Battle rap last night was hilarious lol
Nah, the most hilarious part was the ride to the med site on the "vapor bus"!
Twenty people torch up as soon as they sit down, and the best stuff i could smell was the mexi brick. Then as the bus starts up, a voice in front of me moans, " I get car sick…". Someone suggests opening a window, but the voice trails back, " I can't afford to lose the oxy!"
This years bus seems like a big step up from the junker of last year, it even had heat! But then we hit the first pothole and half the windows dropped down and it was open air the rest of the trip (40* and windy).
The potholes were quite the obstacle course, I would've sworn we left the rear axle in one that the driver could not miss. He was trying real hard to miss them though, so hard in fact that he blew a few red lights. If the riders gasped, he just croaked that no cop would stop them cause he had "forty witness's that the light was yellow!"
As Paladin mentions, the med site was drastically oversold. There was no room to non-sexually pass anyone who stopped at a vendors table. That meant that the first person off the bus that paused at a table basically ended any movement. If someone bent over to dab, their butt was hitting the table behind themselves. The FD would have shut the site down on the spot, if they had seen how that place was set up (firetrap2).
I can't wait for the gentrification of cannabis festivals.