymore. :D
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Well-known member
Looks healthy - but if it's taller than 3ft - the neighbours would see it 🤔! - and that might lead to plod paying me a visit - and nooo - I don't really need that - so I'll just grow my smaller plants - thank you very much - 😀
Yea, its doing great. Its about 5 feet tall now but I hope it will finish somewhere between 10 feet and 12 feet. Those Zamaldelicta plants are great too. They get really frosty !


Well-known member
Well Gypsy, my auto zamaldelicas are both nearing 6 foot tall with the pots now and my neighbours can definitely see them if they lean out of their bedroom window. :biglaugh:

I may have to take their heads off.

(The plants, not my neighbours. I like my neighbours. They do a lot of tutting over the fence at me.)
How do you get those Zamaldelictas that big? Is it based on water or nutrients? I cant get those little buggers any taller than 1 1/2 feet tall.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The problem with keeping big cats like that - is that they will eat you - if you don't keep them fed -
I'v never tested it but I've heard it said even small cats will feast on their owners if they aren't fed regularly. of course they're smart enough to wait until their owners are deceased whereas the big cats don't need to wait for that. Anyway I've seen it suggested by more then one person that if you are an owner of a cat and you happen to die and the cat has nobody else to feed it and no other source of food, you got about 48 hours before even a normal house cat will start trying to feed off of you.


Well-known member
I'v never tested it but I've heard it said even small cats will feast on their owners if they aren't fed regularly. of course they're smart enough to wait until their owners are deceased whereas the big cats don't need to wait for that. Anyway I've seen it suggested by more then one person that if you are an owner of a cat and you happen to die and the cat has nobody else to feed it and no other source of food, you got about 48 hours before even a normal house cat will start trying to feed off of you.
Imma look at my Louie In a whole different way now. He does get angry when his bowl is not filled to the top


Well-known member
Avarice of youth?

What market(s) did you have in mind?
Though I have interest, lke many, I do not actively trade the markets anymore. Still of a lifetime student of them. There are certainly markets that I watch that are definite bellringers as to the economy's overall health. Were I younger, I would seek out high dividend stocks strictly, that have had a history of both rising, and paying, for a very long time. Though I don't advocate drinking it, Coca-Cola is one, and one that I believe Buffett has a gigantic LT position in. Chasing something like NVDA, or any short term riser, is risky. As a matter of policy, I don't give advice.


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Premium user
Well, I survived the cortisone shots and we will see how they turn out. Not much pain reduction as we speak, but it ostensibly takes a couple of weeks to reduce the inflammation and relieve the pain. If it works..............

I took sit down breaks for back pain relief, but I put three pounds of split peas with Black Forest ham, onions, and French Tarragon soup on to simmer.

Besides the about 3/8" cubes of ham in the mix, I liquified about twice that much more in the Vitamix with and the Tarragon and used it as part of the liquid instead of using chicken broth.
I have one and wanted use it for kale/beet/asparagus smoothies .
Its 5 years old and I never took it out of the box😊