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The 'bag seed' debate.

When I finally made the decision to start growing,I used "bagseed" that came out of a $80 an eighth,moldy,wet bag with seeds in it. The seeds were almost all female,and produce some great smoke when cared for properly. I can't play the "I've got this strain" game but I can get stoned everyday. I sometimes sit and drool over the descripitions of different strains,sometimes I just sit and drool,but not enough to pay $100 for 10 seeds,yet.


Ahhk i think i get it now, what the main cause of the bad rep for 'bag seed'

Most people think of bagseed as being often associated with low quality brick packed mexican shit.
That whole situation really doesnt apply to us, considering we're in Australia. :)
Australia has a lot of high grade outdoor strains in the sub tropics Im told by a Queensland breeder (australian state close to the equator, subtropics :yummy: )
But where i am, it's the total opposite end of the spectrum. Tasmania is the small island at the bottom of Australia right? Well without being on that island, I'm as far from the equator as you can get. (further = colder of course)
Here you either buy low grade outdoor that someones driven from nearby states with higher temps (usually pretty shitty) Or you smoke hydroponic grown. (im the later of the two types of smoker).

The standard of australian (or at least 'south east australian) weed is really damn good actually. In the 80's a flood of skunk hit the market, and a lot of old school growers have stuck with it. About ten years ago a few different strains made an appearance. Northern lights (and its imitators) Bubblegum, buddha, mango, and a couple others, but nothing like the varitey we see in europe. Well lately the tides have turned from 95% skunk strains, to a little more coming through.
With more and more growers ordering online, or firing seeds across the globe to cyber colleagues more and more strains are comming to Australian grow rooms. I mean there's always been 'patches' of varietey, but most growers keep pumping out them high yielding sticky skunk strains.

Anyway, point being, this is my point... my opinion,

"bag seed" is a subjective term. A 'bag seed' you find in a bag while visiting an amsterdamn coffee shop or sumthin, is gonna be very different to some lower grade old assed mexican, or in the aussie case, some low grade bush grown s#:t.
Where the seed was bought, or what bag it was aquired from, it's the genetics that the seeds parent brought to the table. I would only smoke hydroponic of high quality, i just refuse to buy less, and keep hunting a buddy with some high grade until i find it. On top of that, i'd only find a seed from time to time, and even then, only grow it if it was an exceedingly exceptional quality strain.
Dissing someones source is about as dumb as dissing someone for wearing one label shoe over another. It's ignorant, childish, and really says something about the persons lack of understanding.

Its aaaaaaaaaall in the genetics is where its at. That really says what Im tryna say. Keep an eye out for some future pics. I got some tastey strains from that old school buddy in the tropics. From what I've seen of his work, he grows some phenominal weed! :)

Take care guys, and thanks for all the opinions and input :) Much appreciated.

Now smoke some of the sticky icky with Rick James :joint:

Fingers :wave:



one in the chamber
All the breeders out there got their seeds from buds that they either found, bought or were given. Look at the makeup of any strain; all the strains that are the building blocks for our powerhouse strains are landrace strains that have been hybridized.

Skunk #1 is a great example of this. Afghani crossed with landrace sativas. Virtually all our potent indoor strains are sativa/indica crosses. The guys who created Haze and Northern Lights didn't buy the strains that made them up online..heh
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Well thats goind back a bit before my time or knowledge to be honest. But of course even skunk was a hybrid. I doubt such thing concievabley exists. a 100% anything.
Where do you guys (other then being old enough to remember it) read about the landrace strains, I've always liked history. :joint:

:wave: guys, thanks again

Oh btw, does anyone recognise 'fairly certainly' if this is a difficiency (nitrogen for eg, manganese perhaps) Or, is this characteristic of some strains. (The consensis is the grower was authentic claiming this is 'widow X skunk,but thats not 100%certain of course). Ive had plants over the years with difficiency's, nitrogen etc, and it's never had this tone of purpling. It's hard to explain what i mean, but i just look at it and after 12-13 years of growing, dont think it's a difficiency. What do you guys think?


My first grow once getting serious was bagseed...and VERY nice...seeds came out of some good mexican smoke...nice limey green..decent high.....WOW...kick butt fur sure!!! I have NOTHING but good memories of bag seed...no bad here!!!


New member
A friend of mine got pot with 1 freaking seed in it and had a very experimental grow with it to about 9 feet!!! It was some crazy sativa that "made everthing seem better"

Never talk shit on the bagseed dude...



In the old days "bagseed" came from imported landrace weed. In Blighty that often meant African or Thai. There was certainly nothing wrong with that herb!

The only problem with, for instance, African bagseed was the time it took to grow out (being sativa). I tried several times but always ended up harvesting early - either through impatience or to save the crop from bugs or mould. Nevertheless, it was still well worth smoking.

Nowadays "bagseed" is likely to be of very uncertain parentage. That doesn't mean it will be no good - just that you won't be able to predict the quality or the finishing time.

Most people, like me, use seedbank seeds to get a product that is almost guaranteed to give a desired type in a known timescale.



JJScorpio said:
As stated, with bagseed you are not going to know what you are getting until it is done. This does not mean the weed will be good or bad. You just wont know if they are hermie, good, bad or in between until they are grown.....

Hold on a sec here, the odds are I'm missing something here, but i would think this statement to be true.
"if you have a bag of FILTHY lovely well grown hydroponically grown "strain X (could be any quality strain, u name it) and you find seed amoung this bag, that seed will display the same final product as the bud the seed was taken frrom.(if grown equally well or better of course then the parent plant of that seed).
Not to mention identifying the seed by shape. I've never used or advocate the legitamacy of this info, but some do swear by it.

(Plz Note: i did not make this chart, the age of the images make the quality of this info questionable to say the least IMO. I have only recently seen this chart and do not advocate the legitamacy of it.If anyone knows more about these claims could you please comment. ty)

Of course you are going to 99 of 100 get a better product from quality seed bank bought seeds. Im in no way at all saying that. All im saying is, that the notion that you cannot possibly grow quality pot from a seeed found in a bag of high quality hydroponically grown weed is foolish. And most probably motivated by a bit of provincialism amoung 'top shelf growing city's and growers' . They're not going to be feminised, and yes, you do not know how long the plant will take to reach completion.
So many variables are eliminated by quality store bought seeds, I'm growing seed generated by a VERY experienced breeder who only works with store bought seeds. I'm a big believer is doing things as well as they can be done (especially growing my pot).
But at the same time, I've also grown MANY crops from 'bag seed, taken from quality pot (usually hydro grown skunk and skunk hybrids) and had fantastic results.
I dunno, maybe I'm missing some point that you're making Scorp, but i really dont even think we disagree. I'm most likely just not explaining what i'm trying to say as well as i should. :chin: or understanding your meaning.

Eh, i always learn something from these discussions, so either way it's all good. :)

Take care dude, guys :joint:

Fingers :wave:
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To me, "bagseed" is simply seeds from a bag of weed, that I do not know the name (genetics) of. I try to keep my "bagseed" seperate & labeled so I know where/when it came from. . For instance, I've got a grow going from some Kentucky bagseed going rite now. I picked it up around June of this year while in Ky.

My neck of the woods:


Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
I grew out bagseed on my first two grows. I collected various bagseeds from sacks I bought ovet the year. If I liked it and it had seeds I kept a few. I still have about 40 bagseeds mixed up in a jar. I doubt I'll ever grow them. The crops I got with my bagseeds were pretty good. The one strain was mostly indica in which is stayed short and had broad leafs. The buds were chunky and skunky. I had one good pheno and the rest were shit. It has some sativa in it because I got a more sativa pheno. The smoke was nice too. I preferred the more indica dominant one though. The taste was nice and the high was too. The other strain I grew was more sativa dominant and pretty weak. It was alright smoke but nothing special. They were good practice for sure. Maybe one day I'll plant them bagseeds in the woods and see what I can get out of them.


2 years ago i bought 3 oz's on separate occaisions of very very good weed.. Better than anything in my area by far. My friends were all so jealous that they begged me to get them some. My source was a coworked from out of state. I just started growing two months ago. I tried in vain to get my seeded "bag seed" to germinate because my thinking was that if it was this good polinated, what would a pure female produced. Anyway, I have since bought some NL seeds and have 5 growing now.. Out of probably 50 bag seeds I had only gottten one to germinate and that never left the cotyledon leave stage. I did get another to pop 10 days ago and planted it in the medium I had used for my NL seeds which popped the soil within 2 days.. after 9 days.. i gave up on the seed because i thought it was immature or something.. Well, this morning.. in a matter of hours.. it popped the soil. Thats after 10 days in the pot.. I am very excited but trying to weigh my excitement with the possibility of it turning male or not surviving. today i decided to add the previously potted (in 1 inch) flats which were still moist to my grow area just in case. I hooded them and I guess you never know.... We will see how this one turns out.. and even if its male i may keep it in a separate area and maybe even let it polinate one of my NL plants depending on how many females of the 5 growing I turn up with... We will see..


My only bagseed experience turned my flower room into a den of inequity,sexual deviants abounded in their hermisplendor,never ever again..


Active member
Hello all,

I grew out 5 Superskunk X NL5 bagseed-I got one that hermed.

So far the amount of seed found is about 10 in 4 of the plants- I have one drying now so I will see.

What I am getting at is I may have dodged the hermie bullet on this one with only minor hermie issues.

The weed on the other hand is superior bud. Organically grown with love and worm/bat shit, molasses and kelp.

So, yo could have a diamond in the rough or something you will curse yourself for wasting the time , energy and money on.

Its your call.



wow, didnt know ppl were still discussing this one. :yummy:

While i do totally understand the appeal of buying seeds from reputable vendors. At the same time, a knowledgable grower can on occasion come across some bud thats just phenominal, and contains a seed or two.
Just cos of 1 odd seed in every few plants, or even an idiot who lets a good grow seed, doesnt mean it isnt mean assed genetics.

I always label my bag seeds that i keep, and i do not keep them often at all. Its rare i come across seed with high quality hydro anyway. But i write up a rating from 1-10, flavour, description/appearance, comments etc Even encode who and where i got it from 'the dude at the KFC when we picked up that spanish chick' or whatever.
Just something to keep it crystal clear what the end product of this seed could be (or better) if grown equally well, (or better).

Anyway, the new batch i'm doing now are top shelf strains. Blueberry X trainwreck from a friend who comes from 3 generations of growers/breeders. He really grows some top shelf pot :yummy:

Thats whay my babies are, the BB X TW. And a few Noosa golds. (tropical aussie mango kinda. 13th generation seed, all feminised).

I think in truth it just comes down to the grower. Some know a good strain/seed when they find it, some dont. Then 'some know how to grow it well' and some dont. If you got a person who does/knows both these things, thats when i think there's nothing wrong with growing from 'bagseed'.

Thanks again for all the comments n input guys :wave:

Fingers :joint:

P.S This is my current 'bagseed' grow. Doesnt look like low grade isht to me, does it? :yummy:

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