hi there i have been looking for uk cheese for years & i thought i was gifted a clone of it but i am unsure it is uk cheese because
i hear uk cheese yeilds good and this cheese i have is 3 weeks into flower and buds are tiny? i have read as much info as i can about it here is a pic of my cheese plant 2 weeks ago cheers dank
^^^^^ Don't worry too much about that yet mate, the first 3 weeks the plant will be putting it's energy into stretching and growing (non bud) plant matter, cheese isn't really a huge yielding plant, when dialled she will produce a very good yield but she isn't a heavy-heavy yielder, but don't let that put you off though because there is nothing wrong with her yield. I think I heard you say elsewhere that your growing out the suicide cheese? She will run 11 weeks for the best quality or so I've been told, when I had the cut mine looked pretty ripe at 9 weeks so I give them the chop but a mate told me that I should have let them go to 11 weeks for that extra kick. Live and learn. I've got the brightside going now, here is a pic:
Cheese - Brightside/Exodus cut Day 1 Flower
She is at 10 days flower now and stretching good, I'll have more photos come Friday when I do updates for my thread. I want to do a proper side-by-side with the suicide and brightside, fill a few tents and see what the score is.
thanx HGO i plan on taking this plant 10 weeks if i need to go to 11weeks i will do it as i want to see how she performs? i have 600watts over her and its on overdrive so time will tell..i have smoked 1 clone i done and i cut her at 8 weeks and it was really good..so 10 or 11 weeks should be excellent thanx for the reply Peace Dankuser
p.s i am only a noob grower but i think with all the debates going on about uk cheese somebody on here should do a Run with all the cheese cuts they can get & we can see the results from all the different cheese out there!!! all the best Dank
Also with all the amazing growers here why hasnt anyone done this already?????makes you think eh!!!
hey HGO is that brightside cut in 6.5ltr pots of clay pebbles?
can i ask do you run a dripper system..that cut looks good
bet it turns out dank!! i am going to measure my plant tomorrow but i am sure it hasnt stretched that much??
Hi DU, I grow in coco with a drip system, I sandwich the coco with hydroton. The pebbles at the base assist in drainage and the pebbles at the top help to minimize evaporation. All to help feed the plants better and get rid of excess salts, salt build up can be a problem when growing in coco with chemical nutes. Feeding 3-5 times per day with a little run off and using Drip Clean lets me work away without having to worry about salt build up.
I can't remember how much the Suicide stretched for me DU but if I was to give a ruff guess I'd say 2-2.5x stretch. Stretching is 40% of the bloom cycle, I can remember thinking that she wasn't gonna be that special early on in flower, she was viney and needed a lot of tying up but come near the end of flower it was a different story, she give me very dank buds with a good yield. Chop off all branches that aren't gonna amount to much before 3 weeks flower and she will pay ya back in the end.
cheers HGO i cheecked my plant today i put her into flower at
12ins now she is 26ins..so i cant wait for some 10 week dank
this is going to be a long wait lol..be worth it in the end..thanx
for the reply...Dankuser
yo dankuser, a good tip i've been told is to run cheese at 13/11 hrs for extra yeild. but this will add a week to your flowering time. once you've got your cut dialled you'll be more than happy with the yeild mate.
Hi BIGGS i done a small clone to see how she smoked and it was amazing i really like it and i dont have insomnia when i have this
green..as you say i need to dial it in soi am thinking of doing
a full ebb & flow table to see if i can get her to yeild a bit more
but i plan on taking this 10 maybe 11 weeks and i no for sure its going to be Dank...and i am very happy to have this cut because it smokes so good!! cheers Dank
i am only 3 weeks in flower this is going to be a long wait...lol
"exodus uk cheese" @ about 7 weeks of flower. Love the fat bracts and foxtails.
Such a huge fan of the Original UK Cheese clone only strain. With her washed-out, opaque pistils, fermented apricots, fruity pebbles cereal to hospital cleaner odor, undertones reeking of skunk and the occasional double-serration found on her leaves she's one of a kind no doubt.
Having this clone for a few years I've gotten to know her well and smile when I see pictures of "original uk cheese" that are obviously not the original clone only version. Those that have the real deal know it all to well.
Cheese has become much more popular lately when I'd thought it had peaked. There is proof with that new Redman song... of all the varieties Redman mentions, UK Cheese is the only one refering to a specific plant. Yes, I do think UK Cheese is unique and memorable enough to deserve such fame.
JT and I wanted to do something to preserve the old school traits and unique flavors of UK Cheese. Using a very strong Brazilian sativa male and 3 years of work has ended up with something quite different and memorable, like it's mother...... Moon Cheese
Moon Cheese has many UK Cheese traits with all the vigor of a sativa hybrid. I've had many of the "cheese knockoffs" and nothing has been closer than Moon Cheese
Rather than go with an indica, we kept it mostly sativa which resulted in a very unique plant overflowing with Original UK Cheese traits. We are very proud of her.
Very nice thread for a great strain of cannabis. Long live UK Cheese and her beautiful daughers!
A buddy came over the other day and was hey try this Exodus ...nice taste. I checked this forum for info and had a chuckle because my boy was a red coat and I thought he was rubbing his country's gear in my face. I asked him if he knew the heritage and he dis not. I proceeded to tell him the story and he insisted it was a bogo that's why he got it. Well shit needless to say I will be copping some of this , the exhale was soo cheesy it was what I always wanted to taste in a cheese but they been bland for me. What's up with Dinafem cheese anything there?
Posting for future reference. I just received a cut labeled as "exodus cheese" , supposed to be the 'real cut". Excited to see what it turns out like, as every cheese hybrid or s1 I have grown had the mouth watering "cheese" funk.
Bump to get "member" status with the 50 posts! so i can pm Clarence & Old Pink about how to how to pay with with western union and/or moneygram. I Have sent over 50 emails to "support" with no response! on 4 money orders i have mailed, & they have not been shipped out yet! I'm guessing they are lost or stolen. Tricky