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Thai weed from Thailand


Active member
I think most of us here love the plant mate but collecting genetics is only a small part of it, the work is in preserving them correctly and that starts by storing them correctly and then refreshing the seed so they remain viable.
Mate all bullshit aside, I’m (nearly) as old as you.. I grew up surrounded by hippies and old heads. They were educated and well connected.
I saw some pretty amazing shit back then, had many lsd type experiences with various local weed.
My point is, there was some amazing weed around, and I can assure you I did my best to sample all of it.
But which one 1️⃣ s the Thai? Your Thai?
Was it ever produced in any scale?
My most memorable came from a medical centre in nnsw, a middle aged hippy chick needed money for’antibiotics’. I wasn’t there because I don’t like to encourage the use of drugs:))) but damn this stuff has us flying like a kite.. and long legs on her too. That was ‘92.
I’m not trying to attack you man, I was just trying to work out if I’ve ever encountered this before.

Those were fun days and good on you if you have managed to hold on to them.


The Haze Whisperer
Mate all bullshit aside, I’m (nearly) as old as you.. I grew up surrounded by hippies and old heads. They were educated and well connected.
I saw some pretty amazing shit back then, had many lsd type experiences with various local weed.
My point is, there was some amazing weed around, and I can assure you I did my best to sample all of it.
But which one 1️⃣ s the Thai? Your Thai?
Was it ever produced in any scale?
My most memorable came from a medical centre in nnsw, a middle aged hippy chick needed money for’antibiotics’. I wasn’t there because I don’t like to encourage the use of drugs:))) but damn this stuff has us flying like a kite.. and long legs on her too. That was ‘92.
I’m not trying to attack you man, I was just trying to work out if I’ve ever encountered this before.

Those were fun days and good on you if you have managed to hold on to them.

I'm in my 60s and sorry to break it to you mate but no one was educated back then when it came to cannabis people didn't clone people didn't store their seed correctly or did we know or foresee extinction was going to occur to so many of our strains of that time and if we were educated we would have save most of them.

My Thai originates from imported Thai from the 70s this is only one of many different Thai lines I collected and grew over decades, I even had a mate collect Thai seed from Thailand.

I had school friends move up and live with the hippies in Main Arm in 78 who had bred the Mullum first time I smoked that was 79.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
All of us that were around at that time period got to experience incredible cannabis and incredible hash.
Ya sure - and that was 'our time' - and whatever highs we were on - today are mostly in memory - so that's real special to us < he's 65 next week>

- Meanwhile we have other generations beneath us - who grew up with different highs - and they too have founded their nostalgic memories - with those impressions - so it's kinda generational - and kinda cyclical too - can the old Thai help form the cool memories of youth - for today's youth - or will the genetics and the memories of the great highs Old Thai brought forth - be forever lost - once our generation leaves this world?


The Haze Whisperer
- Meanwhile we have other generations beneath us - who grew up with different highs - and they too have founded their nostalgic memories - with those impressions - so it's kinda generational - and kinda cyclical too - can the old Thai help form the cool memories of youth - for today's youth - or will the genetics and the memories of the great highs Old Thai brought forth - be forever lost - once our generation leaves this world?

The thing many forget is all of todays genetics are just recombinations of genetics from the past, and people have created things they liked. Re combined genetics to bring down flower time and so on.

What are becoming lost are those old homogeneous true breeding domesticated lines that were found in set areas that were developed over many 100s if not more years.


Well-known member
Wow you've grown a lot then :biggrin: Your post made me laugh, thank you 🙏

WOS lol, back ages ago it was also amusing but good at least to try.

When did you get the RSC Laos? I have golden or highland laos maybe both from them when they first started along with their malanas, pahari farmhouse, in fact their entire catalogue. I musta spent serious money over the years back then on seeds :biggrin:

I agree with everything you say.

Good there are at least people like us trying to make sure these amazing highs are available for all to try.

South Indian has some real nice trippy stuff along with some African stuff too.
I am glad you have good sense of humour, life is too short and sometimes people take trivial things too seriously

I got all the stock from RSC in 2019. The Kerala I got from him was total rubbish, the Malana Cream I bought half a pack from another vendor and I got from them a freebie pack I never grew.
But the experience trying his freebies show they give what they consider unmarketable garbage for whatever reason as freebies and is not the same stock as what is sold. Many things just the name remains and the stock constantly changes in this seedbank
I tried the Kerala Idduki from TLT and was terrible, all plants hermied at beginning of flowering outdoors

If you got their stock when they just started you are lucky. You might have decency there. The south asian stock got hybridized after that. When I bought the weed this guy was difficult to deal with. He accused any other seedbank of copying him. He accused Ace of copying his lebanese and that is not true, I even showed him it is not true from an old thread, Ace was growing it in 2007 but continued with all the accusations. At the end I found he is copying everyone else. Pretty annoying to deal with him, he makes up too many things. And what seems to get him angry is that other seedbanks are using a similar style to describe their weed. But that is not copying the strain, it is copying the description writing style.
If you set a trend, you can only expect others to copy you, specially if you are dealing in South East Asia you should be used to it

BC is helping me put things in perspective.
The weed @BC LONE WOLF describes from Banglampoo Ram Buttri is very similar to the high of the old brick. Not confortable to smoke it in crowded places, at least for me. And it had no tolerance, it was hitting every single time you smoked it. Sometimes better, sometimes worse according to the batch you got. 6 tokes of it was enough to be high a couple of hours with the better batches

I grew the Highland Laos #1 from RSC and I got pissed because as all the rest of the stock sold by them, it had nothing to do with the weed I smoked in real life in Thailand, Laos or elsewhere. My reference is real life weed.
I culled the intersex and the couple girls left from Highland Laos #1 was a munchies highway. It was giving you super strong munchies after 30 minutes. It had a high, but the munchies made it impossible to smoke it except when making a barbeque
But if I compare to the garbage I got now in Laos it is a lot better.

The same applies to Ace´s Thai. I expected at least a high like the old brick. Not even close.
It is mild weed and it is not CBD. Mangobiche is sativa CBD, even kaiki wrote it here in this forum
Now if your reference for thai weed is the stock Prempavee sent, then Ace´s Thai is clearly better. It is not difficult to find anything better than the government CBD weed.
So it is a matter of perspective and expectations too.

BC, according to your explanations then I am understanding your are diluting your filipino with Ace´s Thai.
How is your filipino? Did you source it yourself? What year? Location? Did you repro your filipino? If you did, how is the progeny? Did you test the filipino progeny?
They have same vigor as the P1´s or you lose some vigor like it happened to me with the Northern Thai 2008 P2?
Can you compare your filipino with the high of the RamButtri weed?
Is it worth to go to Philipines today to get high? How easy or difficult is to score weed there?
What qualities of weed you found and what locations?

Elchiasmx or something, and the lab was eastcoastnewyorklabs
Are you referring to @elchischas ?
Chischas, estas trabajando en una genetica de Green Hornet llamada Thai 82?
Que HDP! Tambien tienes esto? Germinan esas semillas? Cuantos packs tienes de esa Thai 82? De que año son esas semillas?
Eres el preservacionista del siglo. Tienes geneticas para hacer mermelada.
Si tu estas atras de este proyecto, por que elegiste esta genetica por sobre todas las demas que tienes?
En el idioma que quieras, nos puedes contar de que se trata este proyecto? Es un proyecto comercial?
Vamos a poder cultivar eso en Thailand?
Mucha suerte con esa genetica, me imagino que somos varios los que queremos probar eso

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

The thing many forget is all of todays genetics are just recombinations of genetics from the past, and people have created things they liked. Re combined genetics to bring down flower time and so on.

What are becoming lost are those old homogeneous true breeding domesticated lines that were found in set areas that were developed over many 100s if not more years.
And in the past - their genetics were just recombinations of plants from their past too - cannabis/hemp has been around for as long as anyone can remember - often as an essential crop -

- but I get what you mean about 'worked genetics' - when someone decides to put some effort into selecting and breeding the cannabis for certain traits - over many generations - in some cases - then for it to be lost - is a tragedy 😢

- I wonder if they can today grow crops that were grown thousands of years ago? - so many varieties have gone extinct over time - would be really cool to be able to grow what a farmer grew way back then - or even a coupla hundred years back - would do - seems like they already have the technology to do this 🤔
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Active member
I am glad you have good sense of humour, life is too short and sometimes people take trivial things too seriously

I got all the stock from RSC in 2019. The Kerala I got from him was total rubbish, the Malana Cream I bought half a pack from another vendor and I got from them a freebie pack I never grew.
But the experience trying his freebies show they give what they consider unmarketable garbage for whatever reason as freebies and is not the same stock as what is sold. Many things just the name remains and the stock constantly changes in this seedbank
I tried the Kerala Idduki from TLT and was terrible, all plants hermied at beginning of flowering outdoors

If you got their stock when they just started you are lucky. You might have decency there. The south asian stock got hybridized after that. When I bought the weed this guy was difficult to deal with. He accused any other seedbank of copying him. He accused Ace of copying his lebanese and that is not true, I even showed him it is not true from an old thread, Ace was growing it in 2007 but continued with all the accusations. At the end I found he is copying everyone else. Pretty annoying to deal with him, he makes up too many things. And what seems to get him angry is that other seedbanks are using a similar style to describe their weed. But that is not copying the strain, it is copying the description writing style.
If you set a trend, you can only expect others to copy you, specially if you are dealing in South East Asia you should be used to it

BC is helping me put things in perspective.
The weed @BC LONE WOLF describes from Banglampoo Ram Buttri is very similar to the high of the old brick. Not confortable to smoke it in crowded places, at least for me. And it had no tolerance, it was hitting every single time you smoked it. Sometimes better, sometimes worse according to the batch you got. 6 tokes of it was enough to be high a couple of hours with the better batches

I grew the Highland Laos #1 from RSC and I got pissed because as all the rest of the stock sold by them, it had nothing to do with the weed I smoked in real life in Thailand, Laos or elsewhere. My reference is real life weed.
I culled the intersex and the couple girls left from Highland Laos #1 was a munchies highway. It was giving you super strong munchies after 30 minutes. It had a high, but the munchies made it impossible to smoke it except when making a barbeque
But if I compare to the garbage I got now in Laos it is a lot better.

The same applies to Ace´s Thai. I expected at least a high like the old brick. Not even close.
It is mild weed and it is not CBD. Mangobiche is sativa CBD, even kaiki wrote it here in this forum
Now if your reference for thai weed is the stock Prempavee sent, then Ace´s Thai is clearly better. It is not difficult to find anything better than the government CBD weed.
So it is a matter of perspective and expectations too.

BC, according to your explanations then I am understanding your are diluting your filipino with Ace´s Thai.
How is your filipino? Did you source it yourself? What year? Location? Did you repro your filipino? If you did, how is the progeny? Did you test the filipino progeny?
They have same vigor as the P1´s or you lose some vigor like it happened to me with the Northern Thai 2008 P2?
Can you compare your filipino with the high of the RamButtri weed?
Is it worth to go to Philipines today to get high? How easy or difficult is to score weed there?
What qualities of weed you found and what locations?

Are you referring to @elchischas ?
Chischas, estas trabajando en una genetica de Green Hornet llamada Thai 82?
Que HDP! Tambien tienes esto? Germinan esas semillas? Cuantos packs tienes de esa Thai 82? De que año son esas semillas?
Eres el preservacionista del siglo. Tienes geneticas para hacer mermelada.
Si tu estas atras de este proyecto, por que elegiste esta genetica por sobre todas las demas que tienes?
En el idioma que quieras, nos puedes contar de que se trata este proyecto? Es un proyecto comercial?
Vamos a poder cultivar eso en Thailand?
Mucha suerte con esa genetica, me imagino que somos varios los que queremos probar eso
I don't speak Spanish so I have no idea what this means. I'm on a phone so I can't translate properly. Edit.
.copy pasted into Google.
I just saw a screenshot of it, I'm not making any claims!!!
@elchischas sorry I couldn't spell your name.
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Well-known member
I don't speak Spanish so I have no idea what this means. I'm on a phone so I can't translate properly.
Chischas, estas trabajando en una genetica de Green Hornet llamada Thai 82?
Que HDP! Tambien tienes esto? Germinan esas semillas? Cuantos packs tienes de esa Thai 82? De que año son esas semillas?
Eres el preservacionista del siglo. Tienes geneticas para hacer mermelada.
Si tu estas atras de este proyecto, por que elegiste esta genetica por sobre todas las demas que tienes?
En el idioma que quieras, nos puedes contar de que se trata este proyecto? Es un proyecto comercial?
Vamos a poder cultivar eso en Thailand?
Mucha suerte con esa genetica, me imagino que somos varios los que queremos probar eso
Chischas, are you working on Green Hornet genetics called Thai 82?
What a son of a bitch!(in spanish it is a praise, like when Messi scores a very difficult goal we say what a son of a bitch!) Do those seeds germinate? How many packs you have of those Thai 82?
You are the preservationist of the century. You have enough genetics to make marmalade
If you are behind this project, why did you choose this strain over all the others you have?
In the language you prefer, can you tell us what is this project about? Is this a commercial project?
Shall we be able to grow this Thai 82 in Thailand?
Best of lucks with this strain, I imagine we are quite a few wanting to try this stock

sativanese, I hope it helps

So I am editing and using this post to update the latest thai releases of this week
Black Cherry Gelato
Black Cherry Gelato.jpg

Pizzaz(!!!) and Dream factory. Pizzaz are expensive at 15baht gram

King Juice Permanent Marker
King Juice Permanent marker.jpg

Wet cherries, made in Thailand
wet cherries.jpg
Wet cherries.jpeg

I cant believe Dulce de leche Kush wasnt invented yet.
Dulce de leche rules, best dessert in the planet
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Not ICMag Donor
Not even a year has passed since this post and look now:

View attachment 19172056 View attachment 19172057

Se fue todo a la gran mierda… la persona que se decía salvaría la cultura y genética Thai pues ahora hace híbridos con gran entusiasmo. Que mierda y falta de principios. Triste lo que hace la fama y el dinero. Cada día pierdo mas respeto por la escena Thai.
Oh no


Chasing the Present
Yes it's always painful when I see some seeds kept for too long and losing their viability, I know some people who kept way too many seeds for too long and now 2/3 of their stock is dead or close to it. Maybe it's possible with new tech to revive those type of collection but I have never tried to make some tissue culture. Is there some people who have try this method to get a viable plant from "zombie" seeds?
Scarify Seed ~ 1% H202 for 18 hours ~ Into living soil (especially worm castings) and lower light, be patient don’t overwater.

I’ve had seeds pop after months of waiting and turn into viable plants, I can think of a couple very old Cambodians that did this as a great example.

I know a handful of people with TC setups, I’m beginning to think the above method is as good or better than TC unless perhaps you’ve got access to a full scale commercial lab doing it, even then I’m not sure which is a better method…

Plants want to grow so bad, especially if we don’t Fk it up - haha


Chasing the Present
I have a friend who is a geneticist, and he tells me the way science is heading in the future they will be able to, but for now you have little options when it comes to old seed. Things like GA are it when it comes to trying to fire up old seed and that don't always work.

The oldest seed I have germinated were 23/24-year-old, and I achieved that by using RO water with a mix of 3% hydrogen peroxide and allowing the seed to soak in that for 48 hours in the dark and then placing the seed to germinate at a warm temp.

You have two options of storage that's a fridge or freezer, both have advantages and disadvantages but sticking them in a desk draw like with did for decades will only lead to failure.
3% is a bit high on the H202, GA makes wonky plants…. Scarify, 1% H202 18-24 hours then into Living soil, worm castings are great & moist warm not wet conditions is your golden ticket hempy…

The early pearl & skunks I popped last year for instance were nearly 35 year old seed, got plenty to pop & turn into happy & healthy plants


Chasing the Present
i dont quite get this bit ??

landraces are domesticated crops , they didnt escape from anywhere ...
3 words overused to exhaustion and often inaccurately


For me mutation takes the cake; mutation this, mutation that I always hear… naturally occurring mutation rate in plants is @ 1/billion, no bro that’s not a mutation in your seedlings it’s thrips eating the newest leaf growth 😝
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Chasing the Present
Depends how many you want .
If you pollinate only the 1st pistils on a plant you can have buds with 2 seeds at each node and the rest of the flower seedless . I have done it before . Just leave the males in with the females until the females start to show sex and remove the males .
Be careful those will fall off before your flowers finish in most Sativas and you’ll be hunting the floor for them; well unless you harvest them off of course 😎


Well-known member
BC is helping me put things in perspective.
The weed @BC LONE WOLF describes from Banglampoo Ram Buttri is very similar to the high of the old brick. Not confortable to smoke it in crowded places, at least for me. And it had no tolerance, it was hitting every single time you smoked it. Sometimes better, sometimes worse according to the batch you got. 6 tokes of it was enough to be high a couple of hours with the better batches

The same applies to Ace´s Thai. I expected at least a high like the old brick. Not even close.
It is mild weed and it is not CBD. Mangobiche is sativa CBD, even kaiki wrote it here in this forum
Now if your reference for thai weed is the stock Prempavee sent, then Ace´s Thai is clearly better. It is not difficult to find anything better than the government CBD weed.
So it is a matter of perspective and expectations too.

BC, according to your explanations then I am understanding your are diluting your filipino with Ace´s Thai.
How is your filipino? Did you source it yourself? What year? Location? Did you repro your filipino? If you did, how is the progeny? Did you test the filipino progeny?
They have same vigor as the P1´s or you lose some vigor like it happened to me with the Northern Thai 2008 P2?
Can you compare your filipino with the high of the RamButtri weed?
Is it worth to go to Philipines today to get high? How easy or difficult is to score weed there?
What qualities of weed you found and what locations?

Funky that first joint I had (first couple days in Thailand) was a new level for me to measure everything cannabis related, like I said back then that kinda of high it’s got its own category indica sativa and Thai. The high was very intense and I wouldn’t suggest people smoking it in public it got overwhelming, even for me that I have flight hours in the astral plane.
Every time I’ve done a trip (acid, San Pedro, psilocybin, dmt, changa…) I can’t be around people because my energy flow gets polluted with other peoples energy. This is the same feeling I had with that joint, I needed space to experience and the crowd and busyness of Bangkok was intense. I didn’t have a bad trip but it was a trippy ride.

BS aside I only was able to smoke the half of that joint and had to stop. Later at the end of my holiday I got 10grm piece of the same herb and smoked back to back 3 joints I was high for the rest of the day and woke up feeling high to take my flight back.

Unfortunately I couldn’t experience imported Thai sticks, so I can’t associate correctly but I can recreate what it can feel like by the accounts of the stories of y’all who did smoke it. Nothing I have tried in Canada is even close to trippy weed.
I grew Mangobiche x 60s Lambsbreath from Swami and it was good herb, not trippy but elevated spirit and lots of introspection, head high and contemplation, I passed it so others could smoke it and some folks here that have never smoked real sativas would take 3 tokes and refuse the 4th… I thought they disliked the high but it was to much for them to keep smoking. People with no Sativa experience will creep out and get anxious and have severe palpitations and start sweating.

Yes I have made crosses with my Filipino stock since I started growing it in 2022. I recovered the seeds myself while in Palawan in 2019.
Seeds came from heavy seeded herb I bought from a Rasta called LoLoy he is a personality in Puerto Princesa, sleeps in a hammock inside his tuktuk. Dude looked like the reincarnation of Bob Marley. I don’t want to put his face on the internet but I spent quality time with him, it was a genuine interaction. I had psilocybin powder I took and I gave them to try they were tripping balls.
He told me getting his herb was a journey, he would head to Luzon, sometimes Manila but when there was none in Manila he would have to go farther North to score. I wanted to see the plantation but he said too dangerous not worth it taking me there. Even for him sometimes it was too much danger. Let’s keep in mind Duterte was killing users of cannabis and growers… it wasn’t just the meth users. Real life consequences if he got caught.

It cost me like 50$ to score half OZ but I paid in full because I had seen the seeds. We smoked all that weed together. It was great happy uplifting not trippy, very good head high with no come down, could smoke it all night and not fall asleep. Set and setting was the difference, Rasta man and I would smoke and have beers all night, talk about his life, his life choices, it got real intimate Im the sense of the connection between us was like we knew each other from past life.
I wrote myself a letter put the seeds inside and posted the envelope to my home in Canada.

I was able to grow the seeds the first time in 2022, I found that year 1 male and one female, I tried to grow both along with other gear I have, I seen the first Filipino male in 2022 so I decided to cross it with 2 lines one comercial and the other my line. I was not successful at IBL the Filipino because the female took for ever to flower and the pistils came at late September so the rain started and I couldn’t pollinate. I regret this till today.
Could smoke the female as it never finished…

I grew it again 2023, 2024… male both times… so each time I crossed the male to whatever I was growing at the time. Last year I grew Ace Chiang Mai and I used the Filipino to cross all my phenos…
Today I am testing all of the progeny, small numbers, that’s what I can afford.

The traits are passed on pretty strong, I believe this genetic pool to be very strong and dominant because I have seen it in the progeny. The resistance of the Filipino males is out of this world.

Filipino 2024 in October 49N

I was very excited because I got 2 Chiang Mai phenos one green pheno and a pearl pheno a wild expression, also SMG colombia got pollinated. I need it a SEAsian pool to pair the Filipino and Chiang Mai was my option. I want to get a male from this cross because I have 3 different pools I can go and back cross to start chasing specific traits like best high.

I would highly recommend anyone to go to Philippines and try to source weed and seeds. Still illegal to smoke grow or possess cannabis but the killer is in jail, and Filipinos smoke herb not like Thais. So I would assume it’s more relaxed now and possibly more available.
Cebu has herb, Palawan as well. Luzon go up to Sagada or Baguio. One can even go all the way to Kalinga and get a tattoo from the old matriarch of Kalinga tattoo history, she is pretty famous now… tourist make their way up there.

Anyway Philippines is a beautiful country and the diversity is there, every island is a micro cosmos so each herb grown there is different.

LoLoy is already on the internet so might as well share who he is. Meet up with him and smoke the Tagalog Irie. Respect to LoLoy for keeping it real.
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Chasing the Present
Chischas, are you working on Green Hornet genetics called Thai 82?
What a son of a bitch!(in spanish it is a praise, like when Messi scores a very difficult goal we say what a son of a bitch!) Do those seeds germinate? How many packs you have of those Thai 82?
You are the preservationist of the century. You have enough genetics to make marmalade
If you are behind this project, why did you choose this strain over all the others you have?
In the language you prefer, can you tell us what is this project about? Is this a commercial project?
Shall we be able to grow this Thai 82 in Thailand?
Best of lucks with this strain, I imagine we are quite a few wanting to try this stock

sativanese, I hope it helps

So I am editing and using this post to update the latest thai releases of this week
Black Cherry Gelato
View attachment 19172643 View attachment 19172644

Pizzaz(!!!) and Dream factory. Pizzaz are expensive at 15baht gram
View attachment 19172645

King Juice Permanent Marker
View attachment 19172646

Wet cherries, made in Thailand
View attachment 19172647 View attachment 19172648

I cant believe Dulce de leche Kush wasnt invented yet.
Dulce de leche rules, best dessert in the planet
Bunch of PGR boof cannabis pics there, nasty what so many do to this plant.

Elchichas is @ here & in private forums, I haven’t heard anything from him about an 1982 Thai but I could be mistaken curious as to his reply on this

PS: I recently bulked Malana Crème I got from Satva whom got it from TRSC @ 2008, I wasn’t personally impressed but know others whom love it & have shared truly beautiful outdoor grown plants in S California. I may try and grow some outside this year, we do the best we can with the hand we’re dealt, but we never give up, nothing is ever perfect when growing anything, unfortunately

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