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The 'bag seed' debate.


Hey stoners,

The other day i was having a 'debate' with a young guy, and i just read a post that reminded me of it. I thought i'd see what some othe older fellaz think on this one.

Basically, my understanding of the term 'bag seed', is basically "some seeds that happen to be in a bag of weed i got of someone for personal smoke".

Now, if thats what everyone in fact see's as bag seed, why on god earth are 'bag seeds' always spoken of as the shitiest seeds you could have??

It makes no sense.

For example, I'm growing some blueberry X trainwreck, seeds have just opened. Now i grow these seeds,they flower, cure, and a friend comes by a 'bag' of this pot.
Now we obviously grow female plants, but an occasional seed can and will pop up in a female crop from time to time. Doesnt mean it's a hermie, it's still sinsemilla, totally unfertilised female, it just happens.
(this is to the best of my knowledge anyway).
Does that mean if someone gets a seed out of this bag of BB X wreck, it's all of a sudden shitty 'bag seed'? Or is it still some badass BBWRECK? I think it's still god damn BB wreck seed, and is worth having.

Just like my current mother plant in flower, she was born of a bag i got from a friend. This friend happened to grow AWSOME pot, which also happened to be a WW X Skunk.
Now this dude i mentioned at the beginning of this post was dissing the hell out of my plant, as its grown of 'bag seed'. Now i've grown pot for some years now, and i wouldnt grow some nasty ass shitty weed.
I explained this to dude, and he just would not budge. I think he's a moron.
If a seed is purchased from amsterdam, the U.S.A, or grown in a garage in england, the genetics is all that matters.

Weed itself isnt a 'designer label' thing to many of us, though it seems to be more and more these days. Flashy names and attention to the appearance rather then quality seems more and more common. I think some truth is being lost. I dont know.

Then again, I'm stoned and rambling also. :joint: What are your thoughts guys? I may well be totally wrong on every point here, but i think the term 'bag seed' is a poorly used and often incorrect term. I dont buy shitty weed, so the odd occasion i find a seed, if the strain happens to be exceptional, I'll add it to my collection. To NOT do that would be the act of an idiot IMO. Then again, hey! if its not directly from 'sensi'...'the dam man the dam!' it cant be good now can it! :bat:

Ah well, each to his or her own. (but some opinions would be great :bat: too? :D)

See ya fa now

Fingers :joint:


ICMag Donor
The thing with seed from a bag is you don't know exactly what plant made the pollen that is responsible for that seed. Its a matter of selection for traits that you want carried through. If the seed has happened by chance, for example a missed male, a hermaphrodite (female with one or more male flowers), or pollen from the next door hemp field, there has not been any selection for desirable traits in the male the pollen came from or the female (unless its a clone). So you're taking a chance on the source of the genetics, it is unknown.

Especially for us outdoor growers, we want a source of known good genes that are more sure to produce the desired results.

You can still have very good individuals grow from bagseed, after all the magnitude of variation of cannabis is as high within a population as it is between.


All bag seed and one cloned 3rd generation White Rhino. And everyone that has been smokin it with me has nothing but outstanding remarks on the type of high we get.
I would grow that stuff to it's full potential and then smoke it with the guy that's dissin you.( Not telling him it's bag seed grown.) And then ask him what he thinks of the weed you bought. After his reply I would tell him the harsh reality and also rub it in his face. :bat:



I am doing an entire bagseed grow in the indoor soil forum. I have access to clones from clubs and friends but you know what, I wanted to do some hunting and find some new stuff I can't just go out and purchase, so I germinated 50 seeds of different meds which were all the best I ever had and now have 20 plants all female doing really good and making plenty of buds for me. I see that people pay alot of money for seeds just like they do for cars, children, escorts, vices, the organizations they belong to, lifestyles, et al. Truthfully isn't it about our individual happiness?

If we don't understand one side of the lineage in a cross or have no clue what it is, who cares? That is how I feel with this grow because I was tempted to buy some seeds last spring but I have so many from years of saving of them and only enough space to grow a few of the best most recent stuff that I just think its wise to go through my stash before I get into the nifty not so thrifty Top Dollar goods out there. I have seen some people pay 150 dollars for really crystally stuff and thats just awesome, I personally expect really crystally meds from my seeds since I am a pot snob and try and just stick with the best and avoid all the mess.

Really a seed is just another baby, it could turn out to be the next bobby fischer or tiger woods but unless you nurture that baby it will not be shit. I have grown some mediocre meds in the past with shitty results and other mediocre meds with excellent results. It boils down to the growers ability to bring out the best in those individual seeds. Granted many well bred strains produce great meds from sprout to finish and they range from $10 to thousands of dollars.

After I finish my seeds off (I just made more tw superhybrid seeds by mistake, lol) we will see where to go next, but I already took clones of some amazing looking plant and hope that when I finish the original mothers and taste them I will have 2 or 3 keepers out of 20. Next grow I will use great clone only meds like OG Kush and Sour Diesel and Trainwreck and hopefully a strong indica.

Great thread, nice opinions everyone and yes bagseeds can be really kick ass.

*FYI this guy somablaze got a really nice special plant once from a seed that became a very hard to get clone and all of the special clone only meds are from seeds with no really verified origin. "DUH" lol*



dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
anyone who talks shit on bagseeds is a dumbass. ive grown some of the best damn pot ever from some mexican bagseeds. now now i smoke som hella dank shit but that mexican bean made some crazy ass potent weed. and most ppl would just simply talk shit on mexican alone not even mentioning bagseed. all in all most bagseeds will be sub par but there are a few that shine like no other.

fingers dont worry. i have a friend who insists shwagg grows like swhagg on the plant. like dense, dark brown nugs full of seeds and stems haha. no way to convinve him out of it even though hes 500% wrong.

Mr. Nevermind

Bagseed is fine to grow. Remember, Soma made his NYCD out of bagseed he found in a bag of diesal. My first grow ever was bagseed and i think everyone should start with bagseed. That way if you screw up it didnt cost much, instead of getting a pack of $100 beans and messing them up.

Only problem with bagseed is you dont know what you are gonna get somethimes and you cant predict when it will be finished. You could have an indica bagseeed finish in 8 weeks or a sativa that finishes in 12 weeks, you dont know from the begining.

Bagseed is not inferior weed, it was inferiorly grown perhaps, before we got it is all. But if you take care of your plant you can get some great smoke out of bagseed. Ask Soma



Custom User Title
Most people that smoke and don't know much about growing don't understand the way the plant was harvested, dried, and cured has a huge impact on the quality of the end product. If it was chopped early, dried too quickly, not cured at all, compressed for transport, and then thrown into baggies it will look like shit and will probably taste/smoke like shit. But if you grow the exact same plant and do things right, it will be completely different.


bagseed is priceless. growing out some killer shit and not having a clue what it is. most bagseed i've grown came out nothing like the bag it came from.
Well, the thoughts and beliefs before the grow will have alot of effect on the care given to the plant.

I'm sure someone could grow quite nice plants even from "shit brick", most people say it was quite nice before sun dried, compressed, shipped in god knows what conditions as it sits around for who knows how long.

Even the "best" strains could be made into "shit brick"

My WW collection is bagseed...came from amsterdamn, then inbred, then passed on to a friend that inbred then passed to me in a nice package of buds :)

Mr. Nevermind

Hell, i have "bagseed" from a room full of Burmese, sage, Sour D, williams wonder and princess D. I havent popped any of them but i have over 100 of them. I would say that bagseed is pretty damn good



Mr. Nevermind said:
Hell, i have "bagseed" from a room full of Burmese, sage, Sour D, williams wonder and princess D. I havent popped any of them but i have over 100 of them. I would say that bagseed is pretty damn good

Sounds to me like you have too many for one person. LOL
I think you should send me some. Ya,Ya, send me some. Just to help you out of course. :wave:



Active member
Mr. Nevermind said:
Hell, i have "bagseed" from a room full of Burmese, sage, Sour D, williams wonder and princess D. I havent popped any of them but i have over 100 of them. I would say that bagseed is pretty damn good


I agree, its sounds like you have too many for one person. If you were inclined to reduce your surplus PM for my thoughts on the matter.


PS. Bagseed is a crap shot- does not mean its not good.
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Active member
Hello all,

Buahahahaha-Exactly POMH.

ANd on that note-that is such a killer movie. I particularly like the historical references and incidents in which Forest was party to. Historical events I recall.

Well for grow out of personal stuff i guess its great.. but for those few people who do more then medicate them selves i give this example..at the clubs name brand always cost more. so bag seed is fine there is nothing wrong with it at all. but if your looking for something exact like the clubs do for money making reasons then i guess the fastest way is to get seeds with known genes or a clone with the same.


The two most stable and -way- potent plants that I ever had the privledge of knowing, came from bag seed.

A seed from a bag of North Polio, that was later named 'Herbina,' and a seed from someone else's bag seed that was a beautiful Oaxacan-sort of sativa, named 'Sativa Sister Vibrant.'

moose eater


There you go again, POMH. Posting that erotic art on the boards!!! ;^>)

moose eater