You should be, when I first got my by-pass I felt like a new man even before I got out of the hospital. Before I went in I couldn't walk more then 100 yards without getting severe chest pains (angina) forcing me to stop and rest a bit to get the chest pains to go away and continue on if I hadn't reached where I was walking to yet. On the the third day after they yanked out the drainage tubes freeing me from my bed, they encouraged me to get up and walk around a bit sayng it would help me to heal quicker and also help to have the bowel movement that my release was conditioned on. Well I immediately found I could walk much further then 100 yards without the chest pains. I was so delighted that for the next 3 days until I was released I was constantly walking around the hospital floor I was on. So between whatever you had done and the pace maker you should definitely be feeling like you used to several years ago since these heart problems tend to rob us slowly of our strength and endurance over time but we tend to just dismiss it as being tired until it gets to the point we recognize something has changed.I'm feeling like I'm only running on 4 cylinders instead of 8 lately Boo - but I don't have to be on oxygen - just pain killers - laxatives - and blood thinners - have this pacemaker surgery scheduled for tomorrow - and am wondering how I'ma gonna feel after that - just have to grin and Bear - whatever they do to me in this hospital - and have faith that I'll eventually be feeling better - instead of worse - at some unspecified point - in the immediate future - I 'spose?
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