My computer crapped out yesterday, the fan went and suddenly there was a new page up on the screen showing me this red bar graph gaining in length, it was measuring the heat build up. Then it died.
So, it was off to the city to look for a new computer and the wife bought a new IPAD as well.
The stores around here are not very well stocked yet, choices are limited, what the hell is going on.
The store we usually shop at was out of stock on his suggested computer so he actually told us to go to another store rather then sell us something else. That's why I like to shop that store.
So the actual computer is inside the monitor, amazing.
So, it was off to the city to look for a new computer and the wife bought a new IPAD as well.
The stores around here are not very well stocked yet, choices are limited, what the hell is going on.
The store we usually shop at was out of stock on his suggested computer so he actually told us to go to another store rather then sell us something else. That's why I like to shop that store.
So the actual computer is inside the monitor, amazing.