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The Original O'l Farts Club.


I joined ICM today and when @bigsur51 heard I was pushing 60, he invited me to "stop by the Old Farts Thread , we have a few navy folks there , one was a Commander of a nuclear submarine …"

"we have several 70 and a few 80’s in the Coffee Shop Old Farts Thread…"

Then again, the Coffee Shop is probably a different stop, isn't it?

Anyway, please tell the Captain that Petty Officer Sweetman is reporting for duty, and to all other vets, a special hello.

These days I love any crowd in which I'm on the younger side, and that seems to be happening less and less in life.

I look forward to growing and smoking and shooting the bull will you all.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
and now the News



Well-known member
What a bargain -
- I wonder if there is an agency out there - that can re-connect you with your long/lost foreskin? - or did it go into some sorta cream? 🤔 - poses the question of where do they go - Hmmm
Reminds me of the story about a baby born with no eyelids.
Doc to parents - "if you intend having the kid circumcised, I could use the foreskin to make and graft new eyelids".
Parents - "but that will look terrible"
Doc - "looks don't count. Just think of the foresight he'll have"

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
And a very good morning from London - England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - it's 5.25 am - not completely overcast - can see a bit of blue - peeping thru - but a bit chilly on the balcony - so I'm wearing a light house coat 😀 - anyways -

My daughter will be 16 years old today - Jeez - 16 years already - and she's slap bang in the middle of 11 G.C.S.E exams at school - and doing OK 👍 - so far - she's a smart one - and doesn't seem to have a problem learning academic things - and we hope that she goes far - bless her - her Mum baked a chocolate cake - and we will have a Happy Birthday singing event later today -

I'd left school by her age - and was already on one of my many journeys thru life - away from home - due to things not being good at home for me - clashes with my elder brother had got out of hand - and I was the one who had to leave - but none of that's gonna happen with my daughter - she's happy to be at home 🏡
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Reminds me of the story about a baby born with no eyelids.
Doc to parents - "if you intend having the kid circumcised, I could use the foreskin to make and graft new eyelids".
Parents - "but that will look terrible"
Doc - "looks don't count. Just think of the foresight he'll have"
Some weeks later -

Parents to Doc : now that little Jimmy has had his foreskin/eye lid graft - he does seem to get unduly excitable - when he blinks - is that normal? -

* Ahh so they use some of them for eyelids - what all else? - must be millions MIA -
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
I have not heard of that particular variety of tomato, I read it's leaves and roots are poisonous.
It's really quite surprising how big some tomatoes get.
All tomatoes are in the nightshade family. The "tomato" type of nightshade makes a deadly chemical ever-so-slightly different than its cousins...

...So you can eat it, sorta.

All tomatoes are still poisonous. <-- HEY! Doan blame me! I like the poisonous bastages too!!

But they are ALL poisonous. That deadly chemical the tomato nightshade altered got altered enough so that unless you eat a whole bunch of tomatoes, you will not be poisoned.

*IF* you eat too many poisonberries, you can get liver and heart damage. Oh, and gastrointestinal problems, too.

AGAIN: I disavow any complicity in the design of this delicious, but bottom-line poisonous plant.


Well-known member
And a very good morning from London - England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - it's 5.25 am - not completely overcast - can see a bit of blue - peeping thru - but a bit chilly on the balcony - so I'm wearing a light house coat 😀 - anyways -

My daughter will be 16 years old today - Jeez - 16 years already - and she's slap bang in the middle of 11 G.C.S.E exams at school - and doing OK 👍 - so far - she's a smart one - and doesn't seem to have a problem learning academic things - and we hope that she goes far - bless her - her Mum baked a chocolate cake - and we will have a Happy Birthday singing event later today -

I'd left school by her age - and was already on one of my many journeys thru life - away from home - due to things not being good at home for me - clashes with my elder brother had got out of hand - and I was the one who had to leave - but none of that's gonna happen with my daughter - she's happy to be at home 🏡
Hey @Gypsy Nirvana . Tell the young lady that @Magu🌈 says HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! 🥳 🥳
Good morning all. Its going to get hot in a day or two so I need to get my work done while it is cool. You guys are making me look bad with all your monster plants. 🙄 So here is an “ Original Haze”. Aint she cute?

Unca Walt

Well-known member
This is pretty funny..... I am going through the last of my life and throwing away all the crap so the probate won't have to. I am the very last of my family and all this kind of stuff has to go into the trash.

This is the hospital bill from when I was born. 15 bux extra for a circumcision. LOL

View attachment 19016121
The Sharon, Connecticut hospital bill to my parents for my delivery, including several days stay in the hospital back in 1940 was $15.

That's about $2 /lb. Geez, I have always been cheap!!