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organic P

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2 yard green crack 5 yard blue dream


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Killing it OrganicP! Great work.

Is that the standard clone gc? I have a gc I'm trying this year that locally is called green crack cola and it is surprising me with size and structure. Just curious, thanks for sharing


OrganicP - Is that a living mulch you grew on purpose? Or wild grass? Either way I dig it.

Wheat straw often comes with grain included. I dropped a bunch this year right before a heavy rain and in two weeks I had a wheat field...

Next year I'll lay emitter tubing underneath the straw and apply it after the spring rains. Fall rain will germinate the stuff but at least it won't be 3 feet tall and in the way.



Would you prefer the wheat, rye or some other mulch? If so, why? I use cover crops but I'm on the fence as far as letting the stuff do its thing or plucking it. I just don't like the way it looks but thats not really adequate justification for yanking it.


Gene Mangler
Wheat straw often comes with grain included. I dropped a bunch this year right before a heavy rain and in two weeks I had a wheat field...

LOL :D I did that years ago to my veggie garden, had a fullon wheat field!

Been experimenting with row covers....

Running Crimson Clover around my holes this year.
Holes on right are after first mowing, left is about 40days from seed.

That was a few weeks ago, all are mowed now, drip going in tomorrow.

All the clovers so far get too high without mowing for me (white & crimson avg 15"), going to try this micro next year & keep hunting for other low lying nitrogen fixers/aerators.


They fix nitrogen, aerate your soil, help prevent evaporation & are killer green manure to till in for next year!

my 2 pesos... :tiphat:


Great thread inspiring work I don't think smart pots have been done in oz might just have to order some 100 gals any strain recommendations available by seed


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Wally - Check out TomHill seeds at seedbay. This is his subforum, his thread, and his (and others) knowledge that makes growing large plants outdoors more fun and easier. He doesn't name any of his strains with sexy names, but they do the trick.

If you need a second choice, I have been loving GanjaRebelSeeds.


Would you prefer the wheat, rye or some other mulch? If so, why? I use cover crops but I'm on the fence as far as letting the stuff do its thing or plucking it. I just don't like the way it looks but thats not really adequate justification for yanking it.

The ideal cover crop will help with building up and maintaining micro-life in your soil. When growing large outdoors plants this is key IMO. If you allow the top layer of your soil to dry out, then you loose a huge amount of micro beasties. When the top layer maintains moisture at the same rate as the bottom of your pots, and your soil is evenly moist, then you have your ideal mulch.

Now to accomplish even moisture and high levels of micro-life I would have to say a cover crop would be the best way to go. However you can accomplish this with bagged redwood chips from Homedepot as well.

As long as I have a 2-5" layer of mulch in my pots, I can liven it up pretty quick with my compost teas as a soil drench.


im going to give toms haze a go i only have room for 2 - 3 smart pots 100 gals
ive got some blue dream ive been wanting to run for awhile
also wanted to try out dp purple#1 how do you think these would run in 100 gals


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hey anybody else have plants growing at very low elevation in high heat? some of the desert plants have really tightened up their node spacing, my best guess is because of the 100 degree temps in that area and very low humidity, winds are also much heavier at this spot as well.....nodes are barely stretching, we've resorted to having to use shadecloths on some of the bad ones and spraying water all over the ground. hitting them with higher N and got a few inches after that feeding, so might have to stick with that. overall the plants are healthy with lush green growth but the nodes are just stacking on eachother, almost looks like someone snuck a bottle of bushmaster into my water tank!

everything at 3k feet is humming along and stretching daily, it stays in the mid 80s-mid 90s in the mountains but down in the flats its pushing 100 daily, its fucking HOT. and another big heat wave on the horizon....im open to all suggestions on how to salvage the low elevation plants because this shit is getting depressing seeing such poor growth...

in the low elevation garden the plants doing the best get 1-2 hours of shade a day from a nearby tree and are in 300 gal pots..but the mounds out in the direct sunlight for 14+ hours a day are struggling.


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
I am literally within 50' of sea level, so that should be considered low elevation lol!
The only plant flowering is my Blue Dragon, everything else is humming along...


hey anybody else have plants growing at very low elevation in high heat? some of the desert plants have really tightened up their node spacing, my best guess is because of the 100 degree temps in that area and very low humidity, winds are also much heavier at this spot as well.....nodes are barely stretching, we've resorted to having to use shadecloths on some of the bad ones and spraying water all over the ground. hitting them with higher N and got a few inches after that feeding, so might have to stick with that. overall the plants are healthy with lush green growth but the nodes are just stacking on eachother, almost looks like someone snuck a bottle of bushmaster into my water tank!

everything at 3k feet is humming along and stretching daily, it stays in the mid 80s-mid 90s in the mountains but down in the flats its pushing 100 daily, its fucking HOT. and another big heat wave on the horizon....im open to all suggestions on how to salvage the low elevation plants because this shit is getting depressing seeing such poor growth...

in the low elevation garden the plants doing the best get 1-2 hours of shade a day from a nearby tree and are in 300 gal pots..but the mounds out in the direct sunlight for 14+ hours a day are struggling.

I started a thread back on the 10th of this month because I saw the same thing. I'm at 900ft and the node shortening started to happen after a heat wave. I was out of town and the top 2-4 inches of soil dried out as well. This, in my experience, is way too early for flower initiation on any variety I run. Feeding high N foliar seemed to help but only a little. Keeping them fed and wet is all I can do but it seems like I'm going to lose 3 weeks of prime veg time...


Active member


hey anybody else have plants growing at very low elevation in high heat? some of the desert plants have really tightened up their node spacing, my best guess is because of the 100 degree temps in that area and very low humidity, winds are also much heavier at this spot as well.....nodes are barely stretching, we've resorted to having to use shadecloths on some of the bad ones and spraying water all over the ground. hitting them with higher N and got a few inches after that feeding, so might have to stick with that. overall the plants are healthy with lush green growth but the nodes are just stacking on eachother, almost looks like someone snuck a bottle of bushmaster into my water tank!

everything at 3k feet is humming along and stretching daily, it stays in the mid 80s-mid 90s in the mountains but down in the flats its pushing 100 daily, its fucking HOT. and another big heat wave on the horizon....im open to all suggestions on how to salvage the low elevation plants because this shit is getting depressing seeing such poor growth...

in the low elevation garden the plants doing the best get 1-2 hours of shade a day from a nearby tree and are in 300 gal pots..but the mounds out in the direct sunlight for 14+ hours a day are struggling.


Yes Prop....I agree that there are some def peculiaralities this season,

Well I'm at 3,300 feet in the lower Sonoran desert not far from Tucson and using 15 gal plastic and 15 gal Rootmaker smart pots, along with some 5 gal plants for seed and breeding purposes only. I water every other day until the drip is just coming out of the bottom. Internodes are tight, as you say, more than last year. I am in a semi-covered patio/greenhouse and the girls get 7-8 hours of direct sunlight daily and 3 more of shaded/covered indirect light.

I have been following the Foliar School of nourishment this year instead of top dressing at all. So far the growth is outstanding given the small size of my pots compared to you big giant pot peeps. I use a little Vitamin B1 and Fox Farms "Grow Big" every other day in the early, pre-dawn morning. The temps have been from 92-106 F, but last week the Monsoon showed up in earnest and the humidity is way up every day with some days cloudy and overcast all day. Rain has been almost normal for the best of the last 15 years of drought. 3" so far in the last 14 days.

Only one Critical Mass female is starting to flower decently. The others are barely showing. My records for last year, 2012, show 75% showing a fair number of pistils at this time last year. My males, for 4 different varieties, have started dropping pollen (and I'm segregating them and collecting it). One tropical variety, Cabeza de Negro from Brazilian Seeds is not even showing male or female yet, while the Magus Genetics Zamal x Warlock has shown who is who.

I'm concentrating on making my own Haze in a sense.....combining two tropicals and one Afghani: Gerritt at Magus Genetics' 2008 Masibindi, the Zamal A (La Reunion Island off west Africa) x Warlock (the Afghani), with Nirvana Seed's Eldorado (Oaxacan). Might even cross a Brazilian Cabeza de Negro (Black Head) with the Z x W for an alternate version of the 2 Sativas with 1 Indica Trifecta that characterized the original Haze.

It's all research for the time bean. Later, the big grow.

I'm pumped that I finally have the opportunity to pursue a bit of breeding by using only natural, non-fem seed this year, and concentrating on saving and crossing the unusual genetics that several international donors have provided. Cheers to you all for having faith in my promise to do my best and treat your gifts like the gold they are. Good Karma has its own rewards...



I would suggest you to keep soil temperature low as possible.
If its smart pots you need to make some barrier all around pots what
should absorb heat, as soil, bags of sand, bricks or or ...



My plants have had on the single pair of followers at the joints for the last 4 weeks, they are still growing and not looking like they are going to full bud no time soon, what I was hoping to be bud branches are now 8ins long and growing I dont know what to make of it, I had a issue with an insect sucking on the leaves and killing most of the fan leaves,(nuked with seven) that and no rain for a week, now the main stems are not looking as healthy and green, the general health of the plants haven't recovered as I would like only been 6 days since so it could be time, but what can I do to push the health back up?


This year is slightly different for sure, I have summed it up to global warming, etc...but my Hindu skunks, blackberry, squatter, and og are all already in good transition and a couple of my blue dreams are transitioning. And of course the blue dragons went into heavy flower, so i pulled them to reveg for moms. One of my buddys spots is entirely in transition and he mostly has blue dream there.

A few weeks early here for sure. Been using this same spot for a few years and this hasnt happened before. They get auto water and feed 4 times a day plus additional hose water or tea water a few times a week as well.

I am near 3500 feet elevation.


I've heard rumors of an "early year" from the neighbors, some folks plants started stacking a week ago, supposedly some ppl in mendo's started stacking. There's usually a lot of are they aren't they talk so I take it with a grain of salt. My Chem4 started to stretch around 4 days ago it's not a big stretcher though. Blueberry OG's definitely starting to stretch... it gets very lanky...some of my Blue DreamXSugar Kush is acting a little strange, can't tell if it's stacking or stretching. It supposed to get really hot on friday....Wouldn't you think heat would cause the plants to stretch more? I'm at 2000 feet.
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