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The last frontier online bonfire

Sounds like an awesome trip moose! I've never traveled into or out of alaska by road system. I'm a fan of airplanes. I wouldn't mind making the trip in my mustang in the summer. Would be an epic trip with the top down. Growing old is mandatory, growing up is completely optional. Seems like the older I get, The more my good ideas seem to hurt longer...

Agent pothead copper chem (chem 4×stardawg) was bred by/sold by greenpoint seeds. Copper chem f2 was made by me crossing the pictured copper chem #4 with a copper chem #3 (chosen stinky male). Only one female smells like banana. The rest are similar to the mother. Very chem/lemon/skunk. The majority have better density, but are smaller in size. Lab testing will be done on a couple cuts of ccf2. Also do some googling on banana cannabis strains. There are a few out there. I'm just surprised I found a banana pheno in a chem line.
Summer is coming! Any of yall have any outdoor gardening plans? Got any advice for growing outdoors up here? I'm thinking of planting some photoperiod strains and maybe a few autos. Any advice on good auto strains? I've got very little experience with them.

moose eater

Plenty of tips for outdoor action, FF. Just remember that Alaska has all of about 9 climates/sub-climates, and each has a plus and a minus attached to it, for different causes. And public view of cannabis plants has been frowned on in all or most municipalities, and by the State, too.

"It's ALWAYS SUMPTHIN'.." (Rosanna Rosanna Danna)

Where you're located, the coast keeps things more moderate; fewer real cold days, and fewer real hot days, in contrast to the Interior, but we're changing more here, too, so some 'old rules' may be in flux.

But even just slightly inland, for example, up around Sterling, the ocean's effect is moderated a bit; colder winter days, and a bit sunnier in summer.

Depending on whether your plant-count gives reason to worry or not, an old standby rule of mine is this; if growing outdoors, then have nothing indoors. If growing indoors, then have nothing outdoors.

Outdoor plants may give reason for an indoor search, and if there's sufficient numbers, then all that's been achieved, other than attempting to satisfy horticultural curiosity or greed, is a proverbial trail of bread crumbs to things best left unnoticed.

Preferably start your outdoor starts by March or April, so that by later May/early June, they're ready to transition outside with limited remaining vegetative time..

If you're willing to have your outdoor plants be mobile, then you can try open-air and containers, with pots ranging up to 1/3 of a 55-gallon drum in size, and down to maybe 5-gallon buckets or pots, all of which may need to be modified for drainage.

Using a hand-truck or other tool, one functional option is to transport the containers/plants into a shed at night (one that's warmed is a plus), starting them on 12:12 preferably by the third week of June; no later than the 1st of July, but that can be pushing it. if you've rooted them into their final containers, and you move them outside by mid-June on a good year, all the better.

And if your summer is as shitty as ours was last year, then be on your toes for mold and frost during the later summer's damp season... if you get that there..

If using a greenhouse, modern horticultural cloth will look like off-white cotton canvas, yet still block the light, for creating your 12 hours of darkness. It helps in not sending the message "Hey, I'm growing weed!" than using the more traditional 3-6 mil black visqueen/poly sheeting we used 35-41 years ago, which you can almost guarantee will attract attention from the air, or those who can see it at ground level..

(*An acquaintance has used the off-white horticultural cloth to darken her plants out on a second-floor terrace/balcony at an off-grid cabin, with some success, though later in the summer, when the night-time temps are too cold, she's moved the containers into a dark area in her loft, where she has created a 'room' of sorts, using wool blankets. his, however, also contributed to some bud rot issues one summer, due to lack of air movement for the 12-hors of indoor darkness behind the blankets. All things being Yin & Yang.

She has a light wooden frame built around the area where her plants sit in summer on the balcony, and she attaches her cloth to that frame when it's time to bloom..

if you've already got selected plants in 5" to 8" containers, or ????, ready for a transplant to an outdoor, final pot size (5-10 gallon or so?), then you may be good to go, though Mother Nature will hold the rest of the cards to some degree.

If doing sativas or sativa crosses with any similar methods, stay away from the 12-20 week flowering times. Lots of sativas or crosses available that are done in 8-10 weeks.

No light I know of can compete with the Sun, especially when it's hanging in the sky for over 21 hours per day. (*21' 50" on June 21 where I am, and a tad bit less where you are).


:tiphat: Greetings fellow Alaskans
I am in search of a compassionate care provider for a patient with stage four kidney cancer on the Kenai peninsula. He is interested in starting a RSO regiment for ninety days at 1 g of RSO per day. The patient at present does not have the capability to grow a pound of decent medicine and would like to get started with RSO soon.

So if anyone has any ideas please PM me.
The patient does have transportation and can travel the road system.

Thank You

moose eater

Sorry to read of your friend's troubles.

My recent PSA levels tell me I may or may not be rowing along side him/her in a similar boat, so to speak.

I've known persons in your area who have had reasonable connections, though I have no clue what their pricing has been. And last I heard from them, they're no longer on the KP full-time.

As you may or may not be aware, Alaska never really had a formal medical supply source (hence your asking for a care-provider.. Thank you, Loren Leman.. you prick. Loren gutted our earlier medical initiative with his 'substitute' legislation, less than a year after the medical initiative in '98, back when he was a State Senator, and fundamentalist zealot).

As you're also likely aware, the Kenai Pen (or at least the leadership there) has had a somewhat schizophrenic perspective on canna business. They didn't want it at all in the beginning, then when they lost that battle, they wanted to restrict business & related locations so that they HAD to be within their municipal boundaries, so they'd get guaranteed municipal revenues.. And they lost that skirmish too.. Again.. pricks.

The rec stores, as you're likely aware, are a bit spendy for a person on limited income, looking to medicate in ways that would require a fair amount of base flower.

Don't know where, exactly, you are on the KP, but I lived in Homer in the later 1970s, and given the 2 social climates, I would think you're more apt to find a compassionate provider who's not looking for piles of Benjamins in the Homer/Anchor Point area, than in the Soldotna, Kenai, or Sterling areas. But decent folks with green thumbs can pop up nearly any place.

I'm in the Interior, and have cut way back on my efforts since legalization (and age, and stress, and temperament, and irritation with life, and....), but can (and have in years past) gift to those in need, if I should encounter them.

That said, I rarely unveil my security here for those I don't personally know & trust well. So if I let things trickle through for the right causes, it'd be ONLY after a time of personal acquaintance, with some very firm understandings. And I would absolutely NOT be willing to register with the State as a care provider. Too many loose ends. Again, thanks to Loren Leman and his ilk..

For legitimate medical needs, there'd be seriously limited funds (if any at all) involved for the produce. Maybe doing something kind for someone again would help with my deteriorating disposition where life's mediocrity & BS is concerned.

You could also scope out the Mat-Su Valley, from Palmer, to Wasilla, Sutton, Big Lake, Houston, and the Sunshine (Trapper Creek & Talkeetna) areas, for persons with excess produce, as well. There's some coffee shops around those parts where getting to know locals might pay off.

Take care, and good luck, to both you and your afflicted friend.


Hello Alaskans
I am in search of a provider for a patient(me) with stage four kidney cancer on the Kenai peninsula. I am interested in starting a RSO regiment for ninety days at 1 g of RSO per day. I do not have the capability or time to grow medicine and would like to get started with RSO soon.

So if anyone has any ideas please PM me.

I am not part of the Alaska Medical MJ program,


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