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The lets hate on indica thread

St. Phatty

Active member
I hope this isn't a sign that we're going to have a "hate on Chocolate" or "hate on Coffee" thread.

Or, worse yet, a "hate on Mayonnaise" thread.


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The Haze Whisperer
While we were a sleep Sativa took off with Indica so it looks like more hybrids are on the way :tiphat:


St. Phatty

Active member
I think people who hate Indica or Sativa haven't tasted -

* PU Licorice Skunk, my name for a Pure Indica I grew in the early 90's.

* Skunk Sativa from Mexican bag seed. Grew out 100 in the late 90's, one was just spectacular.

sort of like judging black people - if you've only met Mike Tyson.

OH GOSH, that may have sounded racist.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- very important sign - particularly if you are half-nodding-out on a strong Indica -

I think people who hate Indica or Sativa haven't tasted -

* PU Licorice Skunk, my name for a Pure Indica I grew in the early 90's.

* Skunk Sativa from Mexican bag seed. Grew out 100 in the late 90's, one was just spectacular.

sort of like judging black people - if you've only met Mike Tyson.

OH GOSH, that may have sounded racist.

May ? joe biden is blushing at that one.

I much prefer indica's and indica dominant hybrids
I don't understand how anyone could hate a good indica

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Great thread hehehe!
Can we do another one to bash sativas please?
I'm joining both!!!
Stupid indicas, chubby white kids of cannabis they make me want to do heroin and fucking sativas always with the racy edge and mindfuck making me trip like I'm on shrooms and no ceiling to the high wtf



Active member
Monsanto pushes indicas so they can sell more fungicide. We all know the indica plants are botrytis factories. Those pussy plants succumb to anything in high humidity and can't carry their ridiculous weight. This causes the tops to lean on each other, creating microclimates of very high humidity. It's Bayer's "wet" dream. In a similar vein, if you wonder why tomatoes are so susceptible to blossom end rot, find out who sells the calcium nitrate used by farmers to prevent it. Almighty dollar.
Monsanto pushes indicas so they can sell more fungicide. We all know the indica plants are botrytis factories. Those pussy plants succumb to anything in high humidity and can't carry their ridiculous weight. This causes the tops to lean on each other, creating microclimates of very high humidity. It's Bayer's "wet" dream. In a similar vein, if you wonder why tomatoes are so susceptible to blossom end rot, find out who sells the calcium nitrate used by farmers to prevent it. Almighty dollar.

I was thinking maybe the assassins did it to ruin the Templars dream of a more hippy world. Classic illuminati schism.


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
I was thinking maybe the assassins did it to ruin the Templars dream of a more hippy world. Classic illuminati schism.

But the anti mold/mildew chemical producers may very well be in on it too

Yes, I agree. Also not forget about those Mayans that were supposed to come back in 2012. They were going to kill us all while crashing their planet X Niburu into us at the end of that year.

That was just a decoy to make us all look up at the skies at that time. But in reality came back to help out Monsanto to execute their evil plan to eradicate pure unhybridised Sativas in the Wild while we were all looking up at the skies.
Monsanto was to dumb to execute this plan on their own so they needed the Space Mayan Aliens who are secretly also the Illuminati and Reptilians and all work for the government.

It's all Monsanto and the Aliens their fault! Oh, and not to forget the government, them too. Like you said.
Monsanto wants moldy weed and the government wants there people passive, depressed and incapable of thinking for themselves.

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