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The DEA's Crazy Kratom Ban


Active member
ICMag Donor
Ok so when I heard it was going to be scheduled I ordered a kilo to try. Put 2 tsp in tea lightly simmered for 10 minutes. Fucking horrible nausea ;\ 12 hours now. i was really high earlier and it was pleasant and I definitely felt better in my join it lasted a long time but this nausea is horrible. I have no weed where I am at to smoke either. I had not eaten all day and now 12 hours alter i puked up the tea and all the shit i put in it like I had never digested it. I have no intention of ever trying this shit again unless I can vape it or take it in some way that won't make me nauseas? Ughh people should have put warnings up ;\ This was not an extract or a large dose. It feels like I swallowed tobacco or smoked a whole cigar by my self for the first time.

Shit is amazing I can drink no other milk now. Not to mention it saves me alot of money by having 2x the protein of normal garbage milk so I no longer have to buy protein shakes.

Measure your dose with a scale, not a teaspoon. Try one gram next time. The experience you describe is like drinking half a bottle of whiskey instead of one shot. 3 grams (depending on the strain) is about the most I can have in one dose without nausea.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
K I will do that next time. I just followed a couple of instructions I read for prep at random. It definitely was on par with eating too much weed.


Most Loved
i wonder how long this will continue...like i wish i had a time machine so i could go 100 years into the future and have a look around...

are people still letting other people tell them what to do? are grown up adults allowing other grown up adults to tell them what they can and cannot do, eat, drink, smoke, snort, wear, grow...?

are people in the future banned from even knowing what green life plant matter is? are there even plants in the future? in the future is earth called TotalRecall ? these are the questions i have.

wait i have one more question how do you use this? i bought some a while ago they said make tea (mix powder in hot water) and drink. supposed to be like coffee. i bought a 10g package and took half i thought it was 3g and i was taking 1.5g started in the morning. all day long...nothing happened. didn't feel any extra alert or tired.
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Well-known member
Can be a real blessing for those who need opiates when there is not a willing dr or drug store nearby.
It has long been part of my emergency gear. Used carefully it can make a very positive difference.

Everything the DEA has done benefits big corporate at our expense.

Never was a war on drugs, just a war on humanity by evil.

When I was a kid, there were older people who spoke very passionately about fascism.
I used to wonder what it was they were speaking about about.
Now I understand what it is to fear for those in the future.


Well-known member
i wonder how long this will continue...like i wish i had a time machine so i could go 100 years into the future and have a look around...

are people still letting other people tell them what to do? are grown up adults allowing other grown up adults to tell them what they can and cannot do, eat, drink, smoke, snort, wear, grow...?

are people in the future banned from even knowing what green life plant matter is? are there even plants in the future? in the future is earth called TotalRecall ? these are the questions i have.

wait i have one more question how do you use this? i bought some a while ago they said make tea (mix powder in hot water) and drink. supposed to be like coffee. i bought a 10g package and took half i thought it was 3g and i was taking 1.5g started in the morning. all day long...nothing happened. didn't feel any extra alert or tired.

I can not tell you about your Kratom question, but I will tell you this. . . the future is green, it is a returning to the origin, and through that, bearing great fruit.

Mark my words, returning to the root is the only way forward. . . like a musical scale returns to the root note, to continue along, further


Active member
ICMag Donor
wait i have one more question how do you use this? i bought some a while ago they said make tea (mix powder in hot water) and drink. supposed to be like coffee. i bought a 10g package and took half i thought it was 3g and i was taking 1.5g started in the morning. all day long...nothing happened. didn't feel any extra alert or tired.

You can just mix your dose with water or juice and swallow quickly. No need for heat or straining like coffee. The liquid makes it easier to swallow. Putting it in capsules works just as well.

Always start small with a new batch. Different batches have different strengths. If you try a dose and feel nothing, try more next time. It's like weed edibles. It's better to get not enough the first few tries instead of taking too much. The right dose feels like a mix of coffee and vicodin.


Well-known member
The lack of straight talk and straight thoughts is frustrating to such a high level.
I remember a couple years ago reading about youths and getting caught with cannabis.
They had a choice Jail time or a quick drug rehabilitation program that was simply put in place to pump up statistic on the relationship to cannabis and Needing drug rehabilitation.
Some time its too frustrating to look at....They starting to get cranky about Morning glory seeds to..Haha
Build another Casino so Mommy and Daddy can get drunk smoke cigs while losing there upside down unscrupulous mortgage.....Legally


Well-known member
the Man will ban anything that they cannot control/profit from. if we could figure out how to get high off of kudzu, they would have a law against it & a poison to spray on it by tomorrow morning...


Well-known member
lol...but not really funny. That plant will choke the natives. Side track..up here we have fish we call bildge babies.


Well-known member
lol...but not really funny. That plant will choke the natives. Side track..up here we have fish we call bildge babies.

yeah, i know...not funny. down here, we call it "the plant that ate Georgia..." in some situations, it is pretty cool. i have seen entire deserted buildings completely engulfed in it, with open black holes where windows/doors etc were.


Never tried Kratom but thought about it when deciding to get off opiates. Cannabis fucking saved my life.

Kratom, Cannabis and other remedies are NOT the problem.

The DEA is the problem and it's all about money money money.

Fuck em. :moon:


Well-known member
Lets' 's see...30 ever recorded vs 25,000 in 1 year.

More Than 100,000 People Urge Obama To Stop The DEA From Banning Kratom

A new petition responds to news that the feds are making the herb a Schedule I controlled substance.

Over 100,000 people are calling on President Barack Obama to intervene after the Drug Enforcement Administration announced plans to wage war on kratom, a natural substance that has been touted as an effective treatment for a variety of symptoms, including opioid addiction.

The petition, posted last week to the White House’s “We the People” platform, challenges the DEA’s claim that active ingredients in kratom deserve to be placed in Schedule I under the Controlled Substances Act, alongside drugs like heroin and LSD.

“Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse,” reads the petition. “This is not true for Kratom, it has been shown numerous times in reports from users to help recovering Opiate addicts, treat pain, combat depression and anxiety, and much more.”

The plea also contends that a kratom ban enacted in Alabama earlier this year led to an increase in opioid overdose deaths, a claim that appears too early to confirm.

With over 100,000 signatures as of Thursday morning, the petition has reached the threshold that typically requires a response from the administration. But it’s unclear if the White House will give one before the ban is set to go into effect.

In a notice published in the Federal Register last week, the DEA signaled its intent to ban kratom in order to “avoid an imminent hazard to public safety.” The action, set to go into effect at the end of the month, would last two years, during which the government could decide to make the ban permanent.

The DEA didn’t ask for public comment before making the announcement, completely surprising kratom advocates, including one of the nation’s largest advocacy groups.

“Rather than have an emergency scheduling, why not host a summit meeting with all of the groups and organizations and investors that are out there selling this product and say, ‘Hey, these are our concerns. If you don’t clean this up this is what we’re going to do’?” Susan Ash, founder of the American Kratom Association, a nonprofit that supports kratom consumers, told The Huffington Post last week. “Why not go to the sources that they’re having the problems with?”

Kratom is made from the leaves of Mitragyna speciosa, a Southeast Asian tree related to coffee, and has been consumed in Asia for millennia, typically as a tea or powder. The herb contains alkaloids that appear to activate opioid receptors in the brain and reduce pain. Although most opioids have sedative qualities, low to moderate doses of kratom serve as a mild stimulant.

These characteristics have led advocates and some researchers to claim that kratom is effective at treating a variety of ailments. Many users say they’ve turned to the herb as an alternative to prescription drugs, like painkillers or anti-anxiety medication. Others say it has shown promise as a maintenance drug, or a step-down treatment, to help recovering opioid addicts. Because kratom satiates opioid cravings, some users have been able to wean themselves off harder prescription narcotics and even heroin.

But as kratom has gotten a modern makeover, popping up in new products like energy shots and bright, gaudy packages sold in head shops, lawmakers have taken aim. Armed with sensationalistic news stories about supposed harm and abuse, drug warriors have sought to paint kratom as a new, highly addictive and extremely dangerous recreational drug, even likening the herb to heroin itself.

Initial studies have suggested kratom does have some addictive potential, but many of the reports warning of relapses and self-destructive behavior have centered around individuals who had existing opioid abuse disorders and who were in mandatory, abstinence-only drug treatment programs, where they may have been going through painful withdrawals without the help of medication.

The DEA has provided scant evidence to support this alarming narrative.

In its notice, the agency equates any use of kratom ― regardless of the purpose ― to abuse, because the drug “does not have an approved medical use in the United States and has not been studied as a treatment agent in the United States.”

While some medical research has pointed to potential benefits ― or at least, noted that the plant has a relatively low potential for abuse or acute harm ― none of these studies have even come close to the rigor or scale that would be required for Food and Drug Administration approval. That’s not surprising, considering the process can cost pharmaceutical companies billions of dollars. Moreover, Big Pharma has little incentive to seek approval for plants like kratom, as corporations can’t exactly patent leaves that have been around for millions of years.

Instead, the DEA is relying on isolated reports to back up its contention that kratom prohibition is urgently needed. The notice cites the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recent decision to declare kratom an “emerging public health threat." The CDC based this move on 660 calls to U.S. poison centers related to kratom in the six years from January 2010 to December 2015, and 555 positive drug test results for for kratom from December 2014 to March 2016.

The DEA points to an upward trend over this period, which shows “growing abuse and popularity of these substances.” But these incidents make up just a tiny portion of the more than 3 million annual calls to poison centers, and the millions of drug tests the CDC surveyed.

The agency also claims there have been “numerous deaths associated with kratom,” yet fails to provide an example of one in which the herb was found to be the only contributor. Such a case does not appear to exist, and most users report that consuming too much kratom will only lead to nausea and vomiting.

Of the 30 total documented deaths associated with kratom around the world, many tests found that subjects had been abusing other drugs or suffering from other pre-existing health conditions.

To put that into context, around 25,000 people died of prescription drug overdoses in the United States in 2014, the highest number ever recorded.

This story has been updated to note that the petition now has over100,000 signatures.

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Active member
New cash crop?

Forests of kratom in any warm climate would yield very costly isolates. Tried the hydroxy and acetoxy when they were legal and available. Not much just a tincture or three.

From the legal price I'd say these are worth more than heroin in pure form by the kilo. Any agency or group of people that make money from illegal avenues could make a fortune.


Well-known member

Forests of kratom in any warm climate would yield very costly isolates. Tried the hydroxy and acetoxy when they were legal and available. Not much just a tincture or three.

From the legal price I'd say these are worth more than heroin in pure form by the kilo. Any agency or group of people that make money from illegal avenues could make a fortune.

the cartels will start smuggling it as soon as they figure out what the hell it is..."hey, what the fuck is kratom?" :biggrin: just hide and watch. make it illegal, create a demand, jack up the price. $$$$ starts falling from the sky...:woohoo:


Well-known member
maybe the DEA sees the writing on the wall about weed & needed something else to justify their miserable existence? :)


3rd-Eye Jedi
I tried various types and it just did not give me the relief I had hoped.

Now cannabis is a different story.


Active member
I get the feeling that there are people that don't really enjoy nature. They want it all to be man's and man made because then it's theirs. Hating people that live in harmony with natural existence. Grouping people into conspiracy driven hippies so society loath their ways. Not even a hundred years ago heroin was over the counter. It was all over the counter and there was no the huge epidemics there are today.