Hempy McNoodle
Well-known member
Hempy's best guess is that this controversy of imported engineers (H1B) is to get the left and establishment to get more involved in the deeper levels of the argument and pick a side (within MAGA). This strategy "forces" the shallow thinkers to engage with, grapple with, and understand issues on a deeper level which is something the establishment and left do not want. They don't want you to focus on anything but their baseless accusations of racism. They don't want leftists to realize a greater understanding of the importance of economics.Now that is how leaders talk...
Keep in mind that this controversy emerged immediately following the deployment of a 'mockingbird media' talking point which ridiculously suggested that Elon Musk was really the president. Now everyone is scrambling to understand the issue and align with either Musk or those in the MAGA base who disagree with Musk.
This is likely, all in preparation for a really wonderful and sensible immigration reform plan.
Its important to understand the extent that mind-control has been used against the US population in order to divide and conquer. Now Psy ops are also being deployed to undo some of that damage and reverse the destruction in order to free (liberate) the mind.