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The Landrace Team


Well-known member
Then I wanna know, how they "outsourced" North Korean cannabis :D
Someone from the DPRK mails it to them? :)

They mail them with a severed finger in the box 😜

If they outsourced that many strains for production the cost would be prohibitive. Like others have said they probably have far less than they claim and just use certain strains to overlap orders as they see fit. Thats what I'd do if I was running a game like that
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Well-known member
Broken record warning âš ......I offered my Mexican brick seed to tlt. They refused because I did not know where they are from I couldn't attach a fancy name to them. I mean its fucking brickweed grown in mexico who knows where it grew, I ain't asking either don't you know how many people get murdered daily over there?

Of course I could have just made up something and people would be growing them today with a fake hype story behind them.

I must have 100 different varieties no joke just chilling dying in the fridge

So shady ass tlt has standards 😂
Veteran here hint hint


Well-known member
They refused because I did not know where they are from I couldn't attach a fancy name to them.
Well, even though I don't like their ethics, I gotta give them a small point for not attaching a fancy name to it themselves. I don't wanna talk too good about them and they would have easily believed "some forum member" without verifying.


Well-known member
@crunkyeah you are ignorant , ignoring all the facts laid out here , and then using words like childish .. really?
Another little fact is that Jade nectar says the Africans are all different I asked him …

Now if you know your Africans you would know they are all very similar .. especially east and south
He got them from TLT and they are all different…
That in itself is another tell tale clue

Also let’s see some of your plants then? Or as they say never happened…
ok. i'll show you mine. but first... where are all these 'facts' that have been proven here? i know TLT has stolen photos bro they stole mine! i don't see any other 'factual evidence' other than customer's opinions. every account that people have posted is all hearsay... none of it factual. does that mean i'm saying it didn't happen? heck no! TLT has shady practices, i agree with you! you're making it out to seem like i have no clue what i'm talking about but you haven't given one single shred of anything to this conversation other than your opinion. we're all here to share our opinions, and we all have that right. calling me ignorant though when i've never said a single thing negative about YOU. you don't know me. it's ignorant to call me ignorant based off what... 20 sentences on the internet? give me a break...

Yet, writes a wall of text and still doesn't give meaningful answers to my doubts with arguments like
i'm not here to give you meaningful answers. why would you expect that of me? i shared my opinion and everyone else has shared theirs. i'm just a random on the internet just like you, but thank you for trying to keep this conversation flowing in an intelligent and mature manner. did you notice that the link YOU posted said (1986 on it?).. regarding to the TLT link for North Korea...
No one has the space to offer what they offer, so how can they offer it?
offering/having 161 landraces and PRODUCING 161 landraces are 2 entirely different things. why would you think that TLT is the grower of every single landrace? they state openly that most of their lines are sourced....

look, if a guy like rolandomota can have 100+ varieties sitting in his fridge as a veteran grower, and i'm here with 6 years of experience and 100,000 seeds of my own making... it's completely realistic if someone put their life and soul into it. how can you sit there and judge them without knowing the full picture???

i don't know everything folks and i'm not here to fight with anyone. i've said my piece multiple times and now that many responses feel like confrontations regarding my opinions i will cease and desist because i'm not here to cause trouble. without further adieu here's my TLT Sumatran Aceh. i would post more but IG limits... (also, i have photos for Lagkitan).

1.jpeg 3.jpeg 4.jpeg
7.jpeg 6.jpeg 5.jpeg
2.jpeg IMG_9566.JPG IMG_9565.JPG

they flowered for about ~109 days i believe... would have to check. cloned them and did 2 separate runs - (Aceh x Malawi) and (Aceh x Pine tar dooligah). none of them hermed even with rough stress testing.

maybe i'll do another post of Lagkitan if this one goes over well.


Well-known member
@StickyBandit how is that Corinto after a decent cure? Does it atleast live up to its description? They sure make for some pretty plants. whatever they really are
I'll check with the family, I do the growing and they do the smoking, team effort :p I have the occasional smoke on the weekends but my reports wouldn't be accurate (light weight). I did ask a few days back and apparently it's pretty good, does the job! which is high praise from them indeed :) I'm at a loss to get an in depth report from them but I have some other stuff to try this weekend, some Alpine 1.0 :D
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Senior Grower

Chili Canna Gourmet
ok. i'll show you mine. but first... where are all these 'facts' that have been proven here? i know TLT has stolen photos bro they stole mine!
I think all of those threads and posts have established that TLT does have seeds that grow good, maybe even excellent grass. Probably, most of it is also what they say. Which is a good thing.

OTOH, I posted a few things I found above which not only lead to stolen photos but also to "stolen" seeds.
I don't want to post links to other forums (are those considered to be offensive here?). But every one of you can use your favorite search engine and enter "Landrace Riddle" or "Landrace Riddly" or "The Landrace Team". You will come up with so many posts where people complain they have sent seeds to Riddly and have either not got reimbursed as agreed, told him not to sell their seed at all and he got them for free, or had their seed outright stolen in some way or another. You can also "google" Riddle/riddly and find his posts asking for seed from forum members all over the internet. Takes a bit longer but I found them within 10 Minutes or so. Stuff turns up on practically all cannabis forums like Overgrow, Rollitup etc. If such a multitude of posts to the same tune don't convince, I can't help it. And when you also find the handle Riddle asking for seed this shuts the case, for me at least.

So, buying TLT seed may get you what you want. Agreed. But if you are in some ways "ethically challenged" as I am - you are still appalled by TLT's business practices.

How would you feel if you sent the guy a freebie a while ago and he now sells it without your consent?

Nice photos of your grow, though, @crunkyeah


ACE Seeds Breeder
One of TLT partners or associate (Grover sativa) contacted me privately asking for landrace lines or genetics we didn't offer at ACE at the moment. He got Jamaican, Guatemala, Double Thai and Oaxaca hybrids from me, to later discover they were using our genetics to sold them through TLT, really disgusting people and practices.

Senior Grower

Chili Canna Gourmet
@dubi You might somewhat get a little satisfaction when you read a thread on Rollitup. They say a guy who initially did not get stung got a good cut (money) for a short while on a Jamaican landrace. After a while, they apparently cheated him, too. If that was your Jamaican - at least the initial thief did not get what he expected. I just came across this when I searched for them ...

Check for a thread called

The landrace team?



Well-known member
look, if a guy like rolandomota can have 100+ varieties sitting in his fridge as a veteran grower, and i'm here with 6 years of experience and 100,000 seeds of my own making... it's completely realistic if someone put their life and soul into it.
But they don't, they trust "random dudes from forums" without doing proper verification.
i'm not here to give you meaningful answers. why would you expect that of me?
Because I expect meaningful answers to meaningful questions / doubts?

Senior Grower

Chili Canna Gourmet
Did they also offer the Oaxaca Gold landrace afterwards and not before? Because this could mean, they sell a hybrid as landrace.
Check the price list at the start of this page. Looks very much like it, don't it? If you double-check ACE, looks familliar. A little name-tweaking, I suppose
But as far as I could see, they don't claim Oaxacanama to be a landrace. And I could not find a description there. Oaxaca x Panama by Ace is € 65 for 10 seeds. Nice profit for TLT. @dubi, I guess this is your hybrid, right?

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Well-known member
But as far as I could see, they don't claim Oaxacanama to be a landrace.
Yes, but Oaxaca Gold is supposed to be landrace and ACE doesn't even offer it as landrace, only as hybrid:


Well-known member
Not much to verify here I'm the only person posting pictures talking about brick weed that I know of. I'm not rare it's the internet forum thing I do that's rare. Literally thousands of people people smoke imported brick around here and 99%will throw away the seeds.

Lol I'm just some weed forum rando to some but like I said I ain't going to lie about my seeds .
Acapulco Gold?

Oaxaca gold? Guerrero green ? Michoacan? Durango poison? I don't focking know its mexico brick
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