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The DEFINITIVE OG Kush History


Well-known member
Just to add a little fact to the original post. The 3Cs Seed Company was actually Ghost1 attempt at selling seeds. He got super paranoid after Seedbay and a few forums went down plus suffering a divorce. That ended that venture. He still has seeds from this venture in storage but will not go back down that rabbit hole. I do remember some of the s1s he sold like the Original Bubba selfed...but not any of the clone he received from the Kid. I actually still have some of his seeds from Dutch Flowers, Chocolate Trip, and a few others. None of the Bubba seeds germed and that was the nail on the coffin when he started getting reports from friends.
3Cs and ghost are two different people.

Ghost was in the PNW. 3C was in SoCall.

Ghost really didn't have much of anything to do with it other than receiving a clone from orgnkid.


Active member
Just to add a little fact to the original post. The 3Cs Seed Company was actually Ghost1 attempt at selling seeds. He got super paranoid after Seedbay and a few forums went down plus suffering a divorce. That ended that venture. He still has seeds from this venture in storage but will not go back down that rabbit hole. I do remember some of the s1s he sold like the Original Bubba selfed...but not any of the clone he received from the Kid. I actually still have some of his seeds from Dutch Flowers, Chocolate Trip, and a few others. None of the Bubba seeds germed and that was the nail on the coffin when he started getting reports from friends.
Is the original Bubba the "Matt Berger Cut" because I've only heard off Pre98 and Katsu until recently?
One of the people I know holding the Matt Berger Bubba got it from Orgnkid


Well-known member
Is the original Bubba the "Matt Berger Cut" because I've only heard off Pre98 and Katsu until recently?
One of the people I know holding the Matt Berger Bubba got it from Orgnkid

Man cuts gets a lot of names.

But Matt was the guy that did the cross. That seed was popped by Kenji and the plant was given back to Matt. If the cut you are looking at has the tag it's worth giving it a shot. Kid has had the bubba for a while and I know him and Matt reconnected. That's the original bubba. If you end up flowering her out let me know I can identify it from a mile away.


Well-known member
Idk the kush mart had Hollywood's best og , endorsed by snoop dog .$80 an eight crazy expensive but I'm glad I tried it about 10 years ago. It was on cosmo st. In a sketchy alley.


Well-known member
I caution everyone to be rational. I've seen the videos and interviews but who can verify what these guys are saying? The only verifications come from people who conveniently own grow houses; seed shops and dispensaries. Lol...surely they wouldn't lie? Despite the fact that the claim has always been that they knew how it all started. I find it hard to believe that despite todays legal approach, these people admit to selling pounds for 7 to 8 grand. Under RICO there isn't a statute of limitation. It's not hard for a prosecutor to suggest that illegal proceeds were used to start a legal company. In reality, few actually own anything but use investors and are no more than high-paid employees. Docta will dispute my words despite spending the last 15-20 years being an ass-wipe online. I remember his attacks on Swerve for selling seeds and clones now he does the same thing. Let's be honest, he hasn't really bread anything worthy of the props dick-riders give him. Most of the clone only cuts he had were obtained by using cut bait. Yet, he pushed this as being others. Lmao...I remember the dude from old cw. He isn't as top-notch as he pretends. Just another schemer. Once again, be rational. Weed smokers exaggerate and just tell plain lies daily. On another forum, thadocta claimed that the cut Kid sold to ghost was actually an s1 yet I heard and read differently. I also was told that the Poison OG is an s3 made by OGKUSHMAN. The FaceOff, Poison and a few others are no more than LGBT cuts. What makes them special is scarcity. Once aquired its clear they are weaker than PUSS Kush from back in the gap.
I know OGKushman personally. We talk quite often.

Kushman didn't make anything. The poison and face off were seed lots found in different batches of OG.

You really had to be around in that time. You can call people kids or whatever bro but this is the story.

If kushman wasn't going through some serious life stuff at the moment I would ask him to hop on here and straighten it out but I've heard it straight from his mouth.

Please. Don't try to recreate history again.

Hate to admit it but this thread is quite possibly the best credible info on OG kush in one place.


Active member
Let's be honest, he hasn't really bread anything worthy of the props dick-riders give him. Most of the clone only cuts he had were obtained by using cut bait. Yet, he pushed this as being others. Lmao...I remember the dude from old cw. He isn't as top-notch as he pretends. Just another schemer. Once again, be rational. Weed smokers exaggerate and just tell plain lies daily. On another forum, thadocta claimed that the cut Kid sold to ghost was actually an s1 yet I heard and read differently. I also was told that the Poison OG is an s3 made by OGKUSHMAN. The FaceOff, Poison and a few others are no more than LGBT cuts. What makes them special is scarcity. Once aquired its clear they are weaker than PUSS Kush from back in the gap.
I am a Archive fan but am certainly not a "Dick Rider" 🤨 But I give credit were credit is due.
He has zero people skills and should pay a PR rep to speak for him. But his strains are on point. I am starting to believe Good with Breeding = Bad with people 🤔 However Fletcher used superior genetics, so its hard not to produce 🔥
One of the very best Med Grow Ops here in Maryland, Culta offers a ton of his gear, and they are all some of the best meds in MD. Dosi #22, Rainbow Belts (1.0), Poochie Love, Scooby Snacks, Sugar Biscuits, ect ect ect. Your comment leads me to believe you are going by what you're heard (or didn't hear) Not first hand experience.
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Well-known member
Idk the kush mart had Hollywood's best og , endorsed by snoop dog .$80 an eight crazy expensive but I'm glad I tried it about 10 years ago. It was on cosmo st. In a sketchy alley.
You and I both.

From 2006-2010 I would score a lot of good OG from them. I even moved some packs their way. They were good people.


Well-known member
I am a Archive fan but am certainly not a "Dick Rider" 🤨 But I give credit were credit is due.
He has zero people skills and should pay a PR rep to speak for him. But his strains are on point. I am starting to believe Good with Breeding = Bad with people 🤔 However Fletcher used superior genetics, so its hard not to produce 🔥
One of the very best Med Grow Ops here in Maryland, Culta offers a ton of his gear, and they are all some of the best meds in MD. Dosi #22, Rainbow Belts (1.0), Poochie Love, Scooby Snacks, Sugar Biscuits, ect ect ect. Your comment leads me to believe you are going by what you're heard (or didn't hear) Not first hand experience.
I'm not a fan of fletch the person. I don't really vibe with him for some reason.

One thing I can say is fletch has one of the most legit and historical stables of cannabis plants around. The guy knows what the fuck he is doing. He was certainly a kid when he got all those cuts back in the day.

Chem was also a kid when he popped that seed. Age doesn't mean shit in the scheme of things.


Golden Coast
Fletch found his OG seeds in Oz Orgnkid sold him ... most earley cuts are just S1's from Alec's Super naught via florida , Matts Bubba was bag seed he found in weed he got from No Cal , same as Kromes TK / White bag seed from nor Cal .. they have all personally said that ... Not so much in where it came from , More of Who's its "true" daddy/mommy . lol lol


Well-known member
Mr.Huff n Stuff regarding me?it was worth righting home above. We went to LA for the O.G


Well-known member
The 3Cs Seed Company w
i converse daily with one of the 3C’s
(and it sure ain’t ghost 1 i talk with)
i am no one but i am an old guy and will aak him a few questions when he returns in two weeks

i only remember them on CW
as being the first i heard to self OGK
and sell them (or attempt to)

i know nothing about these other people and
don’t pretend to
While on CW i was also sent OGK non fem beans ..they breed true always and sure resemble OGK in every way
The person who sent them to me did not know
who made them but i was alao told by one other person that there were non fem seeds of OG
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