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Hash Man

Agsil 16h works just like any other potassium silicate, except it is much cheaper. It is fine used in lower ppms. I use it as ph up every time i feed. The plants just love it. If your plants need more nutrients they will tell you, you just have to know what to look for. The shade of green tells you a lot, and any damaged leaf tells a story as well.

I know too many people who feed light nutrient levels, and are not optimizing their performance. Every day counts guys. If you want your plants to perform you are going to have to push them a bit.


Carlos - yea, those Jamaican bats create some very nice high phos guano.

Organicbuds - Thanks, I'm glad you agree. Don't get overzealous even if your nutes are organic, a lesson I learned last year. But, I'm also seeing that if you don't give your plants enough N during the stretch they aren't as vigorous and the leaves start to turn yellow and drop off 3-4 weeks into flowering....so, I must sound out the middle ground. My Chem#4 plants are pretty large at about 9 feet wide and 9-10 feet tall in 300 gallon containers.... I'm leaning towards giving them a medium strength half veg half bloom feeding tomorrow... and then maybe some tea the next day and see how they react. they're also due for their Calcium25/SN14 dose.... Whatcha think?

Carlos Danger

C25 has triacontanol in it. I've never figured out whether or not it's bad as a plant starts blooming. Lots of people speculate but I haven't seen any studies.


Active member
Things are lookin great up in here!!

I top dressed Ancient Organics Guano Grow 4 weeks ago and it got the BluebKush and CritHaze through the stretch but not my Alaskan Ice's. So i'll top dress them again and give them and the rest tea. Here's the batch I got brewin:

4 gal ro'd and treated water
2 tsp bioag cytoplus
1/3 cup hibrix mollassy
1 1/2 cup wiggle worm ewc
2 tbsp ancient organics guano grow
2 tbsp earth juice volcano bat guano bloom

I just tailor ratio of grow/bloom guano for stage of plant... next batch will be all bloom guano...

stay safe and irey!!

Hash Man

Just blasted em yesterday with 1000 ppm dynagrow foliage pro for 20 min. I think they liked it:)

EDIT- brix reading on the blackwater in the lower left corner is 17.

Veg N Out

What are you readings off a refractometer using fertilizer like that all season

Carlos Danger

I suspect this white romulan at 5.5ft tall and about as wide hasn't begun its stretch yet. Either that or the stretch was nonexistent. Just seeing the first primordial pistils on it, but VerdantGreen's cherijuana is in full bloom already.


Active member
Grown Romulan many times, first plant I perfected indoors. It will stretch for sure, I am guessing this will happen by the end of next week for sure. Good luck Carlos Danger, that name still makes me chuckle.

Carlos Danger

This is OGRs cross with The White, first time with it. The pistils are white unfortunately. I was hoping for those magenta ones!

Hash Man

What are you readings off a refractometer using fertilizer like that all season

Hey I am sitting at 17. I tested a thriving blackwater thats busting out of her trellis. Also, i may have given them a shot of synthetics, but i have used more organic stuff this year than ever before. I have used about 10 gallons molassas so far as well.


Active member
cant believe its already august, damn this summer went by quick! I am not seeing any preflowers on the clones yet, then again i used supp lighting until the solstice. 2 seedlings are throwing lots of preflowers and ready to flower, im sure the rest will be along shortly.

Blue Dreams, right before sundown at the mountain garden 3k feet elevation.


Green Cracks/Dream Queens




Blue Monkey Haze (Blue Dream x Monkey Haze) f2 (misnamed C Monk in album):

This U2 Monkey Haze f2 has gotten quite a bit taller than I expected, taking on more of a Christmas tree shape than a globe, albeit with quite broad leaves. Interesting!

Let's hope that the flowers look like this other U2 MH f2, from the light dep:

Wishing healthy big plant vibes to all for August!


Active member
things are on time for me.
I have NO pre flowers, still vegging hard.
the cheese s1's are starting to show a few pistols.
Aug stretch is about to begin!

Anyone else hit the 11' yet?

this mendo dream is finally at 11'.
one of the monster plants.
everything else is 7-9' tall



New member
Mendo 420, w0w! Beautiful. This shot is of 2 Durbans(background) in and 1 Jack Herer(foreground) in my flower garden. The back right corner Durban is was just shy of 10' in mid-July when this was snapped.



Active member
I have one sour pineapple that is just over 11' as of this morn. but all thats over 10.5 ft is one branch and the last few inches are a fan leaf pointed up, so its a stretch to call it 11 but I am, lol. most are 7-8 ft a few taller than that and a few shorter, my smallest is prob 5 ft tall and 4 ft around.

Carlos Danger

I'm getting way ahead of ourselves but I'm already trying to figure which green manure to use on my bed after chopping this girl down. Those of you in smartpots - do you leave your containers filled every year? Those of you in earth like me, VegNOut I'm looking at you, what are you covering your soil with in winter. I'm thinking clover and vetch, maybe plant a late fall crop of borage as well.


Active member
Yes4Prop215 - Killing it. Nice garden.
mapinguari - Killing it. Nice garden.
Mendo - Redonkulous. 11' from the top of your pots not the including the pots right?


Active member
I bet that Veg guy is crushing it about now...Anybody besides Hashman got current brix meter readings?

Bountiful harvest blessings, big plant folks,

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