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Thai weed from Thailand

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Give it a rest Elmer you went to Thailand when was it2014, and you are now an expert on old school Thai now right ?

I have been growing Thais since 79 and just because a set Thai line may have been grown in a set area means nothing, lots of amazing Thai was sourced and found in Bangkok, most of it was in fact.

Brokers had people buying from the farmers, it then was sent back to Bangkok graded and packed and loaded on ships for export, that's how it worked.

And every one lived happily ever after .
Thats usually how fantasy stories end isn`t it ?
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Well-known member
Give it a rest Elmer you went to Thailand when was it2014, and you are now an expert on old school Thai now right ?

I have been growing Thais since 79 and just because a set Thai line may have been grown in a set area means nothing, lots of amazing Thai was sourced and found in Bangkok, most of it was in fact.

Brokers had people buying from the farmers, it then was sent back to Bangkok graded and packed and loaded on ships for export, that's how it worked.
You indeed make too often generalization because for one you don't know where what you smoked came from exactly and you certainly don't know what the others have smoked or where it came from neither so it's not possible to pretend knowing what those flowers are supposed to perform. And as we all have different brain chemistry even the same flowers won't have the same high for two different smokers. I think it's more reasonable to say, this specific flower had this specific on me this day because even the same flowers won't have the same effects on the same smoker depending on the settings where it's consumed.
Trying to analyze where a specific effect is coming from is a lot more complex than the geographical origin of the weed.


Well-known member
There is a legendary moroccan hash called sefer sefer(zero zero)
had a good chunk once..,then never again.,,black/green..[green black.gray] intense ,.powerful ..definitely up..hard for me to describe smell...classy unique stuff

it must have been sativa hash...everything felt so good and not even in a zippy way...just strong flowing blissful energy

. Did you or anyone else smoke it? Side by side with lebanese? Can someone post smoke report and comparison

with lebanese old 80s hash?
70’s though

the blonde=up energetic and happy...many grades,,from ok to memorable..seldom got great thebgreat stuff there so bright and happy tasty [cannot explain taste]..with legs..the bright yellow stuff was the best..only had it once.

the best hard red..= very powerful lasted hours ..needed so little... energetic and happy X2..if I only had that stuff now
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Not ICMag Donor
It was called moroccan eggs. It had egg shape and people told it was smuggled in the stomach of people, thats why the shape
The common name is ass eggs (huevos culeros) because indeed people smuggled them by eating them and then fishing them out of the toilet when arrived at destination. You say the high sucks but this is strange to me as we used to buy them all the time over any other kind of hash that was available. You had to use latex gloves to open the plastic wrap because they smelled like actual shit. Even having to do this which was obviously horrible and disgusting, it was worth it because they were made of the best quality you could find from Morocco. Because of their popularity, Moroccans started to make eggs with any quality of hash, and these were transported the regular way (not inside a person) but this is more of a marketing trick to sell lesser quality hash at premium price. I suspect you might have tried these ones, and not the "ass eggs" we know in Levante. Real eggs like we had in the 90s are really hard to find nowadays at least in Spain.
There is a legendary moroccan hash called sefer sefer(zero zero). Did you or anyone else smoke it?
We call this double zero (doble cero) but this term has been bastardised for a long time and has become a way to call premium quality hash. But you can find double zero of different kinds and even in Amsterdam which by the way was a complete joke like everything else over there.

The doble cero I remember had a soft consistency and didn't need heat to crumble. Opposite to the ass eggs which were extremely hard and compact.
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Well-known member
Hey mate you’ve tried Thai and Phillipines herb in situ now. Which place did you think had the better smoke?

Hard to judge because they are different beasts.

Filipino weed (most likely landrace) was very good, and knowing I got it when Duterte was killing his own people in the name of the war on drugs, made it even more intense.
The weed was brown and fully seeded, no bag appeal, smelled like mango/passion fruit. It was a up high, euphoric, classic upper with great vibes and NO sleepy nap time. I was also smoking it with a Rasta local that told his story about weed. Jungle grown in Luzon like most of it and spread as far as Palawan.
The experience was like dealing drugs, took it pretty serious and I never smoked in public. Only in the hostel and not in front of everyone.
The Rasta selling the Herb smoked a shit ton so he knew good weed.
There was only 1 option available, what ever the dealer scored.

The current Thai herb is available anywhere in Thailand, it’s not grown in the jungle hiding from a killer President. So growers have expanded their catalog and the original Thai herb has diversified…. So much they seem to have almost ever single strain ever created by man.
“Landraces” have a distinct flavor and smell and the herb has more bag appeal than Filipino.
Most commercial cannabis is grown indoors from what I saw on the shelves, the landraces are grown outdoors. Thai weed made me sleep, a few moments of peace and introspection, but it was not what I expected; specially after reading some of the experiences some of you have had in the past with Thai sticks.

Only 1 occasion I was very high (Bangkok), out of the several occasions I purchased from different places and many different strains.
Filipino 1 source, 1 strain, great high.

My final answer would be;

Flavor, smell and variety Thai herb

Great high , rare and unique Filipino


Well-known member
Personally I don't think the sleepiness caused by a sativa is a proof of hybridation, the genetics grown by the rastas were pure sativa lines preserved by those dedicated growers as one of the sacrement of their religion so they were quite rigorous about the genetic purity of the lines they had in their garden, this was in the 90's a long time ago now and a lot have changed since. But IMO even pure sativas can have a narcotic effect, it depends of many factors, one being the brain chemistry when the cannabinoids hit the blood stream and the brain, and the same flower can have polar opposite effects on different persons smoking the same joint.
There are multiple strains too from all those places, like the jamaica, , maybe you smoked a very different genetic than the ones I got from this island.
There is many places in France where the climate allows to grow some great cannabis outdoor, I've made many crops in the south west but I had some restriction in what's possible to grow because it rains really a lot past october 15 and it can freeze too so many genetics don't like that. Right now I'm higher in France in a city so I have to grow indoor, no other option. As you said the quality of the genetics will have the biggest impact in the quality of your end product. I remember having smoked some Brainstorm Haze flowers frown by a friend, it was great weed, I should have taken clones of his BH, she was done in only 70/75 days which is reasonable for a good high.

Yes I agree, not all sativa is a creeper upper, some can be disarming and put one down like a tranquilizer, but if you are that high then you must be tripping with 3rd eye visions, not a narcotic down like Percocet. That’s what I feel as different from dessert grown Afghan sativas and let’s say jungle equatorial tropical sativas.

The high is very different.

Perhaps old school Ganja in the Caribbean is a mix of history. Indian, African and colonial genetics all mixed together. And if a Rasta community selected and preserved a line, it was for sacrament not recreational, I would assume it’s the type of high to connect with the higher self, that to me reads psychedelic herb.

Growing the same genetics in the blue mountains and in the Afghan dessert will give quite opposite results.

The place my wife’s family is from is Charante maritime, closer to Libourne than Bordeaux. It’s old school farming all over that area, and my wife’s mom and her dad grow every year, get a couple lbs and put it out there. They don’t need the money, the are just old heads, French rebels. Her dad is a true head smokes like I do.

Funny as it may seem, where I live in Canada and where they are in France… we have almost identical weather patterns, just the angle of the sun is different and well the obvious they are mainland I am island grown.

Donald Mallard

el duck
this is interesting and can explain somethings to us as far as categorizing cannabis , specifically the affects of it ..


The Haze Whisperer
You indeed make too often generalization because for one you don't know where what you smoked came from exactly and you certainly don't know what the others have smoked or where it came from neither so it's not possible to pretend knowing what those flowers are supposed to perform. And as we all have different brain chemistry even the same flowers won't have the same high for two different smokers. I think it's more reasonable to say, this specific flower had this specific on me this day because even the same flowers won't have the same effects on the same smoker depending on the settings where it's consumed.
Trying to analyze where a specific effect is coming from is a lot more complex than the geographical origin of the weed.

Clearly you and some others in here have never smoked true old school Thais or Colombians, because if you had, you would know exactly what I am describing.

The high they each gave has night and day differences, the Colombian Reds again were different to the Green Colombian.

A hash plant is going to give people a stone no matter what their Physiology, and a sativa is going to give them a high.

I find it astonishing people with no experience of smoking these genetics claim to know more than people that have.


Well-known member
Clearly you and some others in here have never smoked true old school Thais or Colombians, because if you had, you would know exactly what I am describing.

The high they each gave has night and day differences, the Colombian Reds again were different to the Green Colombian.

A hash plant is going to give people a stone no matter what their Physiology, and a sativa is going to give them a high.

I find it astonishing people with no experience of smoking these genetics claim to know more than people that have.
Please make an effort in your responses, I started by saying we certainly didn't smoke the same things, yes different weeds have different effects but not all people will have the same high or stone experience, this is a fact. I'm sure there are some studies who tried to analyzed how people reacted to the same THC profile and no doubt they found some had different responses.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
High CBD being Medical is a con all drug cannabis was and is medical and has been for 1000s of years, Hortafarm was where the birth of high CBD started the cannabinoid that didn't get you high was born. Governments liked the idea of cannabis not getting people high, that was its appeal.

What I didn't expect was stoners falling for CBD as medical, and High THC only being recreational and what no one talks about are the side effects of CBD, one being its interaction with pharmaceutical medications.

People forget most are in this for the money, like your elite hyped strains that are replaced 6 months later with a new one.
High CBD is not a medical con. Along with other cannabinoids it has proven medical uses.

In the medical scene THC, CBD, and CBG all have uses in different combination. Most of the medical varieties you can get in Oz at least are high THC, so I don't know where you're getting this idea that THC is rec only?

I was surprised at some of the THC/CBD combinations I've had in both bud and oils. I used to be anti CBD, but it can actually really enhance a high, although not always.

Needs to be remembered that there were Thai varieties with significant CBD content in the 70's. The Thai government CBD weed is not a new thing.


Well-known member
Gday EB
There are 2 contradictory posts about wage but both are truth

Thailand in 2025 the daily minimum wage is 400 baht which is like 13u$s
This is the best currency exchange rate you get in Thailand it fluctuates every day and during the day as well
At the moment of posting to buy dollars in Thailand cost 33,63 baht per dollar

These were the minimum national rates in Thailand in 2023. The wages are daily
View attachment 19170421
And yes, there is a big push to bring the minimum daily wage in Thailand to 400 baht, I read this during my stay, it started in a few provinces, Thailand is expensive today

The brick was strong as EB said. How strong it was?
I never mix any spliff with tobacco. Explanations below
A brick spliff that was very common and easy to find until not so long ago in Thailand(I have no clue where it was grown and made, could be Cambodia or South Laos) rolled in a Risla or OCB paper size number 1, the smallest. Not a pinner, not a fatty but something in the middle, like cigarette size was giving around 12 tokes more or less. Half of it was enough to get you high for 2 hours. No tolerance, every time you smoked it, it was hitting you same same. Not like modern hybrids where you smoke the first you feel the effect 30 min, second spliff you feel 15 min and third spliff of it good luck feeling something

There were batches and some were better than others. This weed had character meaning every batch was hitting different

The weed I smoked up to 20 years ago in Laos was a lot more powerful than the brick.

Paraguayan brick was stronger
A pinner Rizla 1 size containing 10-12 tokes got you very very high. No tolerance at all like the old thai brick and different batches quality as well
Paraguayan weed was hidden buried in the ground. In the tropics. This method of hiding weed unavoidably leads to fermentation. When I saw first time Tangwena Malawi cob thread, I got so happy. Finally I saw weed like paraguayan weed was. For me it is not very clear how good is sativa weed from just looking at flower, I simply saw amazing looking brick in that thread

In South America it is rolled pure without any filter. Weed was oily, oil was running down to your fingers
It was almost impossible to smoke the roach. You smoked the roach and got high 3 hours average with the better batches, 2 hours minimum normal batches.
Never heard of tolerance problems in my life until I started smoking recently all these modern hybrids
These roach toking artifacts you could find at any handicraft fair, almost every smoker had one except the ones making it with a rolled paper or a matchbox not wanting to spend the money on the tuquera as we call it in spanish.

We all belong to different cannacultures. We have different schools
I learnt about hash in the middle east mid 80s and hash was treated differently than in Europe
In Europe people burn the hash directly in order to heat it and dissolve with tobacco. In the Levant people were making a spoon with the aluminium paper side of the pack of cigarettes. Then you apply the fire on the alumium to heat the hash. Burning it twice you degrade it.
Different cultures, different ways of smoking and using weed or hash.
It is like spaghetti, some people love dry Barilla, I always prefer hand made fresh pasta

Kromagnon, I only once tried moroccan hash, it was in the 2000 in Canary Islands during one month. It was called moroccan eggs. It had egg shape and people told it was smuggled in the stomach of people, thats why the shape
It had a very poor high so I didnt stay and went back to South East Asia
Lebanese hash was excellent, it was the common thing in many european countries, I dont know if you or someone else ever tried it. I expected a lot more from moroccan hash and I am sure they must have had a lot better than those eggs
There is a legendary moroccan hash called sefer sefer(zero zero). Did you or anyone else smoke it? Side by side with lebanese? Can someone post smoke report and comparison with lebanese old 80s hash?
The joint you describe is close to what I smoke, a single rizzla pure weed but I use filters. It's around half a gram I'd say. I think as well fermentation can add something to the high of the weed but it has to be well done and not simply mold. To me tolerance is a natural process who always existed but I know some people who have very limited one and still can get as high as they would in their first years with just a bit more but not a lot more; I think it's more a personal organism question than the product consumed, some weed take longer for me to develop tolerance but with enough time it happens.
I've smoked a lot of different grades of moroccan hashish, even went to a farm near Chefchaouen to get their best quality the infamous double zero, first pass, eggs, it has many names. But once you have tested their better quality it's hard to go back to lower ones. Depending on the farm the quality of the resin can vary a lot and to have the best of the best you have to go look for it, it's not exported in high volume like lower ones. At first the resin is not hardly pressed, having a similar texture to blond lebanese but the better the grade the greasier it becomes once you work in your hand and it bubbles a lot with a flame close to it. It is close to red lebanese just a bit more oily.
I've had some yellow and red lebanese hashish, the red is my favorite hashish of the world. Good morrocan can be as good and even stronger hitting than the red leb, the morrocans learned to make hashish with hippies who went to Lebannon and Afghanistan and while visiting the Riff mountains they learned to farmers how to sieve their cannabis plants used traditionally for kiff in those mountains, they also brought some lebanese seeds to Morocco so the hashish from those two countries can have some similarities. The main difference is in the taste of the hashish, I don't know how to describe the morrocan hash taste, to me it tastes like smoking gold melted by the sun(I know it doesn't make any sense, sorry) and the moroccan can hit harder then the red leb but I certainly never had the best red leb.


The Haze Whisperer
High CBD is not a medical con. Along with other cannabinoids it has proven medical uses.

In the medical scene THC, CBD, and CBG all have uses in different combination. Most of the medical varieties you can get in Oz at least are high THC, so I don't know where you're getting this idea that THC is rec only?

I was surprised at some of the THC/CBD combinations I've had in both bud and oils. I used to be anti CBD, but it can actually really enhance a high, although not always.

Needs to be remembered that there were Thai varieties with significant CBD content in the 70's. The Thai government CBD weed is not a new thing.

Rally is that why firstly Sam and Rob then Shanti and all the rest that followed had to specifically breed high CBD strains ?

High THC drug cannabis has always been both medical and recreational, you do realise that Chi ? I have also used it for medical since the 80s.

High CBD industrial hemp was bred specifically as the result of prohibition most of those lines are patented, you guys should research this it's an interesting topic.

That's rubbish, Thai was never high CBD go smoke some industrial hemp and get back to us if you think High CBD does.

Don't forget the small part of CBD interactions with Pharmaceutical medications.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Clearly you and some others in here have never smoked true old school Thais or Colombians, because if you had, you would know exactly what I am describing.

The high they each gave has night and day differences, the Colombian Reds again were different to the Green Colombian.

A hash plant is going to give people a stone no matter what their Physiology, and a sativa is going to give them a high.

I find it astonishing people with no experience of smoking these genetics claim to know more than people that have.
sounds like a put down to me ,
"you guys are clearly not in the cool gang like me ",

even i get that because i was only toking thai sticks for a short time ,
but ive smoked a lot of thai weed , even golden thai which i dont see anyone else mention here ,
though im not going to say im cool and no one else is because of that ...

if u read what i posted , the link , u will see why folks feel different affects despite smoking the same weed ,
its all due to the chemistry in our bodies , where we are at the time even , who we are with , many factors contribute to the overall affect of weed ,
its not just a black and white deal like you are describing at all ,
and someone didnt smoke the real deal because they didnt feel the affect exactly like you did , thats now how cannabis works at all hempy ,
i would have thought after all these years you could understand the affects of cannabis are subjective , not everyone feels the same thing ...


Well-known member
Hard to judge because they are different beasts.

Filipino weed (most likely landrace) was very good, and knowing I got it when Duterte was killing his own people in the name of the war on drugs, made it even more intense.
The weed was brown and fully seeded, no bag appeal, smelled like mango/passion fruit. It was a up high, euphoric, classic upper with great vibes and NO sleepy nap time. I was also smoking it with a Rasta local that told his story about weed. Jungle grown in Luzon like most of it and spread as far as Palawan.
The experience was like dealing drugs, took it pretty serious and I never smoked in public. Only in the hostel and not in front of everyone.
The Rasta selling the Herb smoked a shit ton so he knew good weed.
There was only 1 option available, what ever the dealer scored.

The current Thai herb is available anywhere in Thailand, it’s not grown in the jungle hiding from a killer President. So growers have expanded their catalog and the original Thai herb has diversified…. So much they seem to have almost ever single strain ever created by man.
“Landraces” have a distinct flavor and smell and the herb has more bag appeal than Filipino.
Most commercial cannabis is grown indoors from what I saw on the shelves, the landraces are grown outdoors. Thai weed made me sleep, a few moments of peace and introspection, but it was not what I expected; specially after reading some of the experiences some of you have had in the past with Thai sticks.

Only 1 occasion I was very high (Bangkok), out of the several occasions I purchased from different places and many different strains.
Filipino 1 source, 1 strain, great high.

My final answer would be;

Flavor, smell and variety Thai herb

Great high , rare and unique Filipino
Cheers BC

You confirmed my suspicions there.

Once legalization kicks in the genetic haystack Exponentially increases burying the golden needles ever deeper.