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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Active member
Hello all,

Trump is scared!!!!...He hears the footfalls closing in....will the banks turn on him?

Will Barr testify?

Will Kline risk his future on dirty donald?

That and more on the next episode of ....



Active member
So it turns out Mueller was none too pleased with the manner in which Billy Barr purposefully lied to the American people and misrepresented his 2-year effort. Who are the Putin/Trump fan boys going to rail on now? Will they claim that Mueller the lifelong Republican is corrupt and in the tank for the Dems? That the entire report is the work of anti-Trumpers and an attempted "coo"? Tune in to Fox news for their riveting analysis of the latest leak and all your questions on the true origins of this conspiracy will be answered. Let me guess--they'll claim that whoever leaked Mueller's letter to Barr is a treasonous dog who should face capital punishment.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
:laughing: If any of that had any merit it would be widely covered by all journalists not by some obscure news outfit pedaling in conspiracy theories. I wouldn't doubt if Trumptard paid them to make that video lol.. "Its always easier to blame someone else.. :tiphat:


ICMag Donor
:laughing: If any of that had any merit it would be widely covered by all journalists not by some obscure news outfit pedaling in conspiracy theories. I wouldn't doubt if Trumptard paid them to make that video lol.. "Its always easier to blame someone else.. :tiphat:

That's the standard game plan.


Boreal Curing
:laughing: If any of that had any merit it would be widely covered by all journalists not by some obscure news outfit pedaling in conspiracy theories. I wouldn't doubt if Trumptard paid them to make that video lol.. "Its always easier to blame someone else.. :tiphat:

The epoch times is a Chinese ex-patriot/dissident organization opposed to china's ruling communist party. They are as pro republican as chinese party members are communist.


Well-known member
I am intimately aware of the nature of the source which I posted.
I stand behind the post absent any reservation.
It will be the basis for the argument the administration
will advance.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Well that makes sense lol. There still pedaling a conspiracy theory. "SPYGATE" .

Fresh off the press.
Special counsel Robert Mueller III wrote a letter in late March complaining to Attorney General William Barr that a four-page memo to Congress describing the principal conclusions of the investigation into President Donald Trump “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s work, according to a copy of the letter reviewed Tuesday by The Washington Post.


ICMag Donor
Good chance the Muller letter to Barr and Rosenstein's departure are connected.


Active member
So it turns out Mueller was none too pleased with the manner in which Billy Barr purposefully lied to the American people and misrepresented his 2-year effort. Who are the Putin/Trump fan boys going to rail on now? Will they claim that Mueller the lifelong Republican is corrupt and in the tank for the Dems? That the entire report is the work of anti-Trumpers and an attempted "coo"? Tune in to Fox news for their riveting analysis of the latest leak and all your questions on the true origins of this conspiracy will be answered. Let me guess--they'll claim that whoever leaked Mueller's letter to Barr is a treasonous dog who should face capital punishment.

phuque...yu called that one....nailed it

St. Phatty

Active member
Well that makes sense lol. There still pedaling a conspiracy theory. "SPYGATE" .

Fresh off the press.
Special counsel Robert Mueller III wrote a letter in late March complaining to Attorney General William Barr that a four-page memo to Congress describing the principal conclusions of the investigation into President Donald Trump “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s work, according to a copy of the letter reviewed Tuesday by The Washington Post.

Some of you guys know enough about the news details to start a news website.

How did Drudge start ? They broke big stories during the Clinton impeachment.

Antiwar.com ? They dug into the revulsion at America's drive-by shooting in Yugoslavia in 1999.

Move-on started in response to the Clinton impeachment, which was comparable in ridiculousness to the witch-hunt parts of the Trump investigations.


Man...its a weird ass world rooting for the cops. I hate trump, very much on record there, but muellers complaint about obstruction of justice not being accurately reflected in the barr summary sort of falls on deaf ears for me. I would obstruct justice just because...well fuck you cop, if mueller couldnt come up with concrete evidence that trump actively sought out russia help (yeah they 100% backed him...but not with his consent; i like ron paul, but so did stormfront, not really his fault) then its time to move on and focus on putting a good 2020 candidate out there and figuring out why working class people are buying into an orange retards message rather than theirs.

Anywho, carry on with this terrible thread. Backing bernie as i respected him arguing from an economics perspective and not pandering, failing that i back biden since i think he can win and woo back PA and WI. I am pretty unimpressed with the rest of the field but liked Warren's waiver of student loan debt idea, i wouldnt feel good about that vote though.

Beto sure has flamed the fuck out. Dude squandered obama 2.0 energy.


Well-known member
Some of you guys know enough about the news details to start a news website.

How did Drudge start ? They broke big stories during the Clinton impeachment.

Antiwar.com ? They dug into the revulsion at America's drive-by shooting in Yugoslavia in 1999.

Move-on started in response to the Clinton impeachment, which was comparable in ridiculousness to the witch-hunt parts of the Trump investigations.

There are not a lot of things that I feel certain of.
That we never ever learn the backstory involving who
is financing what media is one of them.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Some of you guys know enough about the news details to start a news website.

How did Drudge start ? They broke big stories during the Clinton impeachment.

Antiwar.com ? They dug into the revulsion at America's drive-by shooting in Yugoslavia in 1999.

Move-on started in response to the Clinton impeachment, which was comparable in ridiculousness to the witch-hunt parts of the Trump investigations.

Clinton's impeachment was lame. Had nothing to do with national security. He gets a a blow job which was inappropriate but no where close for grounds of impeachment.

Trumptard is a crook, swindler, scam artist. That's only the tip lol. Plenty of grounds to impeach this clown.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Media has always been a tout for who has the most money - ownership is power - great power - they make people pay for feeding their minds with filler - and often bias news reporting with an obviously set agenda kicks in to convince them that the latest war they have started is 'righteous'........and that we will all have to pay for it in taxes.

There are not a lot of things that I feel certain of.
That we never ever learn the backstory involving who
is financing what media is one of them.


Active member
Hello all,

Oy, dirty donald is not gonna like Mueller's letter to Barr.

Further, it looks like Barr may have perjured himself to the senate.

Oh my.....



Well-known member
8000 lies and counting. Oh my is that congressman Cummings coming over the hill with the Power of Inherent Contempt. :moon:
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