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The Canna Embassy organic homegrowers thread


Green Ambassador
Hi Karma,


Overhere the rush for seeds started...

Meanwhile relaxing and enjoying the harvest...

A friend sended me this link with a nice smoking clip...


I wish my friend from the south a happy birthday....

Have a nice day all...

Respect, G.A.


Green Ambassador
Hi MS,

Good to see you.
Nice to have such loyal friends... :smile:
When do you pass by the Embassy MS?
Would love to sit with you again and smoke one.
On a party there is not so much time... lol

I am celebrating my buddy his birthday with some delicacy he shared with me...
Nice organic Afghan... I feel spoiled..

Keep on growing, take care and stay safe folks, wherever you are...

Peace, G.A.

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New member
hey G.A. :) oii Karma :)

finally, can post a reply :p
very nice pics again! makes me feeel hungry!!
talk to you later, at coffeetime!!
ciaoo take care


Green Ambassador
Hi love,

Good to see you...
Welcome home...
Can't wait for your 50 posts.. lol

Greetz, G.A.
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New member
thanx for inviting me!! it took a while before i got here..
enjoying your harvest??
i am smoking afghan :p right now...


Green Ambassador
Hello world,...

Winter is knocking on the door...
Last night it started to freeze.
Staying inside as much as possible.
Spending the winter nights with music, hot chocolate and some sweet smoke..

Back in 1973 I smoked my first joint at the room of a girlfriend.
Listening to the next music... Almost a holy experience..


Is everybody enjoying their harvest?
Looks like everybody is still very bussy...
Catch you all later...

Peace, G.A.

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Green Ambassador
Goodmorning world,

Breakfast and off to Rotterdam today...
Have a nice day all...



Karma Genetics

Goodmorning GA

Its nice the contact between the different generations growers. You was smoking long before i was born ha ha...

MS That Equador#1 is it a original landrace ? What is the taste like ?
The pic's i have seen from you look verry nice of this strain. Not much people trying to grow strains like that outdoor here.

Good luck everybody with there harvest and seed collecting.


Whats up G.A? guess what, the other day reading your story bout nepal and seeing that chillum made want to try one out at least, or own one would be even better i thought... beautiful story... thing is, my birthday was a few days ago and... i got one from a friend as a gift!!!,talk about coincidences! an african chillum made out of ebony... pretty amazing eh? oh and i always end up eating after those pics of food you always post... stop it! jjj! jst jokin, it looks as it should taste!

MadS: great experiment trying that one out in your country... they look impressive! Thumbs up! and should taste even better... tell me later?

KarmaG: Nice croossing, hows the yield? the leb should give it power to the high, what do you think?

Good luck highlighter playing god.

Hope all gardens are at peace. Warm salut from accross the puddle!
Thanx guys...

@Karma Genetics: Good questions, but I'm sorry to reply both with "I dunno". :D The seeds came from some brickweed which was labeled 'Quito', but that's about all I know about their origin. Only two plants survived and they have a striking resemblance regarding stature, height and leaf shape, so it may be this is a stabilised strain. Whether it's landrace or man-made, I couldn't tell you. Unfortunately the bud-buildup was very poor due to a number of not so ideal circumstances, so after harvesting the green pheno all that was left were the seeds as shown above. I did smoke some of the dried calyxes though. Awful taste, but the high was quite clear. And I smoked some finger-hash which made me take a seat, but this hash also had some resin from the [TxM] x B's inside so it's still hard to tell which strain contributed most to this. I hope to do an indoor grow with the Ecuadors soon and after that I may be able to give you more details.

The purple pheno is going down as well this week. No compact buds on that one either, even the number of matured seeds seems limited. Still I'll see if there's something smokeable to be harvested and I'll keep you posted on any new experiences. :wink:


Green Ambassador
Hello friends,

MS, very interesting strain....

Karma, see you tomorrow my friend... coffee time!!

Highlighter, you're a dirty old...... lol

SM, Congratsssss my friend, a little late, but from a good hearted soul...
Enjoy your new chillum... Cheers!

Not much new at the Canna Embassy. Enjoying this years harvest...

Talking about good hearted...

Tomorrow I am leaving my beloved city.

I am off to the south to visit a couple of friends and family.

Looking for people and situations with a "purple heart"...

Catch you all later friends....

(purple) Peace, G.A.





Finaly Rijstevlaai! lol

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Green Ambassador
Hello world,

I am 2 days now in the nice city of Maastricht.
I met Karma and some other friends and nice things are develloping.
I will post a report when I am back in The Hague.

Peace, G.A.


have a good time in Maastricht. Go for a vistit to KOSBOR's Coffeeshop. Sometimes he has really nice Hazes......and Marrocan Hashish....

peace HV


Green Ambassador
Hi Haze Ventura,


That's family.... lol.

I just come from Kosbor...

They have very nice M-Ice (Morrocan Ice-O-Lator) at the moment and several nice haze strains.

Thanks for mentioning my friend...

Peace, G.A.


Viking Seeds aka Hybrids From Hell
hope you got to try the unick "happy brother" darpan. as far as i know only one coffeeshop in the whole world have it, and its placed in Maastricht!

københavn is ready for you guys!

btw, its with great sadness that i just discoverd that medjool has left this planet. lets spend some time in peace in her loving memory



yeah... Kosbor rocks.....about 18 years ago I cam to Kosbor and he gave me 5g "Original HAze" from his private Bag and some Manala Cream..... That was the best smoke i ever had....back in the days, before the shop was rebuild, it was the best place for me and Kosbor himself was soooo cool :D :D :D with his knife,tray and the little pipe.....every time there, i was so good damm high.....

peace HV