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The Haze discussion thread

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The skunk traits come from the old NL#5.
The old crew informed me that Nevil chose this NL#5 outcrossing both Haze males bc of the low smell and amazing yields of this particular line.
His NL#2, related to #5 was very skunky smelling.

KarmaG brought the A5 back to the community but don’t forget the people behind the man who were crucial for keeping this cutting around over the years. Thanks to them, A5 and other precious old cuttings survived the Dutch poor legislation, not to mention pests and personal issues these people had to undergo over more then 3 decades.

So the skunk aroma was breed out?. I've been searching for those terps for a few decades with no luck. When I crossed Karmas A5HBX1 with a diesel the resulting terps are very similar to what I remember. The skunk part is not as overwhelming as I remember but I was young, what I thought then could be very different then if I smelled it today. I def came to mind a haze out crossing could have been where it came from..

Agreed 100%. I felt Karma deserved a shout out for what hes doing. I'm super thankful I now have these genetics to work with:biggrin:. So do many others that's defiantly a good thing.


Well-known member
I'm optimistic about this thread now that DJ9 has arrived.
Thank you Hempy for coaxing him here and thanks DJ9 for not letting the concern over trolls keep you away.

I believe that anyone who misbehaves here towards DJ9 will get enough people reporting their posts to bring the swift attention of ICmods.

Yo Sammy

Well-known member
I agree with you ther ojd....wat nevil was puting out was devastating...I seen many a heavy smoker get heart rushes an panic atacks from the stuff...wen nevil left holland all that suff disappeared

It did not disappear, it just didnt get to the dam and when it did and it was class AAA gear chances are high it came from the Southern connection.
I know the Southern crew held and flowered all hybrids including both C5 phenotypes as well as all other original Haze C hybrids such as CG13 (G13xHzC), HPHzC and Nevilles Haze. I was one of the cultivators.

As you mentioned most weed sold under the Haze handle in the dam were outcrosses of the old cuttings where C5 was considered to be the best overal hybrid to outcross and therefor strains like SSHz & JH, which Nevil confirmed shared similar chemotype but were different in phenotypical expression, were mostly available.
Untill present there is only 1 coffeeshop in the dam that offers authentic flowers from the old cuttings.
Over the ‘90’s almost none were available anywhere at the Dam and if it was it brought to the dam by people connected to the old crew.
Thing with the old hybrids was and still is almost no cultivator around the dam found a proper way to flower them to full potential. This and the longer flower time put most growers of and after giving them a go once or twice with no descent quality nor yield they stuck to what they were used to grow, more indica leaning -read reduced flower time and vigour- varieties such as SSH or JH.
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Yo Sammy

Well-known member
So the skunk aroma was breed out?. I've been searching for those terps for a few decades with no luck. When I crossed Karmas A5HBX1 with a diesel the resulting terps are very similar to what I remember. The skunk part is not as overwhelming as I remember but I was young, what I thought then could be very different then if I smelled it today. I def came to mind a haze out crossing could have been where it came from..

Agreed 100%. I felt Karma deserved a shout out for what hes doing. I'm super thankful I now have these genetics to work with:biggrin:. So do many others that's defiantly a good thing.

No, Nevil and the crew disliked breeding to the skunky aroma side in the NL spectrum because they were looking for a more subtle aromatic cultivar allowing the Haze aromaic traits to be more dominant in the offspring. That why Nevil selected NL#5 to outcross both Haze males and found these to be best in that regard.


Well-known member
I can confirm that in a certain CS in a southern town they have always been available. Not all at the same time, but all the time at least one of the cuts.

Always brought my own Haze to Amsterdam from there.


Well-known member
It did not disappear, it just didnt get to the dam and when it did and it was class AAA gear changes are high it came from the Southern connection.
I know the Southern crew held and flowered all hybrids including both C5 phenotypes as well as all other original Haze C hybrids such as CG13 (G13xHzC), HPHzC and Nevilles Haze. I was one of the cultivators.

As you mentioned most weed sold under the Haze handle in the dam were outcrosses of the old cuttings where C5 was considered to be the best overal hybrid to outcross and therefor strains like SSHz & JH, which Nevil confirmed shared similar chemotype but were different in phenotypical expression, were mostly available.
Untill present there is only 1 coffeeshop in the dam that offers authentic flowers from the old cuttings.
Over the ‘90’s almost none were available anywhere at the Dam and if it was it brought to the dam by people connected to the old crew.
Thing with the old hybrids was and still is almost no cultivator around the dam found a proper way to flower them to full potential. This and the longer flower time put most growers of and after giving them a go once or twice with no descent quality nor yield they stuck to what they were used to grow, more indica leaning -read reduced flower time and vigour- varieties such as SSH or JH.

I havent tried any of the cuttings you guys hold yet sammy but in my experience I know I couldn't get nothing near the same from roughly about 2002 onwards..i never got mine from the shops..an belive me I went through alot to be able to recognize it again..hopefully I should gett to try some of the stuff held by you guys soon.....I personally know of many guys that wouldn't touch weed again because of the effects it had on them.


Well-known member
Hello Sammy and everyone who welcomed me.
I met Nevil in 1984 by telephone after ordering and receiving a pack of Kashroc seeds.
He invited me to come visit him in Holland as he did with everyone. In the spring of 85 I made my first trip to the Netherlands. I spent a month smoking and talking and driving around looking for a place to get the Seed Bank going. We looked at many farms and properties. I returned to Holland in the fall of 85 and Nevil had found and bought the castle. I traveled back and forth for a few years and in 89 was offered a job by Nevil so I moved to the Netherlands. We have been in contact and good friends ever since then until his passing. May he RIP. I have grown all the plants en mass, and will post more replies etc as time goes on. Still trying to figure the whole forum out. Hempy has been asking me for a long while to come on and give a little insight into those days. I told Nevil I was going to do this and his exact words were "the trolls will eat you alive mate" . But if you can handle it, you have my blessing. Haha . So that explains my holding back for so long. Anyway I hope to be able to shed some light [without getting burnt] on some of these questions.
As for 1 answer. Yes Sammy I also believe Nevils batch off Haze seeds was something special, which is one reason no ones been able to match it .

Thanks for posting, its great to have your account of events here on IC. :tiphat:

Since others are posing questions I have one or two. Though I'm not sure if you want this to be like an interview because you'll just get spammed questions. I'd love to hear your personal account and what stories you hold.

Was there anything specific or peculiar to Nevil's selection process? Was it a matter of consuming the progeny and going from there? Or was there other factors involved in testing for the strong highs of the hazes?
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Welcome, dj9. I hope the trolls stay away. I have a couple questions for you.

1) When and how did the Haze A male die? Are there any pictures of it? I've only seen one pic of the Haze C male.

2) I understand Nevil would occasionally meet bulk seed buyers in person at the castle. Do you know if he sold many Haze A hybrid seeds to such buyers? Did you ever meet any of these guys and, if so, did you ever run across any Dominicans?

3). Did you observe efforts to geminate seeds from the batch that Nevil got from Sam? Can you verify if any of the batches were labeled 1969 as Nevil claimed? Any idea how many seeds he popped?

Greatly appreciate any information you can provide. Thanks.
Hey there...as far as I know the A is still alive.
And yes I was around the castle many times during bulk deals but never met
any Dominicans . But I wasn't there every day of course. I lived 20 minutes up the road when I moved there, but stayed at the castle on my extended visits before that.
Nevil had about 100 Haze seeds from Sam. He asked for the oldest ones and bought the whole bag. He tried to start about a dozen and none started. So he threw them all in [yes threw] . 6 germinated ...1 died right away. A and C are famous. B was a female which to me had the classic Cali taste... I spent some time in Happy Camp Cal. in 82 and had tasted this there. But Nevil didn't care for it cause it flowered too quick and wasn't very Hazy . D was rope and E flowered forever. Nevil had pollinated it 3 times with various males, and pulled seeds off and finally cut it, much to his dismay later. It ended up being some very powerful Haze. I have recently heard and seen a pic of the A and C male in Cali but who can tell from a knarly little pic. I grew 100s of A5s and have never yet seen a pic on line that resembled it. It was a big classic Sat with small end of your finger sized fluffy buds and tasted like spice, chicken soup, slight menthol ...much less pine than the C crosses. The A you could smoke forever, but the C, although it was much more intense, a person built a tolerance fairly quickly. I grew 1000s of C5s. I had to give away for free to Coffeeshop owners in the beginning cause no one wanted it. Everyone was used to that crappy 'skunk'. By the way I would like to ask the whole community if anyone knows what SK#1 was called before it left Cali. It couldn't have been Skunk since, it wasn't. I met Sam at the first Cannabis cup at a Restaurant in Rotterdam . This event was sponsored and set up by Ben. Sam was there with a beautiful sweet smelling SK1. bud. That was my first exposure to SK1. Having come from Canada and lived in Cali and Oregon Skunk was a wide leafed heavy Indica you could smell for a mile. Nothing sweet about it . It was great weed but nothing to do with Skunk. Its just a theory so don't git yer panties in a knot but I smoked Hawaiian in the early 80s that was the same profile. I believe its an old Hawaiian actually but that's for another time.
And thanks again for welcoming me to everyone. D


Hey Dark,
Actually the A and C put out totally different plants.
And the B and E were different as well.
I imagine these seeds were a mix from different females originally.
From a batch of Haze. Not 1 plant .


Yes that's the C5. Near the back of that catalogue is a pic of the 'first' Autos grown in North America. Taken by myself in the summer of 87. Its a polaroid .
Its a Sk XRudy XSk X Shady Lady made by Nevil . Begin Sept at 49 degrees lat


Well-known member
With the skunk dj people may be rembering 2 separate lines...the one in cali/usa seems to be some sort of indica type plant...but sams was originally a quite sativa looking plant...was supposed to be 75% sativa and actually looked it too...I believe that was some of the very earlier skunk sam had but later generations seem to hav been bred to make it a more indoor friendly plant alot more indica and sweeter smelling.


Yes we never got the Sativa line in Canada.
Although I have grown some Skunky smelling Mexs , Jamaicans and even some old Colombians


Well-known member
Ive also spoke to some guys in calli who are saying they have the haze males over there..but one turned out to be the picture a guy called kash took in shantis place in Switzerland of the haze-c male (and the last picture seen of it )and the other turned out to actual be nl5haze-c... youl have to get hempy to see the picture you have if you still have it of the males these guys in cali say they have.


Someone asked if I knew anything about Friesland.
I know it isn't really relevant to this thread as it was a SSSC strain, but is close to my heart, as it is a northern bullet proof strain.
I did a lot of research on this, as well as grew it for many
years and still do. As you probably know Friesland is the Northern
most province in the Netherlands. It was bred there for quickness
and mold resistance there.
My final conclusion is that it is a Balochistan Hash plant from Pakistan.
There was a lot of Baloch hash in the coffeeshops in Adam in the 70s and 80s so I figured it came from someone who brought seeds from there with the hash. And it has the same acrid profile and bud structure. If you look up pics online you will see what I mean.


Active member
What was Nevil told about the genetic lineage of haze when he got the seeds If you remember?




Welcome to the forums

I’m very curious what more light you can shed on Nevil working with Haze

Do you know if Nevil used any of the Haze clones Sams gave him for his breeding ?

Were any pure Haze seeds made using the HzA ?

Is there a Hashplant Haze A ?

Are any Haze A hybrids still alive aside from G13HzA and A5 ?

Are original Haze A hybrid seeds still held ?

Appreciate any insight you can shed

Hi Herb...sorry I am answering in the wrong order but it will get better.
In 86 or 87 cant remember exactly . Sam brought Nevil some "new" Haze clones.
He kept a male aside and flowered the females. They were not much good. Finished in 10 weeks and had a flat buzz. I suspect this is the OHaze looking back.
So \Nevil tossed that one and whatever he has crossed into it went in the garbage.
I heard but didn't see about some purple haze or something but was nothing as well from what I gathered.
Yes Nevil crossed the C into the B and they were no good. Stringy and weird. So those never went out either.
Sorry but I cant remember if there was an A/Hashplant.
The reason Nevil didn't use the A much until later was because the plants were too big and had small buds . Also you had to grow a lot to find the jewels.
Yes there is still A hybrids .

Karma G

Well-known member
Haze male A has been gone for a long time. Thats not my thought but from Nevil his own words.

Because somone that worked for him forgot to make cuts before flowering it. When that was i dont know, but defantly pre 2000.

If haze male c is till alive i expect Shanti to have it still, if its still in NL im not shure when it is it be at Bonk.

Just because people on here always doubt and think they know better (not aimed at you dj9)


Your expiernce of that time are very intresting dj9 please dont let some doubts ore questions scare you of here. :tiphat:


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Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Wow...some seriously useful and educational info here in this thread so far. We got Sammy, dj, and now Karma posting? Man...We’re gonna break the internet! Hahaha. For haze heads like myself, this is all pretty fucking awesome.

DJ, I remember reading something from Nev about looking for a good Thai to cross the NH to...can’t remember exactly why he felt that way, but I’d imagine he was aiming to try to improve the line or add some things he might have felt it was lacking? Not sure. Was there any work done in that regard that you can tell us about?

As an aside, one of the funniest lines I read from Nev was regarding the Afghani 1 he got from Sam. Nev said he got the A1 from Sam and that Sam said it tasted like medicine....Nev said something like “it tasted like medicine alright...bad medicine!” Lol...that cracked me up when he wrote that.

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