Ocean and Sea fish are disappearing and will be gone soon
Could this be possible? Well according to a new report by a prestigious group and released through the UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programs), it is not only possible but also happening right now.
The oceans will be fished clean by 2050 if nothing is done, says the report under the "Green Initiatives" program. The situation is serious and requires immediate attention is the gist of the report that warns of a global loss of most fish stocks in the near future.
We have probably all been suspecting the numbers to start lowering due to increasing demands from commercial fishing and various oil spills and possibility the effects of climate change, but until this report few people believed in the possibility of the oceans bountiful supply of fish actually running completely out.
The director of the group Achim Steiner, has announced that the only way to stop this, is to give fish certain protected zones in the seas and to pressure the commercial fishing industry by cutting subsidies to fishing fleets and cutting boat size there by limiting hauls.
But how did things get this bad one would ask? Do you like seafood?
Well here are some figures that might help you understand. Besides the millions of shoreline fishermen and game fisherman who trod our own waters and shores every year, there are millions in others in impoverished countries who use the sea as their main source of protein.
There are also over 500 million people linked in one way or another to the commercial fishing of the seas and they provide seafood for billions everyday.
The report also says that the governments encourage fleets to increase their size through their subsidies, and there by keep sending larger fishing fleets out after fewer fish.
In the US those subsidies amount to about 27 billion annually, with the entire value of the fish being caught only coming up to 85 billion, that seems like a waist.
The oceans, are thought to be over fished right now and the fleets are hauling up way too many fish. If we take care of the problem now we can sustain the supply but if we keep traveling on this wasteful highway they'll be an unknown treat to our grand kids.
We must react the right way now or soon you may have to decide whether to get ground beef instead of grouper from the local market for our dinner party and order the chicken instead of the snapper at our local restaurants.
this from 2010...doesn't even account for the radioactive plume from fukashima making it's way to our coast...
Could this be possible? Well according to a new report by a prestigious group and released through the UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programs), it is not only possible but also happening right now.
The oceans will be fished clean by 2050 if nothing is done, says the report under the "Green Initiatives" program. The situation is serious and requires immediate attention is the gist of the report that warns of a global loss of most fish stocks in the near future.
We have probably all been suspecting the numbers to start lowering due to increasing demands from commercial fishing and various oil spills and possibility the effects of climate change, but until this report few people believed in the possibility of the oceans bountiful supply of fish actually running completely out.
The director of the group Achim Steiner, has announced that the only way to stop this, is to give fish certain protected zones in the seas and to pressure the commercial fishing industry by cutting subsidies to fishing fleets and cutting boat size there by limiting hauls.
But how did things get this bad one would ask? Do you like seafood?
Well here are some figures that might help you understand. Besides the millions of shoreline fishermen and game fisherman who trod our own waters and shores every year, there are millions in others in impoverished countries who use the sea as their main source of protein.
There are also over 500 million people linked in one way or another to the commercial fishing of the seas and they provide seafood for billions everyday.
The report also says that the governments encourage fleets to increase their size through their subsidies, and there by keep sending larger fishing fleets out after fewer fish.
In the US those subsidies amount to about 27 billion annually, with the entire value of the fish being caught only coming up to 85 billion, that seems like a waist.
The oceans, are thought to be over fished right now and the fleets are hauling up way too many fish. If we take care of the problem now we can sustain the supply but if we keep traveling on this wasteful highway they'll be an unknown treat to our grand kids.
We must react the right way now or soon you may have to decide whether to get ground beef instead of grouper from the local market for our dinner party and order the chicken instead of the snapper at our local restaurants.
this from 2010...doesn't even account for the radioactive plume from fukashima making it's way to our coast...