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The ICMag Creative Writers Group.

basscadet said:
Great idea spaceghost22,

I'm a screenwriter from Australia... actually I found this site through procrastination during a tough writing session.

Your story is so well written i didn't notice any mistakes, always the sign of good writing when the story surpasses the words.

This thread idea helped me alot too, i found it and started writing something about depths of disparity, the first decent thing I'd written during a holiday writers block. After a few rewrites I'll have it up for all to read.

Sign me up!


Excellent, our first working writer! I'm glad you found your way to our little corner! To be honest this idea in fact wasn't mine. That credit is due to kmk420kali. He has a post further up if you all would like to read another piece on the topic. I recommend it. Just put yourself in his shoes once....

Basscadet, thank you for the compliments, it feels really good to have those words directed to me. I've had dreams for a couple years now of becoming an author eventually. I would like to write at least one good book before I die. It seems to me that most likely I'll have to wait until I'm old and grey, I'm not as creative as I used to be and can use all the life's experience that I can get.

barletta said:
Space - That is an intense read, and props to you for every day that you don't use. LOL, I think that you were referencing the movie, 'Groundhog Day', not Caddyshack ;) As far as syntax goes, just pay 2 or 3 friends to edit a finished copy. Looks pretty good. The writing is intense. I started reading, then stopped, thinking, ""I don't have the energy to put into this", but then I plowed through 2 paragraphs, next thing I know MY hands hurt a lil...

Yo, I'm in! Weed makes you do crazy things, so why not? LOL, in school I always hated writing (thank the nuns for CRUSHING my handwriting, and desire to write at all), but since I started growing, I have written an essay, a song and a haiku about weed. I'll leave the bio out, but here are the poem and song (verse, lol)

(both orig posted at the MrNice website)

Twas the day before Christmas, and all through the buildin'
All the mammals were chilly, but the plants - they were chillin.

Under a spectrum of light
some yellow, some blue,
Sweet buds slowly ripen
for me and for you

Of lemon, of pine, of skunk they stank
they cannot be rushed to give up the dank

Some for the night, the evening, the morning;
This Super Sillver Haze should come with a warning!

As I load up this bowl of summertime Spice,
I wish good vibes to the members, and to you MrNice!

Happy Holidays

And this:
Coated with silver resin
Purple white and green
She teaches patience

barletta, big thanks go to you as well and yes you're right, it was Caddy-shack. On hiring friends; I guess I should say that I would like to consider all who post here as my friends. I don't expect to use anything I post here in any manuscript I may or may not submit for publishing but I do understand what you're saying. This sounds plausible for me as I have many professional friends despite my low station in life. It is my intention for this group to simply write and get better at doing so.

With all of the + vibrations going around I don't foresee any problems in accomplishing higher caliber writing. Most people I know who can write professionally do not have the creative mojo to get a book done. If that isn't what stops them it most usually is also an issue of time. I like to think that for all good things in life we have to make time for them.

I really did enjoy your poem, it's a very nice spin. It had me laughing out loud! And that bud, oh my god THAT BUD LOOKS NIIIIIIICE!

Thank you goes out to kmk420kali for the topic pick as everyone seems to enjoy it. Thanks also go out to any who consider themselves new members of our humble little group. Again, I hope that we can make something of ourselves beyond what we imagine.

I wish to recap with the old saying, "The pen is mightier than the sword..." I do not consider this any less applicable now than it was when the quote was first coined. If anything it is much more true now.

In closing let me say again that it would be of a great contribution for our new members to link this thread in your sig areas. This will help to enrich our environment here... and I think that it is a way for us who write to feel as part of a legion. If you have any questions as to how this is done, please reference the following box;

1) Click the 'User Menu' selection from the green bar at almost the topmost part of the page.

2) A drop-down box will appear, right-click the 'Edit Signature' and select 'Open in New Tab'. A new window will open with the signature editing box open for you.

3) Highlight everything below and then hit 'Ctrl+C' then select the window with the sig. editing box. Click the box to make sure it's selected (you should see a blinking cursor). Now hit 'Ctrl+V' to paste it into your editing box. MAKE SURE TO ADD A [ TO THE BEGINNING OF THE SELECTION AND A ] TO THE END. BEFORE THE URL=, AND AFTER THE /URL.

URL=http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=2053511#post2053511]The ICMag Writers Group/Circle[/URL

4) Click the 'Save Signature' button and we're all done!


Freedom Fighter
spaceghost22 said:
Just put yourself in his shoes once....

Brings to mind a quote from a truly great writer...

I wish that for just one time / you could stand inside my shoes / and just for that one moment / I could be you. / Yes, I wish that for just one time / You could stand inside my shoes / You'd know what a drag it is / to see you.
--Bob Dylan

Thank you for the kind words, and looking forward to more discussion...I am pressed for time right now, as I have a 10 year old daughter that reqires much of my attention tonight...but I will be joining in again tomorrow--
Peace--Jim :rasta:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I'm going to tag this one myself. It'll be a fun place to drop the little stories that crowd my head when the smoke picks the lock of my creative side.
NiteTiger said:
I'm going to tag this one myself. It'll be a fun place to drop the little stories that crowd my head when the smoke picks the lock of my creative side.

Oh yeah, ain't that the truth!? I have another month before I harvest and at LEAST a week or two of curing to go, until then, it's writers block for me. Well that isn't entirely true, I'm working on a neat little sci-fi short story. I think the crowd will enjoy this. I'll be putting the better part of a week into it. I drew the idea from an episode of Survivor Man, believe it or not.

Thank's for popping in Tiger, join us, link us in your sig and post to your hearts content! It's a pleasure having you here!

There was another person who wanted to post on the Deepest Depths topic, so if I may please ask all who wish to post your stories, please allow JustAnotherBozo to post his piece first if your piece is off topic, or if you're on topic please post!

It's January the 2nd and I'd like to keep this topic alive for at least another 5 days (more if people request it). After this, we owe a Sci-Fi topic to hunt4genetics. He technically requested the topic before the group was even started.

So one more time, 5 DAYS REMAINING ON THE CURRENT TOPIC and PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC. That's all from me, keep the good stuff rolling everyone! Stay safe :rasta:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I heard a great quote about aspiring authors the other day:

Nite's too stoned to remember said:
If your an aspiring writer, you must make time each day to write at least one page. One single page. After a year you'll have a book. If you can't write one page a day, perhaps writing isn't for you.

NiteTiger said:
I heard a great quote about aspiring authors the other day:


NiteTiger, thank you for the quote, I think it's a laugh myself.

Let's all take a moment to realize that the task of writing a book is not really that easy, no. But let's also realize that there will always be the nay sayers of the world and we should always read between the lines with them. Take only what you can gain from negative words. Lemons to lemonade. Granted, it is not easy to write and that it can indeed be done in a year by writing one page a day. Nite's too stoned to remember did have a point, but did not convey a sense of wanting to help when he said what he did;

Originally Posted by Nite's too stoned to remember
If your an aspiring writer, you must make time each day to write at least one page. One single page. After a year you'll have a book. If you can't write one page a day, perhaps writing isn't for you.

First off I'd like to say that we DO NOT have to do anything we don't want to, you can't put rules on how someone goes about writing a book. Nite's too stoned to remember may be surprised by how some really eccentric authors go about doing what they do. If as a writer I chose to write a chapter a month by writing non-stop for 5 days, so be it. If I wanted to write my book all at once while hanging upside down over a vat of jello, so be it. There is no logic and very little thought to be found in saying, "...you must make time each day to write at least one page...", as this simply is not the case. It CAN be true, but it is not law, sorry to disappoint the "author". :biglaugh:

Let's look at a case study on people who do great things with something that they are not good at;

Einstein had his cousin, his wife, do the equations that he himself constructed because he was not that good at math, just the logic required. Somehow he was lost on the math, whatever. What I'm trying to say is if Einstein can do it, so can you. I know, not the best example, is it? We're not Einstein but neither is he us! Just because you're not good at something does not mean that you should not do it, or that you won't EVENTUALLY be good at it. If you give up because you cannot write one page a day, Nite's too stoned to remember and his ilk have won and you have been defeated. Don't take some two-bit philosopher ruin your day/life, it isn't worth it.

Thank you NiteTiger for the quote, I hope you found it as amusing as I have. Really, we were able to build from what this person said despite his angle, it really will do more good that was intended no thanks to Nite's too stoned to remember. I, an aspiring writer, will now commence to having a fine, fine morning. Thank-you.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...

Yeah, the quote just makes me chuckle. It makes a good point. I'm sure we all realize there is a lot more that goes into writing than just sitting down and banging out words on a page. But, the mentality shift recommended subtly in that quote should not be overlooked.

If you're planning on being a published writer, you have to apply yourself to it, just like any other task. Just like anything else, if you want to get it done, you have to make it a priority to yourself.

If you set aside one hour each day, with the goal of writing at least one page, then you're at least in the proper frame of mind. If you can't make that commitment, then perhaps now is not the time for you to pursue this dream. Not give up on it, no, of course not.

But getting a book published is work, and should be treated as such. If you're not in that frame of mind, then you're really going to be between a rock and a hard place when you do get published. You're going to have agent meetings, editor meetings, promo tours, and, last but not least, contracts. That's right, if you've gotten a book published, they often want you to write another, and they're not going to wait 5 years for it :D

It's a good quote to keep in mind, and very helpful in making that mental switch from 'Aspiring Writer' to 'Writer'.

But certainly, nothing should steal your dreams, I agree 100%, especially not some silly amusing quote. :yes:
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Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Friends this is my first post with-in your group, although I have been lurking awhile. I am enjoying, for the first time, my story being published internationally. My images have been, and still get published almost weekly in various outlets of print media but this is a real treat. I'd like to thank Marco and the staff at Treating Yourself magazine for making this possible. The story is in the Winter issue #14 just released...DD
doobieduck said:
Friends this is my first post with-in your group, although I have been lurking awhile. I am enjoying, for the first time, my story being published internationally. My images have been, and still get published almost weekly in various outlets of print media but this is a real treat. I'd like to thank Marco and the staff at Treating Yourself magazine for making this possible. The story is in the Winter issue #14 just released...DD

Wonderful, our second working writer! Thank you for posting doobieduck! I don't have access to that magazine so I hope you don't mind if I ask you a couple questions? How did the editing process treat you? Are you completely work at home now, or were you already? I noticed you say that you're disabled in your sig, may I inquire about this as well? Please, if you can, would you post your story for us to read here (In a couple days, after the current topic expires of course)?:rasta:


It's been longer than I expected in replying, there is such a wealth of information on this site, I've been planning my first [hopefully successfull]grow and checking threads.

I hope I made it in time but here is my Depths of Desparity story.

Naïve and alone in the new room, I sit on an old, fat mattress on the floor, staring at my life still in boxes and suitcases, packed away cluttered like the thoughts in my head. Fresh out of home and heavy with guilt, but stubborn to make a new start, my shoulders slumped I stare at the floor as the carpet begins to resemble a part of the Australian landscape I’ve never been to but could imagine. I see the dryness and desolate isolation of tufts of grass and sand. A trick of the light in this new place, a house where I would visit just to pick up my fuzzy green love is now my home.

I think of the family everyone else had and the polar opposite of what was my ordeal. I wonder why everyone else says they had it so tough ‘cos mummy and daddy had split up. They can at least visit each parent, I needed a ouija board to do that. Feelings of guilt rage on, I thought I had dealt with this already, but they flood my mind daily. Now there was time for them to get to the surface instead of pushing them back down. Praying for things to change, for the beatings and humiliation to stop but the catalyst for change came at a huge price. Had I caused it? Had I prayed for death to strike to save me?

Born and raised in captivity, there was never a chance to be normal, I looked normal, the family looked normal from the outside, loved even. But no-one could know what really went on, and I was always told that bad things would happen if I did, so silence became my protection, and my downfall.

Like normal, my father would don his dinner suit and briefcase and go to his cult meetings and my mother would support him without knowing what went on there. None of us knew and that was how it was supposed to be, always had been, always will.

How I dealt with it may have been wrong but for me, it was my only way out and I grabbed it with both hands. It only took a moment for my world to collapse around me, I didn’t even notice at the time, images of the phoenix rush through my head and give me hope, even if only for a few precious moments, but hope doesn’t need to stay long. Once you see it, inspiration does the rest. I hope.

But alone is alone, friends come and go. Lovers come and come and go but at the core of life is ourselves, the voice that speaks to us in the darkest point of night is the one true thing we can trust. We hope. Is it the conscience, or the soul… or memories of our parents telling us of life before we could comprehend who was who and what we we’re hearing? If the latter is true, do we really know who these people are if they have never sat down and told you about their experiences. They just yell at you to do as they say no matter what, or else…

Sitting in the silence of the new house, wooden beams and boards creaking in the change of temperature as old homes do, I hope. Leaves on the trees outside the window squeak and scrape on the glass in the wind. As I watch the moon shining through the gap in the curtain, a rich word to use for the black plastic garbage bags I’ve used to block out the neighbours prying eyes, I feel like I’m no longer alone.

The retractable blade of one of my knives glistens in the moonlight in front of my face. Once used to sharpen the pencils to sketch my escapist artwork now draws closer to end of my life.

“What will you do now?” I look down at the short blade resting against my wrist. “Could things get better or worse than this?” but I just stare at the blade. Only twenty years of life and standing at the threshold of the abyss. How does one get to this point, maybe I can blame the parenting, or lack of. Maybe this will be my new start, just a new start to something completely different to what I had in mind.

The time for blame has been and gone, this is my reality now, this is my pain creeping up on me that I had turned my back on.

“What do you want from life? You sit here doing nothing but smoke and dream. I can end this pain and set you free.”

Images of what lays ahead of me if things go the way I hope and the way I now dread. I don’t want this to happen, I want this to be over but not this way.

I glance down at the hand that holds the knife to my wrist and the shadow cast from the raised scar on my index finger. “Things will get better, they can’t stay like this forever.” I say.

I look around the empty room and drop the knife at my feet. I reach for another pipe like a new-born suckling at the nipple, I drag another chamber of smoke into my lungs, realising the freedom gained from the prison of upbringing is not the destination but the beginning of a much larger battle raging unabated within me.

Misery may love company but it’s a lonely place.


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Very good basscadet, this is haunting. I may know your pain. I carry a long, jagged scar on my left wrist from a failed attempt long ago. I had done the deed, lost some blood, lost consciousness only to wake in a hospital with wires, tubes and a catheter up my... thing. If my girlfriend at the time didn't come home early that day...A just punishment for my stupidity. Enough of me.

I'm truly glad that you are still here, depression/PTSD can be crippling and a long battle, but pain is temporary. Thank-you for your post, I look forward to reading more from you.

Just a little technical advice, if you'd like your link to appear only as "The ICMag Writers Group/Circle" there needs to be a after the Group/Circle.

Again, thank you for sharing with us and good luck with your grow!:rasta:
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Senior Member
ICMag Donor
spaceghost22 said:
I don't have access to that magazine so I hope you don't mind if I ask you a couple questions?
Spacie..why? don't you have access..it is available now in Borders, Books A Million, Barnes n Noble.
How did the editing process treat you? Are you completely work at home now, or were you already?
The process was very smooth but long...which is a good thing. My story was changed very little. I do wish they could have included more images but I'm a photographer and always wish for that. Yes completely work at home, un-able to drive, the story has more of the details
I noticed you say that you're disabled in your sig, may I inquire about this as well? Please, if you can, would you post your story for us to read here (In a couple days, after the current topic expires of course)?:rasta:
I 've had several major surgeries with hardware and now have developed a seizure disorder preventing me from driving. The story will be available on TreatingYpurself.com but I'm not sure when they put it on line, guessing at least a month. When they do so I'll try and post it here as well. Thanks for asking, really...DD.
Cannacopia Lapis Mountain Indica


Thanks spaceghost...

Glad we are both here, what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.

That was pretty intense to write, I hadn't thought about that in a while untill I drove past the house I was living in at the time. Living with two dealers at the time so reality was kept at arms length for three years. Sometimes I wonder how I survived but I wouldn't trade those times for anything.

I'm starting to think there should be a "funny thing happened when..." story. Balance out the pain with laughter and laugh in the face of adversity.

btw.. I eventually worked out the sig thing, (only after 3 tries... it's late here LOL)

doobieduck, congrats on being published, there's nothing like seeing your work being enjoyed by others. Makes the lonely hours at the keyboard worthwhile, keep it up!

Reading a copy now, downloadable from the treatingyourself website.

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Senior Member
ICMag Donor
basscadet thanks for posting that the story is available at their site but I visited today and it is not up yet?....DD
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On a more sombre note...

It is with much regret that I must inform the reading audience that I must stop posting here for an indeterminate amount of time. I recently began my most up-to-date bout with depression and it is strengthening at a quickening rate. I am begging to act out a mania that I'm so well know for locally. It was in this state of mind that I recently posted my feelings on the Israel vs. Gaza fighting from a critical, humanitarian stance and received quite a bit of flack for this. While this really isn't so bad, my feelings are uncontrollable and for fear that I may do harm to myself of to others I must remit, I cannot bare any negativity in my life right now, I may collapse.

Never did I think I would be ostracized at this place, but as fate would have it I was. I'm sorry if this comes at an inconvenient time for any of you, it was not my wish to cause any ripples in your lives, my problems should never translate unnecessarily into others, I've learned this lesson before. It is under these pretense that I will back away into the ether for a bit... Please have an understanding heart, can't you?

May Gaia welcome you all into her innermost gardens for lunch.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Heya Space, glad to see you back man.

I didn't have my bi-polar diagnosed until a coupla years ago, and thought everyone had those swings. The wonderful, raging, on-top-of-the-world feeling, where you could do anything, survive anything, and solve all the worlds problems. Then the come down, the smashing to earth that's as devastating to your spirit as a fall from a great height would be to your body. The crushing weight of the depression, forcing you down, until you couldn't even see a reason to crawl out of bed. The conviction that your life was worth less than nothing, and was nothing but a life sucking burden to those you love. The horrible feeling of being completely useless, with no validation for your existence.

I know how it can be, and I'm so glad you're conscious enough to recognize that, and pull back before you hurt anyone else.

If you want, I'll write a quick story for you, to revive your thread, and your acceptance here. Just give me the topic bro.
Heya Space, glad to see you back man.

I didn't have my bi-polar diagnosed until a coupla years ago, and thought everyone had those swings. The wonderful, raging, on-top-of-the-world feeling, where you could do anything, survive anything, and solve all the worlds problems. Then the come down, the smashing to earth that's as devastating to your spirit as a fall from a great height would be to your body. The crushing weight of the depression, forcing you down, until you couldn't even see a reason to crawl out of bed. The conviction that your life was worth less than nothing, and was nothing but a life sucking burden to those you love. The horrible feeling of being completely useless, with no validation for your existence.

I know how it can be, and I'm so glad you're conscious enough to recognize that, and pull back before you hurt anyone else.

If you want, I'll write a quick story for you, to revive your thread, and your acceptance here. Just give me the topic bro.

NiteTiger, I don't think I could've described it any better than that... nice job and thank you, it feels good to hear words of inspiration every once in a while. What can I say about the polar depressions, it's just something which must be tolerated and understood by those who suffer it. Without an understanding there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Oh, a topic he says. One would think that I'd be able to whip one off with all of the manic craziness. How about something a little less straight forward this time, something fiction based. How about a fictional story in the genera of your choosing. :rasta:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Bah, what a cop out :nanana:

I'm about to crash for the night, I think. I've got some ideas though, and they may not hold until tomorrow. :wink: But they probably will :D