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THC 's what am i smoking thread


New member
The TW smells lemony/piney/earthy, very tasty stuff

Heres some purple royal* I grabbed yesterday from my friend:


Very berry tasting/smelling and seems almost entirely sativa, no couchlock or hunger afterwards


Active member
Well dont need to buy a new card reader for a pic

But i am smoking on some 8 month cured mirre nr 2

This plant didnt smell special in the beginning, but now after 8 months it is just delicious

it is smooth and very tasty and very high and stoned at the same time with an acent on the high part

the type of weed that makes you forget your car.

Too bad i only have a mirre nr 5 mom left.

Anyhow this mirre cured up real nice, as did mirre nr 3

Mirre nr 5 didt cure op so nice and the chronic is just disgusting after 8 months of curing

It is at 57% now but it doesnt smell nice anymore and the smoke stinks like tobacco almost


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Hey Core, nice pict ! Bet you gonna have some nice smokeout with those! Cool to see you guys having some fun around !

THC, dear neighbour, for the happy brother we will smoke it together so that we have the most fair advice on it, if you feel like it !.... Also on the way the Mahayana from Karma that just reeks of a metallic workshop full of hidden lemons and grapefruits ...
Nice report on that SD it is something special to smoke always very potent ! PB never tried, and glad you got to taste some nice goodies from Browser !

Keep up the good work mate !


Active member
Well i am not taking pics of the mirre as i only wana open the jar when absoutely necessary

i am doing some wake and baking :D

First one up is something called haze and it was grown in a greenhouse by someone i know

Picked a little earl , it has a nice fresh minty sativaish smell and also smells a bit like lowryder but not like haze

it gives a nice medium up high , not bad at all

And then some 6 or 7 week cured sour bubble(dmt cut) grown in the greenhouse

I smoked one joint of this last evening and i had to smoke it in 4 times , it the joint lasted me for like 3-4 hours

Tastes nice but could use a litttle more curing

smell is very souer and lots of other smells

effect is where it's at with this very low yielder , a very strong eye buring stone with a fair amount of euphoria in it so it doesnt get boring

A keeper ofr sure, i liked the quality from the greenhouse better then the one i grew indoors

I lost almost all top nugs to mold as she is very sensitive to mold indoors and out

some small buds put together to make it look like one bud lol sad eh:D?


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Karma's Jack Cheddar
lots of Jack with a hint of cheese
it inspires me i made that pipe while smoking it!!



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Dominator by Karma Genetics grown by the man himself

I still have a bit left so i'll take pics without the plastic later. I really didnt want to open the pack to keep it in optimal state taste and effect wise

Smell is not overpowering , a full fresh smell with some sativa funkyness but not like a "haze" strain

Taste : this is the nicest herb i have smoked in quite some time , smooth and tastefull in a joint , really NOTHING bad to say about it, just a dream to smoke

Effect : first 20 minutes i experienced a euphoric high and then when i thought , hmmm is that it , i became really stoned , burning eyes , lazy body , the effect reached a plateau and the plateau lasted for a good 90 minutes before slowly fading away

this weed makes you lazyyy , dont plan on doing anything usefull afterwards

In the future i'd like to package my own weed like that

Anyhow , great job Karma , 3rd place well deserved!!


Cinderella 99 grown by dubite

nice spicy tropical goodness , euforic up high


Mirre nr 5 after 8 months cure, this mirre smells very souer , no lemon at all in this one

nice sleeping meds


Active member
Well as said i took some pics of the dominator without the plastic

Still got about 0.5 left

After 3 days of being out of the vacuum packed plastic and sitting in a jar the dominator smells pretty strong now.

The faint smell i smelled first has now come totally in the forground. A very nice complex stinky fresh hazy smell dificult to describe but special and very nice

think it is time to grow me some dominator cuz the effect is so nice i wont wake an bake with it , evening stuff



Amnesia "whatever cut" grown outdoors


still one of my all time fav weeds

the outdoor one has rather small buds but lovely texture and smells
especially the one from th freezer smells nice

this bud you see here has cured for 2 months now , as this year i am trying different harvesting/storing methods with the same strain so i can compare hem later on

I must say i prefer the frozen amnesia to the 2 month cured one but it is still nice.

eyeburing relax high

In general i prefer the weed from the attick and the freezer , glass jar weed coming last in terms of smells and effects , though the one from the jars look nice and when you open a jar it smells nice

My friends that smoke with tobacco also prefer the weed from the attick and the freezer

again , i like weed in jars only like the first month after that it changes and i dont like it as much as fresh weed


Had the pleasure of meeting THC these days and he was kind enough to share some of his meds. As he was nice to me, I said I would do the same and talk about his crosses (look out for these ones outdoor growers!!!) Despite the fact that these meds are not dried and cured the like I like them as they are made for vapiing, they burn very well in a bong as well as in pure joints.

Amnesia x Manitoba Medicine
When talking smell, this pheno is very Amnesia like when broken up but as a bud has a sweet/floral/spicy smell. High sets in very fast and is long lasting. Very nice bud if one plans to do something besides laying on the couch. Not as strong as the parent but comes close!

Trainwreck x Manitoba Medicine
Lovely meeting of both rotten lines!!! This is veeeery very rotten smelling gear!!! A social smoker was left drooling by the smell alone at the Christmas party the other night :D Not as potent as the parent again but this will lock you to your seat. Taste in a joint is excellent despite the level of dryiness (or lack there of :laughing:).

SSSDH x Manitoba Medicine
Not really sure how to describe the smell, spicy/lemony but not overpowering as the previous 2 strains. Effect is EXCELLENT!! Never tasted the parent but the MM cross is TOP GEAR!!! Perfect for going out. Makes you nicely relaxed and witty at the same time. Have to try more of this to be able to describe the effect better.

EXCELLENT WORK!!!! :tiphat:


Active member
hahaha glad you liked em
Taste in a joint is excellent despite the level of dryiness (or lack there of ).
yeah i keep my meds a lot moister then when i used to smoke cuz i think it is nicer to vape , taste is fuller and rounder

I was acutally surprised the weed burned so well in a joint as it was still totally bendy and squishy

they just can't get dry in the attick , but keeping em there at that high Rh for months seems to bring the aroma to the foreground and lets the weed burn well even though it is fucking moist.

About the sssdh cross, that one was from outdoors

the amnesia and tw crosses where greenhouse grown.

the sssdh cross was harvested a little early , so the high is quite nice, i often like weed harvested a bit on the early side, the amnesia cross was harvested a bit too late and the tw cross was just not overripe
letting them goo too long takes away a lot of the euphoria and energetic high

i look forward to finding new phenos to keep as a mother

i have seen nicer phenos of the amnesia cross at a friends place

anyhow , enjoy your herb

btw : let me think what you thought about the frozen buds cuz i think they are stronger then the ones from the attick, i really prefer the one from the freezer for vaping
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Active member
looking good both of you

livingstone's pics make me drool, dont tease me like that people:D i have been sober for nearly a month i can almost smell those buds:D