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The Internet and the Spread of Illiteracy



hahahahaha run by the tsa. i had a really good chemistry teacher who let me play with chemicals after school as long as i put on a demonstration later in the year. he was a candidate for the new headmaster or w/e, top dog but instead got fired.

that happens all over, the viscious peanut gallery types who dont like people are the ones to work the system. would have been a whole different place with that dude in charge.
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Well-known member
The most common, and my personal pet peeve is the epidemic misuse of two, too, and to, and there, their, and they're. It's symptomatic of a lack of education, not laziness or carelessness. Those are just the excuses used.

LOL! i spelled "to" wrong myself on here today, lol. fucking extra "o"...:tiphat: "befor skool i cud knot spel intelextual, naw i ar un..."


wea you stay bruddah, i go come up afta, bring da fish bumby. the ocean stay pounding. two little birds stay eating bugs, i like try feedem my scraps but then mebbe they gon bother me alla time.
no can that. gotta stay wild, no crackas from this haole. getting hot might go for one dip.


Well-known member
This is Ridiculous lol complaining about this is much worse than a few misspelled words or block text lol you guys are hilarious


Active member
Is it racist to say that Ebonics has deteriorated the use of the Queen's English? Punctuation is good if you want people to understand what you took the time to type. lol


i dont like Random ass capitalized Letters. it makes Me confused..... like egypt should be but not ebonics unless your talking about your homie ebonics.


Well-known member
Is it racist to say that Ebonics has deteriorated the use of the Queen's English? Punctuation is good if you want people to understand what you took the time to type. lol

Maybe language is evolving because the queen is no longer relevant? Try explaining to a 12 years old using acronyms and partial words why they should have to type 3x as many words to relay the exact same message?


Well-known member
How in the hell are you going to live if you can't shoe a horse? You won't be able to survive. You won't be able to plow your fields to grow food. Ya dang fool. Forget about all that readin and writin' crap and learn how to shoe a horse.

That's what my great grandfather told me. And, he was right...... then.

In our day I heard a lot of.... you damn kids and your joysticks. Why don't you learn how to use a hammer or a shovel instead of that damn joystick so you can work and make a living.

30 year later, all the newest surgical tools are guided by a joystick. The newest fighter planes are flown with a joystick.

The world adapts. What is stupid today can, very well, be smart tomorrow.

So what if all these fucking kids know how to do is text on their cell phones? Chances are, the future of employment will dependent on one's ability to text on a cell phone..... not read or write.

One thing for sure. Things chance and it sux to be old and watch it. LOL


Dirt Bag

i dont like Random ass capitalized Letters. it makes Me confused..... like egypt should be but not ebonics unless your talking about your homie ebonics.

This is precisely the crap to which I refer. The epidemic ignorance of the difference between your, you're, and yore. It's gotten to the point where I am actually impressed when I see someone use them correctly. FTW

Dirt Bag

Maybe language is evolving because the queen is no longer relevant? Try explaining to a 12 years old using acronyms and partial words why they should have to type 3x as many words to relay the exact same message?

Because it's not the exact same message. It's precisely what you called it, acronyms and partial words. Jibberish that requires deciphering. I suppose you think that bullshit will get junior though law or medical school. Think again, Chief.

Lost in a SOG

Ha yeah well both lawyers and doctors, as quite numerous careers, are ear marked to get replaced by robots by and large in the not too distant future anyway.

The educational standard across the western world has only gone down in my lifetime and it seems like the whole entire world actually is having a brain drain at the moment. A nihilist black hole of short circuited, poorly applied, left brain foggy thinking.

I also think since technology has removed the human one step away, as in not in the same room, any idiot can get everyone's attention and I think this has lowered the overall standard..

Once upon a time you would open your mouth and everyone could instantly know you don't know shit really, but it was okay gobshites have always existed they just needed to raise their game. But still nobody listen to that fool till he/she grew up kind of thing.

Now any neurotic ego can jump on a screen and trick people into thinking they know what they are talking about for a while, it spins us all out because the fools aren't being outed fast enough.
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Active member
^^ 'proof of how much is wrong with it' You do not mean massive immigration legal and illegal or the power structure in place before Trump got there, do you? He was elected to remedy that situation.

www.cbp.gov/sites/default/files/ass...thwest Border Sector Apps FY1960 - FY2017.pdf

I can’t find any statistics to support your claim of massive immigration, legal or not.

The above link shows border statistics for 57 years.

Lotta people illiterate about this immigration “crisis”


Well-known member
Because it's not the exact same message. It's precisely what you called it, acronyms and partial words. Jibberish that requires deciphering. I suppose you think that bullshit will get junior though law or medical school. Think again, Chief.

Your arguement is silly. I made no mention as to the content of anything. I simply stated that some messages can be made with less letters or words. Im not saying certain things do not require more precise language. Just that people can conversate completely effectively without using your prefered rules.

Dirt Bag

Your arguement is silly. I made no mention as to the content of anything. I simply stated that some messages can be made with less letters or words. Im not saying certain things do not require more precise language. Just that people can conversate completely effectively without using your prefered rules.

I don't have "preferred" rules, only those that have been deemed correct by the literary community as a whole. Yes Taco, even the most primitive ooga booga can beat out a message on a hollow log, and from what I see, that's just about where we're headed.


have yall seen idiocracy?
Doctor: [laughs] Right, kick ass. Well, don't want to sound like a dick or nothin', but, ah... it says on your chart that you're fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded. What I'd do, is just like... like... you know, like, you know what I mean, like...

[first lines]

Narrator: As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.


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ICMag Donor


Active member
Hehe my claim. No sorry these are just facts. 203 million in 1970 and now 328 million in US. Are you actually this dumb or playing like it?:laughing:

1960 - 21,000

1970 - 201,000

1972 - 321,000

2000 - 1,643,000

2017 - 303,000

Below 1972 levels, been declining since 2,000, so no “massive” “crisis”.
A manufactured problem created by those who don’t have a good product to sell.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ Well you win. Your numbers prove your point, well done. My numbers with population going up 60% are meaningless.

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