Falderall... I think that is the first time I've ever seen that word used.
The Q shaped ones are good luck!
Hey have you seen my favorite goat? His name is awakening...last seen on h.o.g run
Hey have you seen my favorite goat? His name is awakening...last seen on h.o.g run
Yep, much better to listen to professor YouTube
The entire article was written for the sole purpose of alerting Soleimani to the attack that ended up killing him (in my opinion). I posted it as a reminder, in the context of what is coming out about the financing and management of Al-Qaeda (by Iran), "hostages," and PALLETS of CASH associated with the sketchy Iran "nuclear deal" and other payments made to Iran, You see, there are some who are still very upset about the killing of Soleimani. This is all further evidence that it was a good move to make and that the Deep State is real and is world wide. But, I think pretty much everybody knows it by now.
Like I said before, too bad he did not get the message and he was murdered plain and simple; same as if a US general visiting Canada was killed by Iranians. Like some other US leaders, Trump should face international criminal charges for that murder.
BTW I was meaning to ask; Was Trump just playing stupid or was he REALLY stupid during his wrestlemania days? Was it just a plot to get the REALLY uneducated [Q-types] on board?
As far as the pallets of cash, this is a great revelation of the limitations of the American brain and the susceptibility to mob stupidity.
a couple of questions for you hempy...actually 3 questions...
how many hours a day to you spend on your research?
my impression of the "great awakening" is that a bunch of really horrible shit will go down,do you genuinely want to see gallows erected everywhere and all the other stuff you think will happen?
how is the harvest going?
The US has declared a 'War on Terror.' This war was predicated on the fear campaign derived from the attacks on 9/11 and the Anthrax mailings, both of which, were false flags. The war lead to immeasurable suffering and loss of human life. The war was launched by international criminals. It was not meant to end. It was meant to expand into a greater world war. The sources and systems running the war were never meant to be targeted or revealed. It is now understood that the war is operated and financed, in part, by Iran (through US tax dollars). The war is recognized as legal by the US government and also by the UN. That said, under Trump's leadership, key targets were taken out and tremendous evidence and intel was gathered to be used against the Deep State in military tribunals. Under the US laws of armed conflict, the killing of Soleimani was legally authorized. The majority of innocent lives lost are solely the responsibility of the Deep State particularly The Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations. What bother's you more? Millions of dead Iraqi Civilians? Or, the killing of Soleimani (which was legal under the law of armed conflict)? The pallets of cash went to terrorists and John Kerry admitted it. There is a reason why the entire "international community" was so upset when Soleimani was taken out!
How did you feel about the "killing of Osama Bin Laden?"
As for the second question, Trump had to be electable to the Bush era republicans which included lots of Kid rock fans and good ol fashioned redneck republicans which had been mind-controlled through the decades by FOX News (David Rhodes) and the dominent american cultures propagated by the MSM. Now days, most of those people are anti war and anti racism and just want woke people to go back to their naps. Once the Q posts started, many fox news hosts flipped and started exposing the Deep State and economic warfare and the military industrial complex. I believe FOX NEWS was seized by the military and had well placed operatives, like Sean Hannity ready to deploy the counter-intel.