That's certainly worthy of quoting!All information in forums is suspect. It's a great way to generally discuss a subject and get other viewpoints even if those other views are purely based on an empirical and/or non-scientific foundation. I have noticed the disparity of knowledge between the everyday poster here and someone in the general population with a scientifically focused education. It's obvious and prevalent enough that I find myself acting like an expert even though I am not. It's easy to overstep your expertise when a question is openly asked to all. You are going to get a range of expertise and credibility with your answers. It's up to you to mine them for something useful, but if your intention is to acquire verified peer-reviewed data then you've come to the wrong place. A forum is more of a tool for discussion than a trove of solid data. It really hinders the progression of knowledge and exploration when anyone regardless of their expertise belittles another member for their perceived lack of knowledge. Get off your high-horse before the impending rush of real experts that have been self selectively barred from this industry knock you off.