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The Deer Dilemna


I've used a hot pepper spray and it burned the leaves of zinnias, tomatoes and marigolds. Don't recommend using it on anything.

This year I will use the strained solids from my homemade tabasco sauce to make test "sachet." Plastic bags of soaked cloth pieces hung low on brush in vicinity of a deer bedding area. May even deter raccoons.

North & silverback
I agree that fishing line, chicken wire and netting can become hazards to wildlife. I use netting with brush surround on 3 sides. Pointed outward and replenished as needed.

Holes were for PH tests. Netting around site before brush barrier added. Sweet site with southern exposure in dense thicket.

Have used some smaller triangle shaped sites utilizing 2 to 3 trees and netting. Those usually go undisturbed by deer. The raccoons are more of a problem for me.

Some folks use marigolds to deter rabbits from their gardens. Never had any eaten by deer either. Will put some in pots this year and make a tea of the leaves since they contain pyrethum. Natural insect repellent and may deter critters as well. Saw a commercial marigold spray for horses used at a show last year and NO FLIES.

Field strip those butts! Leave no evidence! Better yet, do it at home and bag it to site. More is better.

The only rights you have are the ones you defend.
yall ready for the stoner thought of the night.....

deer are tremendous foragers right? they will leap 6' high fences in order to reach nutritious browse.... they are eating the pot because it is the most nutritious browse....what if you went to your local outdoors store and bought a mix of their high protein/high calcium (such as deer vetch, sweet clover, and brown millet) and plant the shit out of the area around your outdoor garden? would they eat the more nutritious browse and leave your pot plant alone????? or would it just attract more deer? maybe plant the nutritious crop 20 feet away from your crop.... fertilize the fuck out of that shit and make it the most delicious deer food EVER! anyone willing to conduct an experiment? may be giving them something they like better is the way to go? in pest management these are considered "sacrifice crops" and are used in place of deterrents....... food for thought


Holy smokes its alive..

Silver back, a garand is my tool of choice in the 30-06 flavor.:D

Lazlo, spot on post, and I do strip em and only drop the tabacky end, and pocket the filter, or I smoke bareasses half the time when afield, freaking shaty habit it is.

for you folks battling digging critters, NO blood, bone or fish.:noway:

personally i dont like the bait and switch idea with alternate food near you plants,i think keeping them around is just asking for more problems, and creates more work.looking for non deer freindly areas is a secondary consideration on my list of site requirements.


SB- do deer eat tobbaco plants? and check your PMs.
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Life is one big grow........
That tabbaco spray sounds good, but why not using something real hot, i have some stuff that is 10000 times hoter than tabbaco......the deer will freak out but never ever it a MJplant(but may its to strong for the plant)


Me too Buddah. Damn that was a good idea North. One I hadnt considered. The only animal on the planet that will touch a tobacco plant is a tobacco worm and it only eats tobacco.

A solution is in the works. Green cured tobacco will set your eyes on fire 10 feet from it. If you ingest any you will puke, period. Altough nicotine is deadly, the concentrate is a common bug killer so Ill check on that but this is a good idea. Im at work. Thanks North.


yea SB, let me know how it works out.

My only fear about it is what it would do to MJ plants at high concentrations.

I was wondering how you missed that one, its right there in your lap.made me wonder if the critters eat it, as I dont have any experience with tobacco plants.
Me and all my friends used a product called SKOOT and we never had any problems.You spray it on and around yer plants and the deer might come for a nibble but they dont like what they get.We used to have tons of elk where we were and they never bothered are patches either.


I HAVE BEEN STUDYING on this all winter and i sont know.I am gonna order some coyote urine,mountain lion,wolf,and fox nad jsut spread that shit all around and pray.We have an abundance of coyotes in my area so i think this may work but wont hurt to throw in wolf and mountain lion.You can search trappers suppys and find good reputable companies that make some strong urines.


I've used a hot pepper spray and it burned the leaves of zinnias, tomatoes and marigolds. Don't recommend using it on anything.

Umm.....yeah considering that decent pepper spray is around 1-2 million shu I would never spray the plants.
There are more deer and coons around here than there should be.

A blast of some fox 5.1 on the surrounding trees and some rags left by the plant will keep anything away.
It has cs (tear gas) and a 5.1 shu mix.....so yeah. Nothing will be hanging out around it. Alot of places will ship it regaurdless of disclaimers and state stuff.
Pepper spray in no way compares to real bear spray (somethign over 4 million shu) or fox 5.1, and it is relativley cheap. Enough to hose down like 20-30 rags, a lil one second blast on each. You have to either hold your breath or use a nice mask though. DONOT spray your plants, it will kill them for sure.
With the fox you don't have to hit your plants with anything, and when sprayed it has literally will keep things at bay for about 20 meters all day, and remain very very agressive to sniffing for weeks.


Thanks Down South Sage! Found some good Cougar piss, just what I wanted on google. They even had it in granule form for shake and pee application....great... This is gonna do the trick!


ICMag Donor
100% Deer Proof!

100% Deer Proof!

I live in a dry hot climate & in the summer they will eat ANYTHING with MOSTURE in it! :yoinks:
The only way we have foiled them is with jerky. Six foot high fences only slowed them down until they found a wire cutter!:mad:
Yes Venison Jerky, that's the ticket. Drying it around your grow increases it’s effectiveness!:2cents:
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I had two years off from the deer while i lived in brazil, this year im in Altai Region Russia so I have red deer to deal with, and Ibex I dont know if u guys have ever seen an Ibex in real life but they are nasty looking animals, I definitly do not want to piss one of those off this year, not to mention the bears and mountain lions....this is gonna be one wild year! Im not worried about them eating my plants....there is soo much veg here in this part of the country gods country!!! Im still most afraid of the Ibex



ruger 500
damn that ibex looks as bad as the southern skunk ape ,you can also run fishing line all around the grow ,they dont like it because they cant see it try to get it at face level


Legend has it that We're supposed to have a Goat-Man running around the countryside here....wish he would tend my plots for me...:D


Active member
I live in a dry hot climate & in the summer they will eat ANYTHING with MOSTURE in it! :yoinks:
The only way we have foiled them is with jerky. Six foot high fences only slowed them down until they found a wire cutter!:mad:
Yes Venison Jerky, that's the ticket. Drying it around your grow increases it’s effectiveness!:2cents:

Hey NoBull, I've got some Deer meat in the freezer so this is doable for me. How do you keep every scavenger in the forest from trying to eat the jerky? And what are your application methods? I'll try anything to stop the deer around here.