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the high from edibles

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I eat cannabis almost every night my buddy makes me vegan edibles from coconut oil, I usually eat 2 cookies per night to help with pain/help sleep, for a non-cannabis user I would try a half to full cookie max depending on body weight.not sure on the gel-cap thing......but edibles are mos def strains specific as someone mentioned.......

auto guerilla

how long does the average high last cus last time i made browny's it lasted like 6 hours... seems like a long time lol


We call that a "Hippie Speedball" here in the NW. Normally a bong rip chased with espresso is par for the couse amidst foggy mornings on the puget sound, and this version here looks damn good :) The best part of waking up... is budder in your cup?

Awesome! Love the hippie-speedball moniker :dance013:

now that is the breakfast of champions ...... don't forget to eat your weedies .......... fuck bruce jenner

Indeed, best way I know of to kick-off the day :wave:

O.k. i REALIZE THIS THREAD IS 3 WEEKS OLD BUT I thought someone might see this and give me some advice. My best gf is looking for a "sleep aid "that will knock her out. She wants to wean herself off zanax. I suggested she start smoking mj as she reduces the amount of zanax until she reaches the point where she is just using the mj only. In her situation, smoking is not an option. I suggested she put a little in a gelatin capsule. I have only ingested it once in my life and that was eating a brownie. I cant remember how much was used, it was so long ago ,but I slept like a baby.
She on the other hand has never smoked but about twice her whole life. Needless to say , she hasnt built up tolerance. With her personality, it could be a disaster if she gets paranoid or anxiety. Can anyone tell me how much she should try? Half a size 00 gel cap? or 2 or 3?

No experience with the gelcaps, but the edibles would definitely help with sleep.
Finding your dose is kind of the fun of it :)

She'll flush that poison down the head when she tries the edibles :ying:


Active member
good luck to her getting off xanax withdrawing from xanax is no joke. No cold turkey wean her off xanax slowly. the pot should help as the
xanax doses get smaller.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
how long does the average high last cus last time i made browny's it lasted like 6 hours... seems like a long time lol

Yea, depending on how much you consume, and how your body reacts to the dosage, it can last even 8-12 hours. I had a friend of a buddy I gave some cookies to, over indulge and he was still high the next day.
I threw together this chart - it may help people who are trying to find their dose eating cannabis.

Bear in mind that, the bands are thick because tolerance can vary even for an individual based on the amount of food in the stomach, time of day, etc.

Also, the chart's in miligrams of THC - which might not be so practical without lab reports and-or labeled edibles (wish everyone else had that available too) - I've seen some formulas for rough calculations based on the quality of your bud and the amount you cook with, but I don't know if I trust any of them enough to repeat them.

So, that said, if you can use it, please do!

that's an awesome chart! o.k. she weighs 115 lbs.(beginner no tolerance) how many mg will fill a size 00 gelatin capsule?

You could get at least 500 mg to fit, but its all dependent on your starting material and how you do your extraction. Your most reliable dosing will be to prepare a tincture or hash oil and then use that in your recipes, rather than just making weed butter.

If you make your oil properly, you should be at ROUGHLY 60-70% THC by weight (if you do a great job, it'll be up in the 75-80% range). You want to hit her with a dose like 20mgs (presuming she wants to stay asleep all night, at 115 lbs, she probably has a fast metabolism, so you gotta dose a little high).

So, we want 20 mgs at 65%; our formula is:

x= ~30.75mgs of hash oil/dose

Remember, 1 gram is 1000 miligrams, so we're talking .03 grams of oil/dose.

The good news is, presuming you get a relatively poor ratio of 1:10 on oil to bud, you're looking at 10 doses/eighth of bud you start with.

At $5/night, that shit's cheaper that Ambien without insurance :good:

Now, to move toward the speculative side of things (speculative only because you probably don't have lab reports on your bud, so we're just guessing), you probably don't have the most ideal cannabinoid ratio for sleep in your oil straight-away. All our calculations here have been based on mgs of THC which, if administered in a pure form without other cannabinoids, will probably keep her awake all night.

The good news is that CBD (the most soporific cannabinoid) is a product of decarboxylation, which occurs when you heat THC. This is why edibles tend to have more of a sleepy effect: you've converted the herb's abundant THC-acid into THC, and then the THC into CBD, in the process of baking/cooking/preparing butter by applying a low heat for a long period of time (ie 220 F for 30-45 minutes).

Any edibles you want to use for sleep purposes should be prepared with this in mind: you want to decarboxylate through slow heating in order to turn your max percentage of THC into CBD. Temperatures between 215-230 F seem to be most ideal for this process.
You could get at least 500 mg to fit, but its all dependent on your starting material and how you do your extraction. Your most reliable dosing will be to prepare a tincture or hash oil and then use that in your recipes, rather than just making weed butter.

If you make your oil properly, you should be at ROUGHLY 60-70% THC by weight (if you do a great job, it'll be up in the 75-80% range). You want to hit her with a dose like 20mgs (presuming she wants to stay asleep all night, at 115 lbs, she probably has a fast metabolism, so you gotta dose a little high).

So, we want 20 mgs at 65%; our formula is:

x= ~30.75mgs of hash oil/dose

Remember, 1 gram is 1000 miligrams, so we're talking .03 grams of oil/dose.

The good news is, presuming you get a relatively poor ratio of 1:10 on oil to bud, you're looking at 10 doses/eighth of bud you start with.

At $5/night, that shit's cheaper that Ambien without insurance :good:

Now, to move toward the speculative side of things (speculative only because you probably don't have lab reports on your bud, so we're just guessing), you probably don't have the most ideal cannabinoid ratio for sleep in your oil straight-away. All our calculations here have been based on mgs of THC which, if administered in a pure form without other cannabinoids, will probably keep her awake all night.

The good news is that CBD (the most soporific cannabinoid) is a product of decarboxylation, which occurs when you heat THC. This is why edibles tend to have more of a sleepy effect: you've converted the herb's abundant THC-acid into THC, and then the THC into CBD, in the process of baking/cooking/preparing butter by applying a low heat for a long period of time (ie 220 F for 30-45 minutes).

Any edibles you want to use for sleep purposes should be prepared with this in mind: you want to decarboxylate through slow heating in order to turn your max percentage of THC into CBD. Temperatures between 215-230 F seem to be most ideal for this process.

Hey IncredibowlBoss....First, that was an extremely helpful explanation and it seems logical about the soporific effects of decarboxylating..... but now you're gonna probably hate me for what im about to say next.... but I hope not. (sigh)I'm no where near having a chemist mentality or have any experience cookin ganja and I was just looking for the easy way out.......I was thinking she could just crumble some dried ganja into a gelatin capsule....... Im really embarassed I just said that. and especially after reading your explanation I can see what a dumbass idea I had to begin with. However, Im gonna share your explanation/recipe/instructions with her and she is more capable than i to prepare such a concoction . Thankyou so much


Yes I agree reading this thread has taught me alot about the eating part. I'm new to the eating thing and seems even better then toking. Think I'm gonna give it a shot..
You know what? The only reason I know this stuff is because I had the same assumption that you could just eat bud, and when edibles companies started up out here, I started asking for the details....

FYI the reason you *can't* just eat bud and get high goes back to the dercaboxylation: 97%+ of the cannabinoids in any bud is in the form of THC-Acid which is non-psychoactive. When you heat it with your lighter/vaporizer, you're causing that THC acid to turn into our good ol' friend delta-nine-THC. If you were to somehow imagine a hypothetical way of smoking where the nug remained cold the whole time, you wouldn't get high from that either :) Interestingly (as it stands to reason), you *can* decarboxylate bud in a pan over a low flame for 20 minutes, which makes it active for eating, but it's not totally foolproof (though this is the method used to prepare "edibles" in the middle east: toast buds, then pulverize them, and mix them with ground dates, nuts, etc, or even in with the flour when baking).

So your best bet will probably be to prepare a simple tar hash oil using Everclear. There are definitely good instructions for this somewhere else on IC, but briefly:
1. Grind up bud in a coffee grinder
2. Mix ground bud with everclear/grain alcohol in a glass jar - let sit 48 hours - shake moderately ever 6-8 hours (note: this will yield a darker green color as the chlorophyll and such have been leached out of the bud - there will be a resulting planty flavor, so this stuff is probably best to put in gelcaps, not eat).
3. Make a crude double boiler on your stove or an electric hotplate (place a glass bowl on top of a pot of boiling water)
4. Pour your grain alcohol solvent into the crude double boiler - allow alcohol to evaporate - NOTE! DO *NOT* DO THIS ON A GAS STOVE - ALCOHOL FUMES MAY EXPLODE
5. The resulting black tar residue is your hash oil - scrape this off the bowl and place in container for storage
6. Keep your container sealed - open it for a couple of hours a day to let it cure - otherwise, store it in the freezer

This stuff is probably 40-50% THC by weight - so bear that in mind when you do your calculations:
x = 40 mg hash oil/dose

So remember - that's .04 grams, NOT .4 grams :) (If you eat .4 grams of that hash oil, you'll probably have some serious vomiting, followed by 4-6 hours of hallucination [I felt like I was literally a plant for half a day], but it all goes away and no long term harm is done)

Mix your .04 gram dose with coconut oil and throw that stuff in a gelcap. Take on an empty stomach 90 minutes before bedtime.

Out here the homies (one of whom ate 375 miligrams two days ago, in a display of pure freakishness) have pissing contests where they try to eat more hash oil pills than each other - they all fall asleep after 2 or 3 :)

Hey IncredibowlBoss....First, that was an extremely helpful explanation and it seems logical about the soporific effects of decarboxylating..... but now you're gonna probably hate me for what im about to say next.... but I hope not. (sigh)I'm no where near having a chemist mentality or have any experience cookin ganja and I was just looking for the easy way out.......I was thinking she could just crumble some dried ganja into a gelatin capsule....... Im really embarassed I just said that. and especially after reading your explanation I can see what a dumbass idea I had to begin with. However, Im gonna share your explanation/recipe/instructions with her and she is more capable than i to prepare such a concoction . Thankyou so much


that's an awesome chart! o.k. she weighs 115 lbs.(beginner no tolerance) how many mg will fill a size 00 gelatin capsule?

and of course trying is your best friend ;)

I use 1gram pills and usually make them light, so that you can have 2-3pills depending on the mood, weight. 1gram pill of course it is not pure THC. It has lots of butter and lecithin (to make it thick).

Now I am experimenting using also sugar (of course with butter and lecithin), as the sugar is absorbed more quickly and you dont have to wait for 1-2 hours before the effects kick in.

so just make a batch and let her experiment. Weed is certainly better than benzodiazepamins in any way you look at it. That comes from my experience also...

PS you would prefer a more indica strain, as sativas are more energetic.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah I too make eatibles and I guess it's the strain because I use the leaf and I assume it's going to knock me out and 8 times out of 10 it does but 2 out of 10 you get that really opposite effect and your wide awake at 3:00am lol peace out Headband707
I'm no where near having a chemist mentality or have any experience cookin ganja and I was just looking for the easy way out.......I was thinking she could just crumble some dried ganja into a gelatin capsule....... Im really embarassed I just said that. and especially after reading your explanation I can see what a dumbass idea I had to begin with. However, Im gonna share your explanation/recipe/instructions with her and she is more capable than i to prepare such a concoction . Thankyou so much[/QUOTE]

This made me lol. You can just eat herb, but it is much more effective/cost effective if you decarboxylate it. But if you're new to edibles, here's the easy way out:
-Find any baking recipe that uses vegetable oil (even boxes of brownie/muffin mix will work).
-Measure out the amount of oil that the recipe calls for.
-Simmer your herb in oil for 20 minutes at about 220 degrees f. A candy thermometer works well for this, but if you don't have one, the low setting on most stoves is usually close.
-Use an amount of herb that corresponds to the amount of brownies,cookies, or whatever that you are making. With a newbie, I would never use more than .5g per dose, lest they freak out.
-Strain out the herb from oil with a METAL strainer.
-Let oil cool.
-Use as normal in recipe.

It will take a little experimentation to find the exact dose that will help with sleep, but just start small and increase from there. I'd say to do this sort of thing before you start trying to make hash oil capsules or anything advanced. Just my 2c.


I like the effect from edibles a lot. It's definitely more mellow and for me it's more of a body high. I also get much less paranoid.
Just wanted to bump this back with a slight correction: I've been decarboxylating my starting material for edibles at 250* F for 27 minutes (according to the chart posted by Jump117) and am convinced that's THE sweet spot. Been putting my heavy-chiefin wife to sleep for 12 hours at a clip with .5 of kief decarboxylated this way then mixed with peanut butter.