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Hi everyone,

With the not so recent loss of O.G.(sorry to bring it up again) I feel a little like an orphaned child might. i used to come home from work, have a joint, jump on the "calling all overgrowing Kiwi's" thread(amongst others) to read, learn and occasionally laugh at fellow growers exploits.

Nowdays when the joint has been reduced to roach status, i am left confused(more so than usual;)) - "where to next?" "Who now will guide me through life?" "Will i ever see them again?"...

So basically this is an attempt to bring back the strictly Kiwi contingent in the Australasian forum. Just a chance for like minded Kiwi's to get together and talk shit about growing.

Do i have any followers? - Apart from that cheeky little bug in the photo^^

PS. To start things off, here are a couple of photo's i took the other day of my lone outdoor plant. It's a romulan, I've been growing them indoors for some time, but this is the first time I've taken her into the wilderness, doesn't look like she's having any trouble coping does it?

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looks good mate ,, i hear u guys have been having trouble down there with possums in the patch ,, the buggers , seem to be far more invasive in the new home of new zealand than here ...
oh by the way , love the country mate , just saw the south island , just magical ..



Geez, not many Kiwis posting in here...
Maybe one of us Aussies should offer them all a sheep,
then watch all the posts come flowing in. :D

In all seriousness... Come on Kiwis,
I wanna see what your grows look like on the other side of the pond.



finally approved, and able to get in this NZ thread to shout "GOO KIWIS!!!!!".

will get pics of my grow soon ....

Father Time

Awol/CoA said:
Geez, not many Kiwis posting in here...
Maybe one of us Aussies should offer them all a sheep,
then watch all the posts come flowing in. :D

In all seriousness... Come on Kiwis,
I wanna see what your grows look like on the other side of the pond.


C'Mon Mate,
You know why the Kiwi's arn't posting, it's because thay have all moved to Bloody Shitney and are liveing here! :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Kindest Regards,FT :wave:


New member
Nice Bud! Hey there O.G.Kush i knew that bud looked familiar somehow... Just to let u phullas know, im a kiwi now living in switzerland for a couple years. The bud here is great, im going to take what ive learned of growing up here back down to the southern hemisphere and hope to bring some good carma and good marijuana to good ol' nz!!

Peace and love fellow wastas!!


following in fourtwentytrip's footsteps... im kiwi born ('naki represent!), then lived in Sydney... and now live in the states, with full intent to come home and show NZ what real killer Hydro tastes like!

our Sativas are good coz of the sun... but not much hydro (at least wasnt when i was there)...

anway... miss home alot!
heres some of my buds to help me through the homesickness!!

peace! :joint:


hey ppl, im new to this forum and new to growing. this will be my first grow and im looking forward to the harvest!. my plants are currently about 1 ft high and have been outside since the first day of spring lol. they have gone through alot of bad weather (random frosts, hard rain, little bit of hail). but thankfully they all survived and are looking really healthy. i was really supprised because i thought weed plants where delicate but they are obviously tuff as any other plant. so yea...any helpful tips on growing outdoors in new zealand would be appreciated as this is my first grow.

cheers, kiwi growa


18 and Doh!
Yo 420 trip you gotta get that computer before monday cuz I'm movin out and I'm gonna toss it. sweet dro there nzjay also diggin the outdoor and the southisland scenery wallyduck


Growa - i got a mate in the Naki who says hes trying outdoor first time too...
gl to ya.
Im mastering the art of DWC recirc. just re-done my how flower room. got some girls flowering in my veg room though... heres a few pics.

plan on bringing the skills back to NZ one day!! :)

peace out! GO ALL BLACKS!


btw... alot of kiwis here... but only 1 lives in NZ??...
are there any of us left over there???


nzgrown and me live in nz so that makes 2. im sure there are a lot more out there... ty nzjay, im having a lot of success right now, they are bushy as and dont seem to give a dam about all this shitty weather we have been having.


thats good to hear. any chance of a pic or two?? :)

what strain you going with?


hey the kiwis
how is it?
so wats the strains over there??
ive heard talk of some very quality breeding from nz??
are there many indoor greowers overthere?


New member
im growin in good old NZ. how are your grows goin? got any pics for us? im just startin my grow, im using a DWC setup for four plants. i dont know the strain? but hopefully gettin some big bud clones soon (damn its gard to find good bud around here). ill get some pics for ya a.s.a.p....
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kiwi quad

i,m just about to try a dwc set up,had a hydro gully system with 90 pots for 10yrs and then some nazi's moved nextdoor and ripped me off so i've been outta action for about a year and a half while i found a new house,will definitly be investing in a carbon filter,wouldve saved me alot of grief if i'd had one back then,should be up and running in a week i will post some pics,i tell you dont realise how stressful it can be when your not used to buyin it,i've definitly been outta the loop,its like the dealers have a license to steal,peace out