When you can tell the difference between someone's life journey and personal attacks it will change the conversation drastically. I've not seen anyone attack Nevil. All I see are people posting what they know about the man.
When you can tell the difference between someone's life journey and personal attacks it will change the conversation drastically. I've not seen anyone attack Nevil. All I see are people posting what they know about the man.
I suppose that would depend on your veiw point hammer head.... I know alot of people for some reson refer to nevil as a junky and this term has been connected to him so much that there are some of the younger generation who think thats what he was and all he was, an ive even seen some actually say this due to people putting it out there in such a way. I know people personally who've had issues with hard drugs and it would offend me if I had a brother and people were going around calling him a junky....and even more so if the brother has over come that problem...im sure it would make you feel uncomfortable if it was used in reference to someone close to you...and more so if that problem was a past overcome issue. There is nothing wrong with using the term "former drug user"....the word junky is mainly used as a derogatory term....even though the user of the word may not mean it in such a way, but it can be an is offensive to some, and definitely used as a derogatory term by most.
Probably the Colombian Gold part of Haze.What exactly is that (genetics make up)one , Mexcurandero 420 ?!
During the next year the seeds produced the four varieties. I was given a description by Sams of “fruity``, “sour``,“rootbeer``,“cola``,“chocolate`` and “hashy``. Later, a more accurate description of each variety was given. The first being Magenta, which those in the inner-circle knew as the “Rootbeer pheno``, and the rest of the world knew as “purple haze``. Then, there was the “Gold`` which was known to carry musky sandlewood and pine traits.
Probably the Colombian Gold part of Haze.
You do realize Sammy that the only interest i had with Nevils clones was are they real or fake and i asked Nevil about the clones and asked him if they were his old clones that was it my only interest i had in them even if they were real and Nevil had them and offered them to me i would not have an interest in them apart from HzC and i would of been happy with a little pollen also.
What every one fails to get here is HzA HzC and the other Hz Nevil found are all related there siblings brother sister.
I found plants that would equal or better i know this because both Nevil and shanti Sampled some and Nevil was shocked by a quality of a sample i sent him.If i could find these type of plants so could any one that grew F1 seed from Nevil or later on by shanti.
How many 5HzC seed did Nevil sell and what would be the odds the F1 seed every grower got found something special that adds up to a shit load of special plants.
Take away Nevils name do you honestly think there be the same interest in these clones regardless how good they are or were the answer would be no.
I could not give a rats ass what any of you grow or do with these clones but when i sit here and read personal attacks on Nevil and i see people continue reading people discredit his work since he past away it kinda rubs me the wrong way Sammy we even see Todd doing it.
You don't show some one respect by attacking them.
Yes if the quality is there id say plenty of interest. ,Why would his name matter?. If those cuts were shit no one would want them. I don't care who's name is attached. If any cut has the quality and has the genetics I like, I'm always interested regardless of who's name is their. . If they were crap his name wouldn't change that. Again with the overboard worshiping nonsense.
Just an aside since you are bringing up talk of junky's. When I was growing up hammer was slang for heroin, and a Hammerhead was a heroin user. I'm sure that's not the reason for your name, just thought it funny that someone called Hammerhead was discussing this.If Nevil was a junky that is not an attack it's a fact. It was part of Nevil's life journey. I have a tremendous amount of respect for anyone that went through this. I'll never think badly of a person because they are or were a junky. It's a horrible disease. It makes people do shit they normally wouldn't. I guess calling someone a junky could be interpreted as derogatory but For me, a Junky is someone who still carries that monkey on their back and is not an insult. It doesn't change how I see them. Only immature people use it in a derogatory fashion.
Just an aside since you are bringing up talk of junky's. When I was growing up hammer was slang for heroin, and a Hammerhead was a heroin user. I'm sure that's not the reason for your name, just thought it funny that someone called Hammerhead was discussing this.
Nevils names sells even you would no that and i don't see any Nevil worshiping here Hammer i just see try hards trying to tear down a guy that breed cannabis made seed sold seed and as a result spent 30 plus years of his life avoiding being kidnapped and exported back to the US were he would of sat in a prison cell till he died.
Nevil started the seed industry and spread seed far n wide what did you do Hammer to give you the right to rubbish him or support the attack on Nevil ?.
Nevil spoke of his haze work and breading in detail to me Sammy and i am sure to a few others he did all the work him self the one regret he had was he never took clones of the female plant that would just not stop flowering but he did make seed using that plant. I asked him specific questions on that plant and i told him why i think it did what it did and it was not genetic related all plants have finishing points.
The germination and work with Haze started at the castle.
So what you trying to tell us Sammy ?.
Firstly, work with Original Haze started with the Haze Bros and Sam the Skunkman. Why can you still not get your facts straight?
Dude. I am not one to delve in negativity but your karma is extremely dark and upsetting and I feel time is getting shorter for you here as the days pass.
Nev told everyone all the things related to his few Haze plants which he acquired from Sam the Skunkman on the MNS not just you buddy. In fact he went into great detail over there with regard to most of the things he did. Its all over there on record and we don't need you to rehash it over here. I had much respect for you until you just kept on with all of this. I have tried to stay impartial. However I find it absolutely nonsensical for you to continue even after coming back from a time out like one would give a toddler. What have you given back to this community? Buckets with a hole and hand watering, pretty sure you didn't invent planting pots with holes in them. As for 3 seeds acquired form a friend and one of which that Hermied and no one else has grown pure, who cares its probably Hemp anyway.
I must say that before you started all of this negative posting that I also had the utmost respect for Nevil and grew out most of the offerings of his work from Sensi before they started screwing with the lines.
You have made me realize that Nevil was nothing more than the first one to truly start the complete Bastardization of pure Cannabis.
And now you have insulted even more very kind and generous members of our community, many of which give out their hard work for free and even paying to get it out there? They do that for the spirit of brotherhood and to further this movement. And for that I Salute them, each and everyone.
For many this little place is our Temple, a place to come and celebrate and grow as a community. For you it appears this is a place you treat as a latrine. While I continue to hope that you will make a miraculous recovery, chances of that are fading with each continued post. Maybe find a new hobby, something that will make you happy with your old age. Time is short, best to make the most of it.
I would appreciate it if every one from this point on stayed on topic and left the personal attack well out of this thread.
I would also ask that you stop attacking Nevil as he is no longer with us and able to defend him self.
Not much of an ask from adults really.
- coming soon - 'The Haze Wrestling Thread' - where members can wrestle over various types of Haze - oh wait a minute - <strokes beard> -
- coming soon - 'The Haze Wrestling Thread' - where members can wrestle over various types of Haze - oh wait a minute - <strokes beard> -