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Thak1lla's 1st Grow


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Hunt4Hazez; not sure if you mean how many light in the room...in my flower room(3,5' x 11') I'll be using 3 x 600w and 1 400mh for veg in a 3x3 area...


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hey sup guys?

I installed my 2 inline fans with AC and received my 2 other reflector and new bulb. I moved my ''veg room'' back to my closet for some reason. Also I need to build a box for those 2 inline fans cos they make alot of noise...my 4 big plants are in flower right now...I tryed to take pic but I dont get any good result cos of the light...

But I got some pics of the new plants, all of them are doing good!

I keep the temp around 65 when lights out and 72-80 with lights on, humidity is a bit high, around 40%.

Started to use PBP grow/bloom with liquid karma and CAL-MAG...for flower I add a bit of big bud to my PBP bloom mix cos I couldnt find PBP soil...

I hope to get some reply :wave:!


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Its tha time for tha 3rd Week Update!
Most of the new plants in veg are now doing good, I got some problem with my Speed Queen, Hashberry and also 1 Ice but its not all the plants so its ok. In 7-10days I will transplant and I need to; remove some plants and/or put them under a CFL, cos I wont have enough space to keep them all under the MH...

Also I've put 1 C99 and 1 SQ in flower, with my other plants, just for fun and to learn :joint:.

Here's tha Pics!
White widow - / - Skunk Special - / - Ice

Speed Queen - / - HashBerry - / - C99 :chin:

Blue Mystic - / - Bubblelicious - / - AK-48

Group Pic - Tha 3rd Week - / - Tha 2nd Week - / - Tha 1st Week

Anyone can tell me whata the burning/spotting on the SQ, HB & Ice? I thought calcium? or light burn? some leaves are all cripsy...


looks like calcium to me, but im not an expert at diagnosing. i have had a calcium problem recently and it looked similar.

also in 1 of the HB and 2 of the ice it looks like they need more nitrogen also.

looking good though so far very nice first run

light burn does cause crispyness but it looks like its beginning as yellowing.. looks more like calcium to me.. whats canopy temp?


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High The Lorax! My temperature meter is in my flowering room, but it read around 70, and the veg room is cooler because its closer to the AC and less ducting.... so i'd say around 65-70 depending if the flowering room is ''ON''

Today I started to add another circuit because I can only power 2 of my 3 600w HPS, so now with the 30amp circuit Ill be alright :joint:


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Ok so I know ppl dont really like veg pics so today I took some pics of my plants in flower...The skunk red air turned out to be an hermie so I moved her, 2 week ago, upstair near the window....

So now I got 1 Ice 1 Blue mystic and 1 skunk special makin buds in flower room...so here's the pics The skunk special is very tall and big so I LST her and I cant really get a good pic of it unless I move it outside the room....

Tha ICE...my favorite for now!

Blue Mystic; this plant was 1 feet tall when switched to 12/12, its now 4-5feet :eek:

Skunk Special and misc pic...

I removed some leaves on the blue mystic and Ice at the beginning of flowering, to help ligh penetration but now I think I shouldn't have done that cos it stunned the flowering process for 1 week maybe...but its my 1st grow so im just learning!!! :joint:

Also I moved some plants from veg to flower cos I needed some place after I transplanted all of them, so now the 5; Skunk special, c99, blue mystic are now in flower room too so there's about 18 plants total in flower room but I will need to remove the male when they come out!

Next week: Im going to add a real door to the flower room/mother-cloning room/air room and build the walls cos right now Its very hard to access the room and move plants out...

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people that dont appreciate veg pics arent even growers most of the time bro... I love veg pics, cause it shows the profile of a strain, its mannerisms, how it grows.. what to expect.. veg profile tells you so much about the girl..

that being said, looking good. I like that Ice! I see some yellowing there on the skunk special, any idea what thats all about?

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
^^^ What Lorax wrote^^^
I like veg pics too for the same reasons. They sure are looking nice in early flower! :yummy: Nice mix of tastes!


Active member
high guys! thanks for the reply!

I personnaly like more the flower pics cos you can see the final product but the veg pics are nice too cos they show how the strain is developing...

The Lorax: Im not sure what the yellowing is about...I think maybe N def but some leafs were yellow before going to flower so im not sure if its a new problem or if it was there before I started to flower...

the Ice and blue mystic are my favorite plants cos they're more indica, the skunk special is more sativa I think but they're not done flowering so I can't really tell which 1 I like the most, but the SS is too tall for me...the max height of the room is 6feet...


have you run that pheno of BM before? are you sure its indica? cause I've never had an indica stretch 4-5x its height. only my most sativa girls have done that. I have certain indicas that stretch less than 1x its current height..


Active member
Well the blue mystic stretched like a sativa but the buds are more indica i think, I've never grow BM before...thats my 1st grow so Im still a newb about a few things...Im learning....


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High guys!

I took some pics of my 3 main plants in flower cos they're kinda sick so Im gonna post some new pics...

The plants are looking good but I dont like that yellowing on the leaves, alot of leaves are dropping if I just touch them! :badday: Anyway the buds are still looking good but I dont want the yellowing to affect them!!!

Anyway anyone can tell me how long before I can harvest? I think around 3 week? I havent checked the trichrome yet... Also I hope those buds will get bigger, but I got at least 1once of each plants so its not bad....

Sproutco said my PH was too high so I lowered it, you can also check my thread in the infirmary section. :badday:


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Hello IC! Its time for an update! I was drunk tonight and took alot of flower pics! I didnt take pics of all my plants cos there is some plants that I can't move out of the room and also I didnt take pics of different plants of same strain. :joint:

1st is the Nirvana ICE almost done, the pistil on the smaller buds are turning orange...

2nd, The Nirvana Blue Mystic, also near done, very nice odor smell a bit skunky & berry!

3rd, The C99, I ended with only 2 female from my 5pack from female seeds, pics of 1/2 plants

Next is Nirvana Skunk Special, in a small pot so it doesnt reach 6foot like my other one, I got a total of 3 SS in flower,2 small and 1 very big.

Another Blue Mystic, this one if just starting to flower!

Next, the Speed Queen, starting to flower!
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Active member
Lastly the White widow

...I recently started 5 seeds of White widow and 4 of blue mystic, also ordered some female seeds cos I have alot of space left(in flower room) but not enough female...

Incoming strain from Female Seeds:
Northen Light

I made a bubbler cloner to make some clone, 1/9 rooted but I think the problem is because the clone are under my 400w MH and are getting alot of light, and this is forcing them to photosethis(sp) so the leaves are yellowing cos they try to grow! I'm gonna mod a cloth closet with some CFL in it and Im gonna use it to put my bubbler, my starting seedling and clone inside. This will also give me more space for larger vegging plants under my 400w MH!

...I didnt have enough money to add a real door to my growroom so that will have to wait. It was alot of pain to take all those pics, some plants are attached cos of the weight of the buds, so I hope you enjoy!

I plan to harvest my Ice and blue mystic very soon! Already started to flush!


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BM & ICE Harvested!

BM & ICE Harvested!

Hello guys! How is everyone doing?

4 days ago I harvested my 1st plant, the Blue mystic. Dryed for 3days, and now the buds are in the Jar but they're not 100% dry so I dont close the Jar for now.

Also yesterday I harvested my Ice and its drying on a screen for now. My others plants in flower are doing good, I won't be posting new pics because Its alot of trouble to take pics and im not getting alot of reply so its not worth it....but here's some pics of my harvested plant:

Ice drying:

Blue Mystic almost ready for the cure:

I think I got around 2once from my Blue Mystic and maybe a bit more from my ICE...I think its good for my 1st & 2nd plant but there is alot of space left in my flower room and I dont have enough space in the veg room to fill it. But im crurrently trying to make some clone, its my 2nd attempt, from my 1st attempt I got 1 clone that rooted on the 5-6 taken. Now, of all my 5 clone taken there's no root coming out(only 5day since taken) but the leaves are green(leaves were yellowing fast on my 1st try).

Alright everyone, see ya later, I got a joint of BM ready to smoke :joint:
lookin sweet man im new to this site i got 5 WW growing now 13 days flower i like your setup i wish i had that kind of room ill keep watchin if you keep updatin also about your clones there are alot of varialbles such as when oyu take em in veg or if you took em in flower. also how healtthy the mother was and it took mine 2 weeks before i saw roots on my first attempt at cloning i got 10 of 11 to root also some strains are much more difficult to clone
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Active member
High firsttimegrower! Sorry I didnt really look at my post for awhile since nobody replyed...

Yea well its my 2nd attemp at cloning now, on my 1st attempt only 1 clone rooted under my 400MH and I removed the other clone 3 days after cos I saw some rot forming on the stem, now im on my 2nd try and none rooted yet but I've put them under 4 CFL and they're not yellowing like when I tryed under my 400MH. Also I need to add water each 2 days, so sometimes my roots dont touch the water so I bought some styrofoam to use instead of using the lid.

I took my clone off a AK-48 and a speed queen, both in veg Im not sure if its a SQ or AK that rooted...right now im low on money but I might get a ez cloner soon...

Edit: Im gonna update soon with new pics...My C99 are looking very good! So is my Speed Queen!
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goddamn killa :bandit:


excellent work. and with nirvana strains! this just goes to show you..

wait are you saying you're trying to root clones under yout 400w? im amazed any rooted at all man.. mh/hps are not suitable for cloning, def keep them under the CFL
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