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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

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Active member
^The battle for the soul of america...
Pure evil

Nothing to see here. Just 'Fascist Dork Brandon' (this is a real photo)...:smoker:

View attachment 18751826
"Battle for the very soul of the nation...."


View attachment 18751875

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

THAT WAS QUICK… JOE BIDEN WALKS BACK SICK ATTACKS ON MAGA: ‘I Don’t Consider Any Trump Supporter a Threat to the Country’​

By Jim Hoft
Published September 2, 2022

On Thursday night Joe Biden launched an open attack on President Trump and his supporters — 75 million Americans!

Joe Biden calls MAGA Republicans “a clear and present danger to our democracy.”

Biden added, “MAGA Republicans embrace anger, thrive on chaos, live in shadow of lies.”

And this, “History tells us a blind loyalty to single leader has failed democracy.”

It was clearly the most disgusting speech given by any American president in the history of the republic.

Former Trump aide Stephen Miller delivered an amazing rebuttal to Joe Biden’s historic declaration of war on the American people.

Stephen Miller: President Trump poured out his heart, his soul, his spirit every day to build a better America for everyone to build a safer and more prosperous America. While Democrats and deep state launched an illegal operation to take him out and it is now in its sixth year!

President Biden tonight gave the speech of a dictator, in the style of a dictator, in the visual of a dictator, using the words of a dictator.

This was his enemies of the state speech. And like every other radical, Marxist, tyrant, he accused his opponents of being fascist while he engages in oppressive authoritarian behavior.

He’s the one who’s forcing Americans against their will to take a vaccine.

He is the one who has violated our nation’s Constitution to open our borders.

He’s the one who is interfering in the sacred relationship between parent and child to try to force dangerous medicine, puberty blockers, hormones, on our little kids.
He’s the one whose government raided the home of his chief political opponent. in a fashion that violates the entire constitutional order because President Trump has the absolute right to decide what is or isn’t in the national security interest when he leaves the White House.
All of those things, all of them, are the behavior of a tyrant.
Now, less than 18 hours after demonizing Donald Trump and his MAGA supporters, Joe Biden suddenly changed his mind.

Joe Biden now says he doesn’t consider “any Trump supporter as a threat to the country.”

That was the entire theme of his speech!


‘I don’t consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country,’ the president said at the White House.

It was a contrast to his remarks on Thursday night when, in a primetime address on the threat to democracy, he said Trump and his supporters were a threat to the republic.

Biden toned down his tough talk on Friday, defending supporters of the former president. In response to a question after an event on federal manufacturing grants, Biden said Trump supporters weren’t voting for violence.

He said the 74 million people who voted for Trump weren’t voting for an insurrection.

‘When people voted for Donald Trump – and support him now – they weren’t voting for attacking the capital. They weren’t voting for overruling the election. They were going for a philosophy he put forward.’

He did condemn the Trump supporters who attacked the Capitol in the January 6th insurrection and those who attempted to overturn the 2020 election results.

He insisted his speech was directed at those who attacked democracy.

‘I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence, fails to condemn violence when it’s used, refuses to acknowledge an election has been won, insists upon changing the way in which the rules and we count votes, that is a threat to democracy. Democracy. And everything we stand for, everything we stand for, rests on the platform of democracy,’ he said.

‘So I am not talking about anything other than it is inappropriate. And it’s not only happening here, but other parts of the world with failure to recognize and condemn violence whenever it’s used for those purposes, failure to condemn the attempt to manipulate an electoral outcome, failure to acknowledge when elections were won or lost.’


Well-known member
false flag events feel like they are coming after listening to the clone of biden speaking earlier. i hope i'm wrong.
nope, just full of shit. but feel free to call real domestic terrorism "false flag" when Proud Bois pull something stupid...we know you will.


Well-known member
is there really any point to letting this thread continue? all it is at this point is everyone dog piling on hempy
wrong. fullashit82 is still on here too. but feel free... when people get tired of having their noses rubbed in their shit, they are free to stop posting obvious nonsense... dogs learn pretty quick.