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The New Chocolate Thai

Donald Mallard

el duck
Most of the early Thai we got Donald was high land how do i know simple it was not what we call narrow leaf Thai sativa it had a more broad leaf to it compared to the low land Thai sativas.

They looked more like an old school Colombian sativa and then after harvest would dry dark brown.

Going by Steve DeAngelo of Harborside chock Thai landed in 83 in the US and for a short period but one guy one opinion.
are u going to ignore the fact that the highland folks were not growing for export hempy ??

one needs an understanding of the geography of a country , and some understanding of the people and culture , to make judgments of which products come from where and who was involved in making them , or growing them ..

was this broader leaf cannabis coming to you in the form of a thai stick??

how did it differ from the stuff you call lowland , thin leaf cannabis , was it the presentation , or just how the plants grew from the seed you obtained .. ???

Donald Mallard

el duck
Chock Thai or as i call it highland Thai was very strong and it came in as imported Thai sticks.

I dont know what you guys are calling chock Thai but the last of what i would call good imported Thai was around 85 then the quality of imported Thai went down hill and then completely stopped.

Thai dose not have high CBD you can find it still here in some older growers hands so i bet you can still find it in the hill tribes of Thailand also.
ok i found it to quote ,
thai sticks were not from the highlands ,
totally different part of thailand ,
thai stick is from the north eastern isaan area ,
its not mountainous , mostly flat with the odd hills around ...

if you watch that video clip you shared the other day again ,
youll see ritter mention that ....

i am 100% sure what you are referring to as choc thai is not the same animal as the americans received ,

and im also sure it was not highland weed ...


The Haze Whisperer
ok i found it to quote ,
thai sticks were not from the highlands ,
totally different part of thailand ,
thai stick is from the north eastern isaan area ,
its not mountainous , mostly flat with the odd hills around ...

if you watch that video clip you shared the other day again ,
youll see ritter mention that ....

i am 100% sure what you are referring to as choc thai is not the same animal as the americans received ,

and im also sure it was not highland weed ...

I watched the video Donald he was one guy using one Thai broker but there were many Thai brokers and many other smugglers working out of Thailand just for the us alone no one knew what the others were doing.


The Haze Whisperer
are u going to ignore the fact that the highland folks were not growing for export hempy ??

one needs an understanding of the geography of a country , and some understanding of the people and culture , to make judgments of which products come from where and who was involved in making them , or growing them ..

was this broader leaf cannabis coming to you in the form of a thai stick??

how did it differ from the stuff you call lowland , thin leaf cannabis , was it the presentation , or just how the plants grew from the seed you obtained .. ???

I know the cannabis part not the country as i never went there friends did.

The seed we found in imported Thai was grown out and they were the broader leaf Thai sativas that looked like Colombian Sats there the ones that harvested and dried dark brown.

The Low land Thai was also used as Thai sticks the ones i posted are from 1978 imported Thai stick they dry green.I never saw green Thai sticks only brown.


Well-known member
ok i found it to quote ,
thai sticks were not from the highlands ,
totally different part of thailand ,
thai stick is from the north eastern isaan area ,
its not mountainous , mostly flat with the odd hills around ...

if you watch that video clip you shared the other day again ,
youll see ritter mention that ....

i am 100% sure what you are referring to as choc thai is not the same animal as the americans received ,

and im also sure it was not highland weed ...

Who knows what thev been getting as chocolate thai in the usa Donald....even tho its only one report from thousands upon thousands that are saying its thai..thers still that one report saying they were relabling some type of mexican as chocolate thai...problem then is why...why didnt they call it chocolate mexican...or was ther really this chocolate thai going around that was actually good that they had to relabel this mexican as that thai to try to sell it...then you also have the issue that it wasnt only in the usa but other countries on the other side of the world...your description of the easter egg thai seems about right with what we got here....wen we first got it you could tell it was some sort of what they called buddha thai...but started changing and getting weaker and drier...no real stickness too it like it first used to....
The original was probably imitated or hybridized many times.


The Haze Whisperer
All i know is what we scored from 79 until when it went to shit and completely dried up in 85/86 before that it was nice.

We were lucky as we could grow it here and to this day you can still find older growers growing it around this country.

I know by what my friend brought back from Thailand in 1986 what was valuable there then as far as quality went genetic wise and it was very good still.

The genetics were stable and true breeding if we still have these lines Thai farmers and Thai growers would to.


Donald Mallard

el duck
I know the cannabis part not the country as i never went there friends did.

The seed we found in imported Thai was grown out and they were the broader leaf Thai sativas that looked like Colombian Sats there the ones that harvested and dried dark brown.

The Low land Thai was also used as Thai sticks the ones i posted are from 1978 imported Thai stick they dry green.I never saw green Thai sticks only brown.
i know what you are saying hempy ,
and i am not trying to be disrespectful ,
i hope im not coming across like that ,

other than teaching you an important lesson in geography and cannabis farming from thailand ,
which is , the thai stick cannabis came from the Isaan provinces , it is not highland ,

so if you smoked thai stick , it came from there ,
it definitely was not from the highland village tribes in another part of the country ...

the rest , i dont know where all the compressed stuff came from , it is still there , just lower quality , and its not from thailand .

i do know however that Laos cannabis has broader leaf than ive seen in thai cannabis , but they didnt make thai sticks , it was sold loose or compressed for half the price of thai sticks at the time...

yea man , its sometimes hard to know with cannabis as folks intentionally tell stories to hide/protect the origin/source of it,

my thoughts are at least the later stuff folks report getting in the mid 90s was not from thailand as they had stopped the large crops by that point and i doubt they were exporting anymore ..


The Haze Whisperer
i know what you are saying hempy ,
and i am not trying to be disrespectful ,
i hope im not coming across like that ,

other than teaching you an important lesson in geography and cannabis farming from thailand ,
which is , the thai stick cannabis came from the Isaan provinces , it is not highland ,

so if you smoked thai stick , it came from there ,
it definitely was not from the highland village tribes in another part of the country ...

the rest , i dont know where all the compressed stuff came from , it is still there , just lower quality , and its not from thailand .

i do know however that Laos cannabis has broader leaf than ive seen in thai cannabis , but they didnt make thai sticks , it was sold loose or compressed for half the price of thai sticks at the time...

yea man , its sometimes hard to know with cannabis as folks intentionally tell stories to hide/protect the origin/source of it,

my thoughts are at least the later stuff folks report getting in the mid 90s was not from thailand as they had stopped the large crops by that point and i doubt they were exporting anymore ..

I dont think your being disrespectful Donald your just relaying your experiences.

That is all i am doing also and all the Thai sticks we scored from 79 until it dried up was brown. The stuff in 78 was Green not sure about before that.

All the Thai i grew and mates grew here are what they call chock Thai or what i call high land Thais. A friend from school that lives up your way has one that has been there for at lest 40 years growing in that area.

Nevil's experience with Thai sticks in WA was different again but also when Nevil went to Thailand what he found and smoked was poor. Yet some years later my close mate that went to Thailand often for work that had contacts in Thailand managed to arrange some very good genetics of what locals called Golden Buddha.

Australians were in the Golden triangle working with war lords getting them to arrange grows and also had them supple them heroin to.

Its safe to say unless you were on the ground in all parts of the country no one would know what was really going on.


Well-known member
i know what you are saying hempy ,
and i am not trying to be disrespectful ,
i hope im not coming across like that ,

other than teaching you an important lesson in geography and cannabis farming from thailand ,
which is , the thai stick cannabis came from the Isaan provinces , it is not highland ,

so if you smoked thai stick , it came from there ,
it definitely was not from the highland village tribes in another part of the country ...

the rest , i dont know where all the compressed stuff came from , it is still there , just lower quality , and its not from thailand .

i do know however that Laos cannabis has broader leaf than ive seen in thai cannabis , but they didnt make thai sticks , it was sold loose or compressed for half the price of thai sticks at the time...

yea man , its sometimes hard to know with cannabis as folks intentionally tell stories to hide/protect the origin/source of it,

my thoughts are at least the later stuff folks report getting in the mid 90s was not from thailand as they had stopped the large crops by that point and i doubt they were exporting anymore ..

Agreed Donald some of the later stuff are more likely nationaly grown hybrids from more closer regions....what do you think of those pictures of drowahs chocolate thai me and maha put up.....to me it definitely looks like a hybrid not sure what one half is but it sure does look like it has pre 80's thai in it...looks like it has something very similar to what they call 76 and 78 thai in it... (not hempys thia)


Well-known member
Really cool Stocktont... do you know the origins of the hull design? Its definitely a design I have seen before in photographs, is it one adapted from a traditional design from one of the local tribes*? (*not sure if this is the right word) How fast do you think they travel? The water there is so calm its like glass... what time of year would be best if I wanted to paddle around in those conditions?

Very cool about the fabric... it was something I associated more with India/Nepal I didn't realize other places used those colours as well. Its very interesting how many cultures bless their boats with tokens of good luck, viking ship eyes painted on the front, I guess respect of water and the ocean is universal in us :)

Sorry for peppering you with questions... you photos are so interesting I want to learn more. :)

Thanks for the kind words. I am not an expert on the boats but they are just referred to as ”long-tail boats” and the thai name is similar ”boat with a long back end” which refers to the propellers which they put on the end of a long rod to get it away from the boat and it also makes it possible to use the engine to turn the boat as you can use it like a rodder kind of. Most of the long-tail boats look similar in the south, just differences in size and some have built protection against the sun (like a sun roof) and rain and some are just open ones.

The place in the picture is a made dam so as long as the weather is somewhat normal, not too windy, the waves are not big. Usually it looks like a mirror, especially early in the day. Where I stayed when going we had plastic kayaks tied to the floating villa so we could take one and go out paddling whenever we wanted. I would recommend you to go there in the ”high season” which is roughly between December and April, there’s some rain in those months but nothing like the real monsoon.

the luck thing is widespread in the buddhist population which to me is a bit counter intuitive studding some (some, not an expert mind you) buddhism and putting money into different numbered bowls to win the lottery is one of those things I just went ”what” when they did. They bless a car, a boat, a house too, if you build a new house you’ll have the monks from the temple there doing a ritual and praying for the house and you invite all your friends and family and everyone will come and see the monks do their thing, give gifts to the monks who in turn blesses the house and the people that will live in it. They can do this with older houses too but usually they always do it when it’s new sort of like mariners always name their boats or it’s bad luck, they bless their houses or they might get bad luck. then when the ceremony is done, everyone eats and socializes, it’s quite fun and almost like a wedding or funeral which are quite similar if you exclude the rites (one person is dead and the other two are just getting started in their new life), the parties are sometimes (not always) very similar and the food.

I don’t think the boats have anything do to with Vikings but they do have a similar shape and most of them are also very shallow going but I think that came out of practical use, for both the vikings and the thais separately but what do I know…

no problems with the questions man, totally ok!


Well-known member
Interesting plant Stocktont.....do you have a full picture of the plant by any chance please.

the other pictures have people in them and I don’t want to post them… what is it that is interesting with it? Just a south east asian garden plant, nothing too special about it but it smoked pretty good, the old woman that grew this one gave me a few branches one day as I had been walking by her house and looked at her three plants, touching them and smelling them and smiling for a few minutes. She’s a friend of my family there, I wouldn’t recommend people to just walk in to other homes like that and sniff their plants, LOL, but in this area everyone knows who I am and that lady is a cool old lady…


Well-known member
I spoke to Andy a bit on the Thai weed seen he told me most is being grown out of Thailand now and smuggled in clearly its been that way for some years.

Sure you still have many inside Thailand still growing there personal and a little for commercial but nothing like it was once.

A lot of dutch weeds grown there to now.

Why would you risk it in Thailand when you can cross the river and grow it there with little to no hassle.

Did Nevil tell Andy this and then now you know it for sure? Hahaha people should really hire you to be their guide going there as you sure seem to be the authority, maybe not on the country as you said, just the cannabis…. You make for a coffee-spitting laugh every morning these days… The great leader of team haze that never grew a haze, now expert of a place he never visited always equipped with some borrowed facts from other people, tell us more about your ”highlands” oh wise one!

Donald Mallard

el duck
I dont think your being disrespectful Donald your just relaying your experiences.

That is all i am doing also and all the Thai sticks we scored from 79 until it dried up was brown. The stuff in 78 was Green not sure about before that.

All the Thai i grew and mates grew here are what they call chock Thai or what i call high land Thais. A friend from school that lives up your way has one that has been there for at lest 40 years growing in that area.

Nevil's experience with Thai sticks in WA was different again but also when Nevil went to Thailand what he found and smoked was poor. Yet some years later my close mate that went to Thailand often for work that had contacts in Thailand managed to arrange some very good genetics of what locals called Golden Buddha.

Australians were in the Golden triangle working with war lords getting them to arrange grows and also had them supple them heroin to.

Its safe to say unless you were on the ground in all parts of the country no one would know what was really going on.
well thats a good thing ,

it took me a lot of visits to all corners of that country to even begin to understand how it works and what was happening where,
and living with a thai women for quite a few years,

i still have a lot to learn , in time ,
the point i was trying to make with you is some of what you say is incorrect and cant happen where and when you say , but u couldnt understand that without having local knowledge or first hand experience ,
i know you wanna call those thai sticks highland weed , but there is no chance that is what they were , thai stick was not grown in those places ,
export cannabis was not grown in all parts of thailand , it was mostly the north east ....

i better make it the last time i say that as its getting a bit old and im sure everyone else has clued onto it now .. lol ...

as a friend pointed out to me , chocolate isnt even a thing in thailand they dont have a word for it , so its unlikely they ever called any weed by that name ,
its hard for us westerners to look through anything but western eyes when we view other cultures , our preconceived ideas are quite pronounced when we describe things to other westerners ...

the same goes for the golden buddha, that really isnt what the locals would call it , they may have said that to your friend , but it isnt something they would call it to one another ... its a western terminology ...

im surprised you never saw any "golden buddha" aka golden thai , the golden voice , etc in Australia,

i guess Melbournes ports were where most things started out and spread from hence the reason i saw it ,
but old dogs knob obviously saw it and lived north of Sydney

he sent me a bag of seeds labelled that in the early thousands ,
but they were too old and never came up ...

you can bet the guys in the golden triangle were organizing heroin and not weed , they did opium poppies there , not weed ,
they may have gone to another part of the country to arrange some weed to smuggle but most likely not in the golden triangle...

i heard of some americans doing "a" grow there , but i highly doubt that was common , the thai people wouldnt encourage farangs to take their business from them , it would be quite frowned upon and given the price they could buy it , not really worthwhile for them either ...

they couldnt just pop across the river and grow some either , its another country once u cross that river ...


The Haze Whisperer
Did Nevil tell Andy this and then now you know it for sure? Hahaha people should really hire you to be their guide going there as you sure seem to be the authority, maybe not on the country as you said, just the cannabis…. You make for a coffee-spitting laugh every morning these days… The great leader of team haze that never grew a haze, now expert of a place he never visited always equipped with some borrowed facts from other people, tell us more about your ”highlands” oh wise one!

Andy was a mod here who recently past away who i became friends with who lived in Thailand and was a outlaw and a super nice guy who did not know Nevil on a personal level.

Were are your pictures of the Thai you grown wise one that's right you never grew any.


Well-known member
Andy was a mod here who recently past away who i became friends with who lived in Thailand and was a outlaw and a super nice guy who did not know Nevil on a personal level.

Were are your pictures of the Thai you grown wise one that's right you never grew any.

hahaha… yea… I never grew anything, that’s the topic is it. I wasn’t saying that happened, I asked, in a quite rude and sarcastic way if that was the case, don’t get your panties in a twist. Tell us how many of those outdoor pictures are yours, you took them and they are yours, not something you found through all these years of googling shit. So let’s not do this, I don’t care that much what you’ve grown, you don’t think I have grown any whatever


The Haze Whisperer
I am tired of being trolled if i pulled the same crap as you id be banned time you go into ignore.


Well-known member
I am tired of being trolled if i pulled the same crap as you id be banned time you go into ignore.

remember that old story, must be old enough for you to remember, about that boy who cried wolf… keep repeating whatever you’re doing and no one will believe you. Answer the other thread instead of playing the victim once more. You get what you give, also old enough so you could have heard it in the 70s but I don’t know, I wasn’t there right…

why don’t you argue your case instead of trying to discredit me, if I am fake, will that make you real?


Well-known member
Thank you for answering my questions Stocktont :)

Its a very cool hull design. Like you say the long rod at the back helps a lot with maneuverability I imagine - the farther a rudder/prop is from the stern of a boat, the more leverage it has to turn a boat. Very smart.

Your right I dont think that the Viking Long Ships had very much in common with your long tail boats... different designs for different purposes I imagine. The Long Ships had to cross lots of open water, where I imagine the Thai long tailed boat stays mostly close to the islands there? I always enjoy trying to find universal truths that can apply to all humans and cultures... finding things that unite us is cathartic right now. What I meant was people from all over the world have been blessing their boats and ships with tokens and prayers. I have to think it comes from a primal understanding that when it comes to the power of oceans and water, we are largely at its mercy as we skim atop its depths.

That sounds like a fun ceremony! I would love to see one sometime. Those types of ceremonies are something I always feel privileged to be a part of as an outsider. I recently attended a "sweat" done by the elders of a Local Native band in celebration of the birth of my friends son. Anyways thanks again for your insights :)


Well-known member
Thank you for answering my questions Stocktont :)

Its a very cool hull design. Like you say the long rod at the back helps a lot with maneuverability I imagine - the farther a rudder/prop is from the stern of a boat, the more leverage it has to turn a boat. Very smart.

Your right I dont think that the Viking Long Ships had very much in common with your long tail boats... different designs for different purposes I imagine. The Long Ships had to cross lots of open water, where I imagine the Thai long tailed boat stays mostly close to the islands there? I always enjoy trying to find universal truths that can apply to all humans and cultures... finding things that unite us is cathartic right now. What I meant was people from all over the world have been blessing their boats and ships with tokens and prayers. I have to think it comes from a primal understanding that when it comes to the power of oceans and water, we are largely at its mercy as we skim atop its depths.

That sounds like a fun ceremony! I would love to see one sometime. Those types of ceremonies are something I always feel privileged to be a part of as an outsider. I recently attended a "sweat" done by the elders of a Local Native band in celebration of the birth of my friends son. Anyways thanks again for your insights :)

Thanks for your kind manner sir, I happen to be a ”viking” or form those areas living in south east Asia so I am also familiar with the viking long boats and our history.

Yea the engine/rodder is used that way for that very purpose, it can be dangerous if you get in the water as the blades on the propeller can easily slice you up bad and that long rod or arm can jump and go if it’s not controlled. They can go out to sea but I doubt anyone would cross any significant ocean in one.

Cool with the native ceremony, I agree that is it very rewarding and fun to be let into such places and be part of it. same in Thailand, they also love to socialize and make food and party. Whatever the cause.

Thanks man and all the best!


The Haze Whisperer
well thats a good thing ,

it took me a lot of visits to all corners of that country to even begin to understand how it works and what was happening where,
and living with a thai women for quite a few years,

i still have a lot to learn , in time ,
the point i was trying to make with you is some of what you say is incorrect and cant happen where and when you say , but u couldnt understand that without having local knowledge or first hand experience ,
i know you wanna call those thai sticks highland weed , but there is no chance that is what they were , thai stick was not grown in those places ,
export cannabis was not grown in all parts of thailand , it was mostly the north east ....

i better make it the last time i say that as its getting a bit old and im sure everyone else has clued onto it now .. lol ...

as a friend pointed out to me , chocolate isnt even a thing in thailand they dont have a word for it , so its unlikely they ever called any weed by that name ,
its hard for us westerners to look through anything but western eyes when we view other cultures , our preconceived ideas are quite pronounced when we describe things to other westerners ...

the same goes for the golden buddha, that really isnt what the locals would call it , they may have said that to your friend , but it isnt something they would call it to one another ... its a western terminology ...

im surprised you never saw any "golden buddha" aka golden thai , the golden voice , etc in Australia,

i guess Melbournes ports were where most things started out and spread from hence the reason i saw it ,
but old dogs knob obviously saw it and lived north of Sydney

he sent me a bag of seeds labelled that in the early thousands ,
but they were too old and never came up ...

you can bet the guys in the golden triangle were organizing heroin and not weed , they did opium poppies there , not weed ,
they may have gone to another part of the country to arrange some weed to smuggle but most likely not in the golden triangle...

i heard of some americans doing "a" grow there , but i highly doubt that was common , the thai people wouldnt encourage farangs to take their business from them , it would be quite frowned upon and given the price they could buy it , not really worthwhile for them either ...

they couldnt just pop across the river and grow some either , its another country once u cross that river ...

The info about the Thai sativas being grown in the tribal areas were the opium was grown and were the war lords were came out from the royal commissions and inquiry's.

The large American/Australian syndicate that had the CIA AFP and others all working together also operated from there.

Underworld figures from Australia were inside the Golden triangle over seeing large grows they intended to bring home also all documented.

The main ports they used was in NSW because the Black nights as they were called controlled and protected them again all documented.

Ship full of Afghani Hash or ships from other locations carrying Cannabis you name it would arrive in Sydney off load some then be given a clean bill. Meaning now the ship heading to the US or the EU was now not from Afghanistan or Thailand or a know drug smuggling rout but from Australia and would sail into port with no red flags.

The 60s 70s and early to mid 80s was the time after that it all changed in Thailand.

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