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That Lil~shit's @ it again.....


Active member
ICMag Donor
stuffin' your face with venison :D

Man its so weird seeing you have such an empty room.

You aren't running all 1800 watts, right?

Too bad you can't lower your lights man, they'd move faster.

the ND has a beautiful structure.

Edit: did you get the reflectors off a job site while working? I always digged that set up with those, just not sure how to go about obtaining those reflectors


Living life large...
:coffee: Ahhh... !

LyryC, fret not, by next weekend you'll be hard pressed to see
the floor, now that everyone's roll'n I'm gradually up'n their
nute levels and yes I've had all the bulbs blazing since last week.
Lowering them's not really and option... usually I send big girls in
there and lowering the lights is unnecessary, is what it is, ya know.
Your familiar with the GG's growth rates, my White strawberry D
moves right along too... the Nightmares while not quite as fast is
probably the best suited for a scrog as she's more of a "Bushy"
plant and less of a stretcher, looking forward to her throw'n out
her spear style buds in the nets, it is some mighty tasty bud... !

Rumor has it there's "new girl" destine for my lil~garden, it's an angle
I've been working for a few years now... it's another clone only and has been
held tightly by a few members... some seriously danky shit no doubt about it !
:plant grow:

That's called a teaser... ;)

Peace out,
Sprout. :ying:



, The Ghost of
Your teaser turned out better than mine :wallbash:

My GG looks just like yours, minus most of whats on the right side. Had the same deficiency too. Appears she doesn't like being shorted on calmag.

So you set out an all-you-can-eat smorgasbord - no wonder you've got so many deer around. Just watch out. If your guns go missing and you don't see no deer, they might be fixin to go Far Side on your ass.

Time to sprinkle some of that Keebler cousin magic on those girls.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
If it's Chaco's cut of ECSD I'm gonna be bugging you....

Got my bucket system today, went with a Sentinel MEF-1. Like that it drains from the bottom of the bucket and comes with a nice timer. I'll show you some pics soon once my "sprout room" is up and running.

Looking great btw.

silver hawaiian

Active member
I got my fingers crossed for some IBG


But seriously


What's in the box


New member
Hey what up LiL....... im a newbie on here and a soon to be newbie grower, ive been reading ur threads ur puttin out some good lookin trees there !!
ive been debating on doin coco or ebb and flow.. after reading all ur post , ima man up and go with the ebb n flow and forget the coco...lol

I have a few qstns for ya i was hoping u could help me out with....

1... what is the size of the room u are using for ur ebb n flow set up ? and is that the ideal size for a 6 pot system (in ur opionion ) ?

2... im going to run the 6 bucket system , which lights to u recommend , (2) 600 ,(1) 1000 or ?

3... is that the 6.8g buckets ur using on the ebb system ?

Also.... any tips or advice u have... will be greatly appreciated LIL !!!

Thanks !!!!!!
Sprout appreciate the response. I wasn't sure how big to go. Read through the whole thing and I felt like I've been there with you on all your adventures. Tired of the city living. Thanks for the ride. Was a guest of my lovely state for a while and can say you are living a fulfilling free life. This show makes me feel free bro. Thanks for that. Not many truly get to live the life they dream of and it shows in your posts that you are. I tip my hat. Utmost respect. Good karma and obviously you're keepin it sticky


Living life large...
Wildgrow, ya she does like her Cal/Mag, once they get roots
I usually add a dash or two into the Aero-cloner too avoid the
problem. I'm think'n it had more to do with the condition of
my mother plants... they took a beating while they were away !
Lol, on the deer, they don't even know how good they have it.

Third, While I don't know Chaco, I'd be willing too grow out
some of his gear for him... Lol, that ECSD of his is stunning !
Hells ya, I'll be look'n forward to seeing the room all set-up
and congrats on the purchase, your gonna love that system !

Silver, seriously... I can't tell you yet. Lol !

Dan, see above post. you do have an inquiring mind tho... I'll give ya that ! ;)

Iwdbo, congrats on the decision too start growing your own weed.
Few things in life are more rewarding than smoke'n that first big bowl
of your own medicine, that feel'n of independence feels mighty good !
My room is 6x9 would I like it too be bigger... ya, but it's more than
capable of handle'n a six bucket set-up, in fact I could probably jam
a dozen of them in there, but then I couldn't grow trees like I do...
Lights, I'm a huge fan of the 1000 watt HPS along with a 400 watt
MH, a full spectrum, IMHO, is the key to healthy and happy plants.
The buckets are the standard 5 gallons they sell at the DIY stores,
tho I've never checked too see how much they hold, they are tall.
As for tips... read up as much as you can, there are some seriously
skilled growers here at ICmag, they'll help you out, free of change too.

Carlos, troll'n, troll'n, troll'n... walleye !

70wDreams, right on, I was check'n your thread and seen your set-up,
reminded me of Killerweed31's gear, man he used too crank out nice buds
from that Lil box of his, I'm hope'n you can do the same with yours too.
I'll swing by once things get roll'n for you, good vibes head'n your way.

LaGhost, life is short... would seem a colossal waste too spend it wishing
on things, I just do what I want... as long as no one get hurt, it's all good.
I re-read our P.M's and I run a 180 GPH pump with my 6"x4' trays
that I use for veg stage, the 550's I run are for my bucket system.
Thanks for the kind words, sometimes I forget just how good I have it !

I spent the day cleaning gutters and hang'n up the Christmas lights,
the weather was less than desirable but it was above freezing so...
as I was working this song kept pop'n into my head, so appropriate !

Peace and be safe out there,
Sprout. :ying:



Active member
Big ol fuckin lunker haul er in already fuck sake!!!

Yeah I was gonna till the damn garden today but ullr dropped some white shit overnight so I had to work on jeep in heated garage:( Totally sucked ass.. I coulda gone for freezing rain gutter light honeydoo shit anyday lmao!! sucker.. you say she cooks tho??


La Vida Loca
LOL sprout...venison is what fed me through college down in Texas...sometimes it was good and sometimes it tasted...well not so good...when you posted your pic is when the light finally went off that the cuts should be similar to what I know from a cow...figured then some cuts will taste better and more tender than others

Yeah your buckets are cool and looks simple...does it use much water or take much work on your part to manage? I have been enjoying the simplicity of this UC system Im running...uses a lot of water though and we are in a drought in cali and was looking into alternatives that used less water with the same simplicity...thanks for your thoughts buddy

and your garden...well it always looks great :tiphat:

:smoke out:



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
LOL sprout...venison is what fed me through college down in Texas...sometimes it was good and sometimes it tasted...well not so good...when you posted your pic is when the light finally went off that the cuts should be similar to what I know from a cow...figured then some cuts will taste better and more tender than others

Yeah your buckets are cool and looks simple...does it use much water or take much work on your part to manage? I have been enjoying the simplicity of this UC system Im running...uses a lot of water though and we are in a drought in cali and was looking into alternatives that used less water with the same simplicity...thanks for your thoughts buddy

and your garden...well it always looks great :tiphat:

:smoke out:


you might have to go back to being a dirt farmer Huey :laughing:
only gotta water them every couple days .


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
LOL sprout...venison is what fed me through college down in Texas...sometimes it was good and sometimes it tasted...well not so good...when you posted your pic is when the light finally went off that the cuts should be similar to what I know from a cow...figured then some cuts will taste better and more tender than others

Yeah your buckets are cool and looks simple...does it use much water or take much work on your part to manage? I have been enjoying the simplicity of this UC system Im running...uses a lot of water though and we are in a drought in cali and was looking into alternatives that used less water with the same simplicity...thanks for your thoughts buddy

and your garden...well it always looks great :tiphat:

:smoke out:

It's just flood and drain BB. Doesn't get much simpler. It has a control bucket on a timer and float switch, hooked to a main res.floods and drains a few times a day just like a standard table would
No chiller needed (most often) and def less water than a UC , these buckets are filled with medium that uses up most of the volume of the container.
Easy as it get IMO.
Besides drip dtw coco of course.

Useful Idiot

Active member
Just wanted to pop in and say high bud. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones. Also ...congrats on that buck ya got. I have been skunked so far this year. The 400-450 acres adjacent to our land is being logged at the moment. 7 days a week!! Actually it is being stripped. While it is being logged....they are even taking young trees and chipping em. So sad to see Sprout. I have had a ton of birds, rabbits, squirrel, fox,some coyotes come to our land because of this.I reckon the deer went the other way. I may have to take a rabbit and make up a stew. But part of me would actually feel bad because of the situation. They are coming to our land for sanctuary because of the logging. Sorry for the long read bud...but I know you are a passionate guy when it comes to this kind of thing.:tiphat: