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The Official 1 sqft Challenge


12and12 Grow Journal

Date: 1.22.09
Genetic: Bubble Funk
Plant Age: Surfaced 1.13.09 Veg day 8
System: Soil/CFL
Grow Medium: FoxFarm Ocean Forest,Perlite,Lime

Lighting Conditions

Lighting: 125 Watt Florescent 5000k 8120 Lumen
Distance: 4”
Cycle: 24 Hour

Environmental Conditions

Temperature: 68-75 deg F
Humidity: 45-55 %
Ventilation [out]: 4” inline 80 cfm On
Ventilation [in]: 6” Fan on low
Heater: small thermostat controlled 1500w
Air Conditioner:
Odour Control: Ona on hand

Water Conditions

H20 Type: RO Store Bought
pH in/runoff: 5.5/6.8
TDS content [PPM]:

Feeding Solution

Nutrient Solution: Fox Farms Trio on hand, Mollasses
Nutrient Levels:
Additive Levels:
Foliar Feed:

Plant Health / Stats 3 Bubble Funk

Plant Height: A:1 3/4" B: 1 1/2” C: 1”
Bud Density:
Trichome Production:
Internode Spacing:

Notes: I transplanted yesterday to some 16oz cups with FF Ocean Forest and Perlite no Lime my runoff was in the mid 7’s and it seemed no matter how much water I ran through them they still were at 7.5-7.7 with the transplant and watered with molasses pH’d at 5.5 pH runoff is now at 6.8 so it seems to be closer to where I would like it.

Growth seems to be fine the edges and veins of Bettie and Clara have a purple tint to them and Alyssa is green are they just showing signs of pheno or is it starting to show a deficiency?

And the tips of the group seem to be curling down ….I don’t know what do you guys think?


Im sorry kaoitc i saw someone said that if you run hps and cfl then your have to be in the HPS category and must stay under 150 watts im sorry about that you are more then welcome to run both or i cannot participate if its going to be a problem i just saw the deal an had to jump on it lowes had it marked on the display as 19.99 but the tag said 34.99 and i bitched until i got it for 20 so i did it my bad and im one of those people who as soon as you get something you have to use it you know again sorry dude
12and12 Grow Journal

Date: 1.22.09
Genetic: Bubble Funk
Plant Age: Surfaced 1.13.09 Veg day 8
System: Soil/CFL
Grow Medium: FoxFarm Ocean Forest,Perlite,Lime

Lighting Conditions

Lighting: 125 Watt Florescent 5000k 8120 Lumen
Distance: 4”
Cycle: 24 Hour

Environmental Conditions

Temperature: 68-75 deg F
Humidity: 45-55 %
Ventilation [out]: 4” inline 80 cfm On
Ventilation [in]: 6” Fan on low
Heater: small thermostat controlled 1500w
Air Conditioner:
Odour Control: Ona on hand

Water Conditions

H20 Type: RO Store Bought
pH in/runoff: 5.5/6.8
TDS content [PPM]:

Feeding Solution

Nutrient Solution: Fox Farms Trio on hand, Mollasses
Nutrient Levels:
Additive Levels:
Foliar Feed:

Plant Health / Stats 3 Bubble Funk

Plant Height: A:1 3/4" B: 1 1/2” C: 1”
Bud Density:
Trichome Production:
Internode Spacing:

Notes: I transplanted yesterday to some 16oz cups with FF Ocean Forest and Perlite no Lime my runoff was in the mid 7’s and it seemed no matter how much water I ran through them they still were at 7.5-7.7 with the transplant and watered with molasses pH’d at 5.5 pH runoff is now at 6.8 so it seems to be closer to where I would like it.

Growth seems to be fine the edges and veins of Bettie and Clara have a purple tint to them and Alyssa is green are they just showing signs of pheno or is it starting to show a deficiency?

And the tips of the group seem to be curling down ….I don’t know what do you guys think?



kinda looks like over water with overfert in the first pic any was what does the FFOF have in it nute wise


i might have been over watering......

nutrients in the OF earthworm castings, bat guano, and Pacific Northwest sea-going fish and crab meal. Composted forest humus, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss

as far as i know thats from the website....

sorry for not posting pics of my box i assumed the old square foot challenge was linked to this one

the box is approximately 12"x12"x36"

Veg: 125watt=625watt 5000k 8120 lumen

flower: 125 cfl and 3 23watt 2700k 1600 lumen (each)....12920 lumen in all


yea that might be your problem to much fertilizer in the mix my buddy back home uses that same soil but for seedlings he cuts it 2/3 light warrior and 1/3 ocean forest is that a V-SCROG your doing there i forgot all about those have your done one before


yea that might be your problem to much fertilizer in the mix my buddy back home uses that same soil but for seedlings he cuts it 2/3 light warrior and 1/3 ocean forest is that a V-SCROG your doing there i forgot all about those have your done one before

i definately think i will cut this stuff more next potting

scrog.....im still working on that a bit ...i thought it might work in this case because of the long floro and maybe get a little more room for buds... but we will see how it goes never used a scrog bent this much....


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor


Official specs:

14" x 15"
13.5 inches of vertical growth area
198 watts CFL
6" 250CFM fan
Soil bed

I seem to be able to post pics now so here you go. I taken pics throughout the build. All I have left is intake, I've been busy lately.

Seems to be a tad bit wide.

Let there be light

Can I get some air please?

Alittle bit of Ol Ben Franklin's genius we've all come to know as power.

I thought the rubbermaid was pretty clever. Sorry if I stole anyone's ingenuity.

Soil bed. I'll line it with a trash bag and we are good to go.

This is where I'm at now. Hopefully my mothers will be ready in time.
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Active member
love that fan/carbon scrubber module! pure genius kaotic.
soil bed is pretty cool too. nice job.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I did not put the carbon in yet. I made the space for it inline but it probably won't get finished for this grow. It will be going in the mounting flange under the fan. I might have to use an extra fan with it for a decent filter so we'll see.
kaotic thats a sweet cab you got there plexie glass is the shit right... you plan on winning ha...... i thought of building a box like the one your using for your bed fiberglass it and making a DWC or sort of i guess a SWC one that will be perfect for my cab you know so i don't have to settle loosing any space whats the step up for in your bed


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the compliment. The step is for maximizing space like you said. There is a step in the fridge so I had to work around it. And yes I plan to win so you better come with something good.

P.S Fiberglass resin will continue to release all kinds of nasty stuff after it is cured. You can use it but I wouldnt reccomend it.
Sweet cab Kaotic, I helped my friend build a cab out of an old fridge, just like yours, but he did his a bit different, not nearly as ingenious as yours. Props man.


went to the hydro store on saturday and got a couple gooodies
got some FF Light Warrior and repotted with
60% Light Warrior
30% FF Ocean Forest
10% Perlite
24hours later and they are looking a bit better!!
picked up a 7" dome
TechnaFlora Recipe for Success starter kit....which is pretty cool i might just go with this company i like their line

I used the Thrive Alive B-1 Red and soaked the soil and i just sprayed them down with Thrive Alive B-1 Green Foliage Spray

...anyone have some suggestions concerning TechnaFlora?


# 4 first sign.............12hours...............48hours

24 hours after Repott


and Two more Buns in the Oven



Looks like I might be the first to harvest!
12/12 started on Dec 15th using a 85w cfl - 49 days into flower when the pics were taken.

Lights off:
Lights on:
Lights on tempweature is 79-83 and 29% humidity
a bit cramped!
I count 23 budsites and I'm hoping there might be a gram or two, possibly even three on each....
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looks good dabber the thread has kinda been slacken i have been trying to get seed/clones all in order i have totally remodeled my cab ill get some pics up later tonight


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I'm in the same boat here OM. I'm still waiting on clones. I would hate to have to do this from seed. What's the latest start date again?


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Ha I think you might be right. So when do we get to see your cab?


ICMag Donor
Away we go!

Away we go!

Plants went into the cab today. Here's a compilation of day 0.

Day 0


Here's a shot of the plants inside the cab.


Let the stretch begin.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Glad to see ya here. Lets see you top your last grow!
blynx shits looking good i want to see you pull at least double last grow yea i have been lurking but her are a few pics of the cab im going to replace them with up to date pics seeing how i have been doing alot of work on it lately