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The Black Russian with Shrooms


Next time that dude sells you purps, kick him in the balls and take $50 off the OZ price.

Purps means PURPLE!

Good nugs are good nugs.

Both you tbr and roorhead have got some great f**king nugs. Everyone knows what color purple is. I was under the impression not all purple strains have all purple phenos.

do the black russians only put out all purple phenos? Also TBR is your indoor or outdoor?

no reason to kick anyone in the balls...i'd kick myself in the balls to get some of that weed :laughing: :spank:


Joint Date: Today.
the thing is.. the name of a strain which takes its name because if its colors (Tha Purps) is been used to call generic indoor weed in certain areas.. sometimes purple-coloured sometimes not.
In other cases people started to call Purps some purple bud without a specific strain name JUST CAUSE IT WAS PURPLE.
in both cases something else is being called with a wrong name.
By the way (for example) i grew PurplePower for several years and only one time it grew purple buds .. but it was PurplePower all the times still...


Active member
Beautiful buds and mushrooms! enjoy!

& some awesome glass u got RooR HeaD,
want a hit from my DMT pipe?:smoke::biglaugh:


Roor Head, You cant really buy the Black Russians anymore. The only seeds left are the ones people bought years ago and put back. They are expensive as hell when someone does choose to get rid of some. Nice glass bro

RooR HeaD

oh really that sucks i would of loved to get some of that shit for next year but hey their are so many purp strains that im sure i could find a nice one. and thaks to all you guys that liked my glass. and yes i would love to hit your DMT brotha why not.
peace guys.


Besides DJ Short are there any other strains you could buy in seed form that would produce mostly purple phenos. The closest I've had to purple buds ever grown in my garden was with the Blueberry from DP but the phenos weren't purple dom. Just small shades of it.

RooR HeaD

cky104 said:
looks gorgeous! theres a god damn drought where im at
Hey man look at it this way droughts are a good thing because when u do get some bomby you will be mad happy and your tolerance will be down so u will get mad high when u do char. but overall man the best thing to do is start a stash so when u cant get bomby you have bomby to char and the main reason for a stash is for times like what your going threw. theirs a drought in my town to due to the fact their have been a couple raids and its close to harvest time. but i havent had trouble at all to smoke bomb weed because of haveing a stash. and i can smoke about 25 different strains cause of haveing a stash. so like i said start a stash and you wil never have trouble again to find good weed.
peace heres my stash.
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