basscadet said:Great idea spaceghost22,
I'm a screenwriter from Australia... actually I found this site through procrastination during a tough writing session.
Your story is so well written i didn't notice any mistakes, always the sign of good writing when the story surpasses the words.
This thread idea helped me alot too, i found it and started writing something about depths of disparity, the first decent thing I'd written during a holiday writers block. After a few rewrites I'll have it up for all to read.
Sign me up!
Excellent, our first working writer! I'm glad you found your way to our little corner! To be honest this idea in fact wasn't mine. That credit is due to kmk420kali. He has a post further up if you all would like to read another piece on the topic. I recommend it. Just put yourself in his shoes once....
Basscadet, thank you for the compliments, it feels really good to have those words directed to me. I've had dreams for a couple years now of becoming an author eventually. I would like to write at least one good book before I die. It seems to me that most likely I'll have to wait until I'm old and grey, I'm not as creative as I used to be and can use all the life's experience that I can get.
barletta said:Space - That is an intense read, and props to you for every day that you don't use. LOL, I think that you were referencing the movie, 'Groundhog Day', not CaddyshackAs far as syntax goes, just pay 2 or 3 friends to edit a finished copy. Looks pretty good. The writing is intense. I started reading, then stopped, thinking, ""I don't have the energy to put into this", but then I plowed through 2 paragraphs, next thing I know MY hands hurt a lil...
Yo, I'm in! Weed makes you do crazy things, so why not? LOL, in school I always hated writing (thank the nuns for CRUSHING my handwriting, and desire to write at all), but since I started growing, I have written an essay, a song and a haiku about weed. I'll leave the bio out, but here are the poem and song (verse, lol)
(both orig posted at the MrNice website)
Twas the day before Christmas, and all through the buildin'
All the mammals were chilly, but the plants - they were chillin.
Under a spectrum of light
some yellow, some blue,
Sweet buds slowly ripen
for me and for you
Of lemon, of pine, of skunk they stank
they cannot be rushed to give up the dank
Some for the night, the evening, the morning;
This Super Sillver Haze should come with a warning!
As I load up this bowl of summertime Spice,
I wish good vibes to the members, and to you MrNice!
Happy Holidays
And this:
Coated with silver resin
Purple white and green
She teaches patience
barletta, big thanks go to you as well and yes you're right, it was Caddy-shack. On hiring friends; I guess I should say that I would like to consider all who post here as my friends. I don't expect to use anything I post here in any manuscript I may or may not submit for publishing but I do understand what you're saying. This sounds plausible for me as I have many professional friends despite my low station in life. It is my intention for this group to simply write and get better at doing so.
With all of the + vibrations going around I don't foresee any problems in accomplishing higher caliber writing. Most people I know who can write professionally do not have the creative mojo to get a book done. If that isn't what stops them it most usually is also an issue of time. I like to think that for all good things in life we have to make time for them.
I really did enjoy your poem, it's a very nice spin. It had me laughing out loud! And that bud, oh my god THAT BUD LOOKS NIIIIIIICE!
Thank you goes out to kmk420kali for the topic pick as everyone seems to enjoy it. Thanks also go out to any who consider themselves new members of our humble little group. Again, I hope that we can make something of ourselves beyond what we imagine.
I wish to recap with the old saying, "The pen is mightier than the sword..." I do not consider this any less applicable now than it was when the quote was first coined. If anything it is much more true now.
In closing let me say again that it would be of a great contribution for our new members to link this thread in your sig areas. This will help to enrich our environment here... and I think that it is a way for us who write to feel as part of a legion. If you have any questions as to how this is done, please reference the following box;
1) Click the 'User Menu' selection from the green bar at almost the topmost part of the page.
2) A drop-down box will appear, right-click the 'Edit Signature' and select 'Open in New Tab'. A new window will open with the signature editing box open for you.
3) Highlight everything below and then hit 'Ctrl+C' then select the window with the sig. editing box. Click the box to make sure it's selected (you should see a blinking cursor). Now hit 'Ctrl+V' to paste it into your editing box. MAKE SURE TO ADD A [ TO THE BEGINNING OF THE SELECTION AND A ] TO THE END. BEFORE THE URL=, AND AFTER THE /URL.
URL=]The ICMag Writers Group/Circle[/URL
4) Click the 'Save Signature' button and we're all done!