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Thai weed from Thailand


Well-known member
I bought these seeds from Thailand
This is Prempavee gear.
I like her prices and the spirit. I like it when prices are and remain affordable for thai people
Seeds just arrived here so they will probably sex in around 45 days and should be small plants so I am running a few plants and leave the rest for the future
I dont know if plants kept in a private garden should be called landraces. I prefer calling them heirlooms

Mekhong Classic 6 from 6 seeds 4 pregerminated in 24 hours and the other 2 in 48 hs
Seed harvested December 2022, you can call it prelegalization
Mekhong Classic

This is my Premium Selection best selling Landrace of the last year. In 2022 I got 1000 of them from a family that have big root on Ganja in the Mekhong area and have been growing them uninterruptedly from many generations.
My best Classic
Easy to grow Outdoor , doesn't like to be defoliated, pinched, cut.

THC 18-21% CBD 0-1% CBG 2-5%
DIMENSION Up to 2.5 mt
YELD - Medium/High
TERPENE - Apple, Melon

Phon Sawan weed 6 from 6 seeds. 5 pregerminated in 24 hours and 1 the next day
Seeds harvested february 2022. I like this. This is a feature western growers dont have. I like knowing year and month of harvest.
Every year is a different batch and not necessarily same quality.
Weed gets out of catalogue very fast at the canna world. I bought this weed 2 months ago and it is already sold out and description gone. I got interested in this one because they explained it is a high humidity resistant strain good for tropical and subtropical humid areas. I search on the web and I see Zomia has this one as Squirrel Tail #4

Squirrel Tail Phu Phan from 6 seeds, one pregerminated after 48 hours, 3 after 72 hours, 1 more after 96 hours and I hope the other one will show root. All of them needed to pull the helmet out manually
Seeds harvested march 2023
They call it hang karong. I never heard of it. Just a few years ago, 6 years ago was called ganja
Zomia has it as Squirrel Tail #1
This seeds are Hang Karong (Squirrel Tail) from Phuphan Mountain. Landrace grown by an organic farmer that is preserving the genetic. Slow flowering time.

THC 14/19% CBD 0% CBG 2/9%
DIMENSION Up to 5 mt
YELD - Very High
TERPENE - Smoky , mango , citrus

These are the sprouted seeds, all of them are prelegalization. Whatever they harvest now in Thailand you can call it postneoprohibition
Things change too fast in this canna world
Prempavee weed.jpeg

I hope to be able to outcross this thai weed with Northern Thailand 2008 weed from Thaksin time, you can call it war on drugs weed
The line has 2 clear phenos, equatorial and tropical weed mixed
I like the tropical ones a lot more. So I am keeping and growing again the tropical P1s and their babies from the tropical father
Northern Thai 1 on living soil. First time I plant straight on soil. They like it very much
Girl 1 would be squirrel tail today
N Thai 1.jpeg

Northern Thai 2008 girl 8 is foxtail
Here she is on the left next to Haze 1 from Nirvana. I will take a cut of this Haze Nirvana girl and hopefully we will find a few unicorns called thai males and give her some thai blood. All the NL5 x Hz from tropical seeds I am taking cuts to hopefully outcross to some thai boys
Haze Nirvana and n Thai 8.jpeg

These are Northern Thai 2008 babies. 12 babies from each girl 1 and 8. 18 babies are tropical and 6 of the babies are foxtail x equatorial boy. Need to check the equatorial boy too
N Thai 2008 babies.jpeg

I am going to give some thai blood to these strains
THH3 on the left and Northern Thai girl 1 on the right. THH will get some real thai blood
THH flowers and finnishes 45 days before the thais
Thh 3 left n Thai 1 right.jpeg

NL5 x Hz Mr Nice.
I am selecting this one just because it is beautiful to see pink pistils. I have 2 girls making it but this one is making it on every bud, even the lowers. First time I see pink pistils on a haze line. I wonder if this pink pistil trait will pass to progeny.
I have seen pink pistils in a C5 x Sour Diesel cross
NL5 x Hz Mr Nice pink pistil top shot.jpeg

This is a very vigorous G13 x Lemon Larry. Just in case I am taking a cut from this vigorous girl, have to see how this will fare in this humid weather. I never smoked any OG Kush, I wonder if I will like this.
I hope trichoderma makes the trick and lets her finnish without rot
G13 x LL (2).jpeg


Well-known member
Plants are starting to sex
From the progeny of Northern Thailand, out of 3 different crosses total 24 plants, 22 have sexed and all of them female at the moment
This one is on the hermie watch
When I see this kind of branch coming out of the main stem and having this different type of flowering different from the rest of the plant, I expect it to grow pollen sacks
N Thai 1 x 3 (1).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 (2).jpeg

This is Northern Thai 1 growing on living soil
These plants love soil, they grow very thick stems, very strong and tall
Had to top and bend the tops of her. This one would be called Hang Karong today
N Thai 1 (3).jpeg
N Thai 1 lower branch.jpeg

And finally some pollen donors are appearing
The plants from Thailand have now 65 days of life. They arrived late so they stay small
This is the farm they came from
Starting from minute 14:45 It is Prempavee Farm

3000 baht kilo I dont grow anymore. I miss those times, I want to go back
It is very nice to see the farm where the seeds I grow come from

After 65 days first plants are showing sex
They will all stay small as expected, they will grow the whole cycle in 5 liter pots unless I see necessary some uppotting
1 Phu Phan has showed only pistils so far

And these are the first pollen donors, not surprising at all after seeing the videos of the farms
They dont cull intersex plants. If all pollen donors are like this I will use them anyway and outcross to Northen Thai 2008
Mekhong Classic pollen donor
Trava Mekhong Classic.jpeg
MKC male.jpeg

Phon Sawan pollen donor, very good landrace resistance, local bugs tested the goods
Phon sawan male (1).jpeg
Phon sawan male (3).jpeg


Well-known member
The Northern Thai plant that was on hermie watch finally revealed its true sex
It was on soil, I chopped and it is drying
The side branch became bigger than the top shot
N Thai 1 x 3 hermie (2).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 hermie (1).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 hermie (3).jpeg

So out of 24 seeds, I got so far 22 females, 1 intersex and 1 pure boy no pistils
Seeing how they grow in Thailand today, these pure boys are going to became very very rare. It seems I got very lucky last year with 3 males one of them pure out of 8 plants that made it from more than 60 seeds sprouted
I am seeing 2 different types of progeny, the ones coming from Northern Thai girl 1 are chunky plants and have fat leaf. The progeny from N Thai girl 8 are looking foxtail and thinner leaf and all of them are tropical, no equatorial progeny from these girls
This boy is the foxtail type coming from girl 8 x equatorial boy 2. I will use on the progeny of girl 1 which is all from boy 3 the tropical one and I will avoid using them on progeny from girl 8 hoping it will avoid endogamy. So far the Northern Thai 2008 repro no endogamy problems. I hope I can find the high of the mother in the P2 generation
This boy will be making P3
N Thai boy (1).jpeg
N Thai boy (2).jpeg

He is in the boy room together with the polen producers from Prempavee
This year is very cold, the coldest year since I am here. The boy room is hardly making it to 20C and we are still far from winter solstice
Mekhong Classic, do you call this S1? it will probably get pollinized by the Northern Thai boy
MKC male (1).jpeg
MKC male (2).jpeg


Well-known member
A cabron! No imaginé que ya las tenías hasta floreciendo!
Pensé que las acabas de comprar!
Autumm at cono sur right?
Que tal Chischas. A mi lo que mas me sorprendio es lo rapido que desaparece todo y lo rapido que la gente se hace famosa en el mundo del cannabis. Me cuesta creer que estoy viendo la granja en un video
Las compre en Navidad. A las dos semanas lo que compre ya lo habian dado de baja y cambiaron las descripciones y las geneticas en venta. Desde lo de Prempavee que está al norte de Thailand hasta su entrega en España pasaron solo 10 dias. Desde España hasta aqui tardaron casi dos meses pero llegaron
Las germine el 1 de marzo, estas plantas se quedan chicas. La expectativa es hacer alguna semilla con los pocos pistilos que hay para cultivar la temporada proxima

This is southern cone. Weather is changing
There are only 2 seasons now: summer and winter. Spring and autumm are a thing of the past
This part of the world is becoming tropical and this means tropical deseases are becoming endemic
A big mess and floods all over the basin. Dams have crashed in Rio Grande Do Sul, people are seeing piranhas in Porto Alegre. It is an ecological disaster
This season I have seen hail. El Niño and La Niña affect the weather greatly at this part of the world

So right now weather temperatures are equal to deep july winter and the people who lived here all their lives tell me this is not normal weather at all

At what latitude are you btw @funkyhorse?
Prempavee is a very nice lady and she has some very nice varieties.

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I am growing at Southern Cone. My greenhouse is replicating Florianopolis climate
I have some updated news for you Mex. This is not going to last long
Thaksin is back in Thailand, he got paroled and only 3 months after he is back this was bound to happen

It is what it is, things dont last long in the canna world

The 3 strains from Prempavee are little plants of no more than 40 cms height
They were sprouted same day they arrived, 1st march. Thai weed needs vegetative time so I knew plants were going to be small. But I didnt expect the weather to be this cold this year, greenhouse is hardly making it up to 22C for a few hours which seems enough to keep things going
Phon Sawan have a hard time. Only one sexed and is intersex growing in the male room. The thin leaf small plant on the left is a cutting of N Thai girl 8 P1
Phon sawan (2).jpeg

These are Mekhong Classsic(MKC) on the left and Hang karong Phu Phan right. I prefer to call it Phu Phan
Both Mekhong Classic and Phu Phan seem to handle the cold better, they are from the mountains
I have 2 Phu Phan growing a few pistils same as a couple of MKC. They are all small plants
MKC and phu phan.jpeg

These are Northern Thai 2008 P2 test
I sprouted them end of january. At this part of the world I need to sprout them 30-45 days before that so I can get 3 meter plants and taller. This year they stay at 2,5 meter the tallest
N Thai P2 (2).jpeg

These are Northern Thai 2008 P1 girl 1 and girl 8 growing on living soil
These genetics love living soil. I hope the plants survive the winter and hopefully grow the pure females from Prempavee on living soil. The main stem is huge growing on soil, about the size of the bamboo canes or thicker. This cultivar make very big trees and is cold resistant
N Thai 1 P1 and 8.jpeg

This is Northern Thai 2008 P1 girl 1. She makes chunky buds with creeper 2 hour high effect
N Thai 1 P1 (3).jpeg
N Thai 1 P1.jpeg
N Thai 1 P1 (2).jpeg

This is the type of bud the progeny of girl 1 P2 is making. I hope they produce quality buds too
N Thai 1 x 3 (3).jpeg

This is N Thai 2008 P1 girl 8. She makes foxtail buds
N Thai 8 p1.jpeg

And this is a N Thai girl 8 daughter. She is sister of the pure boy. They seem to produce foxtail buds.
N Thai 8 x 2.jpeg


Well-known member
I am still sexing thais
Sexing continues until mid flowering with thai weed
Yesterday 2 more plants showed their true sex

This is N Thai P2 girl 1 x male 3
It is showing a few male branches like this, might become a prolific pollen maker
Seed will be done for sure
N Thai 1 x 3 hermie.jpeg

This is special and a teaching plant
It is a Northern Thai P2. Girl 8 x Male 2.
What is special about this cross is it was the only pure male I had. It was an equatorial P1 boy
The only pure boy this season is coming from this cross
It was on hermie watch, the trait is not failing. When Arjan says plants talk at the Thai 3rd episode, he is right.
I would also add they have personalities
N Thai 8 x 2 hermie.jpeg
N Thai 8 x 2 hermie (3).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 2 hermie (1).jpeg

It is a big plant over 2,5 meter tall
Now is in the male room together with the other sister hermie.
I chopped the only hermie male branch from this plant.
Will it keep throwing male branches?
It makes same type of flowering as GN Luang Prabang
N Thai 8 x 2 hermie (2).jpeg


Well-known member
Hola Funkyhorse. Veo que no te preocupan mucho los travelos. A mi me pasa igual. El que planta este tipo de cosas tiene que hacerse a la idea que son así. Me da pena pensar la cantidad de buenas variedades que los mismos cultivadores han exterminado por tener la cabeza tan cuadrada con ese tema. Además de la manía de matar todos los machos.

Tuve durante casi 10 años una hembra de Thai Stick de Gypsy. Pero me fue imposible hacer semillas, porque el único macho que salió floreció la priemra vez cuando ya las hembras no tenían los pistilos receptivos y al año siguiente ya no tenía polen cuando las hembras empezaron a florecer y el polen que guardé en la nevera no funcionó. A los dos años se murió sin que sobreviviera ningún esqueje. Si la hembra hubiese sido algo hermafordita hubiera podido hacer semillas. Pero era de sexo muy estable, lo que me sorprendió para una Thai. Al final se me murió la última y me fallaron todos los esquejes, así que me quedé sin Thais.

¿Ha cambiado Prempavee las semillas que tenía? Por lo que veo en la web, la mayoría de semillas parecen derivadas de selecciones de distintos fenotipos de la Cola de Ardilla. Espero que en Tailandia no caigan en la tentación de empezar a hibridarlo todo.

En el sur de Brasil no se, pero en Argentina tienen unas sativas con muy buena pinta, no se si de calidad son como parecen de aspecto. Pensaba que eran de las paraguayas de Pedro Juan Caballero, pero según he leido allí ya queda poco de lo que había y ya plantan cosas modernas.

Un saludo


Active member
You think is only Arjan, but almost everybody is giving seeds to the landrace farmers. And most of them are happy because landrace flowers have little market. If the customers of dispensary don't ask for Landraces this they are at risk of extintion because they are boycotted by the most parties of the modern cannabis culture


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learning and laughing
And most of them are happy because landrace flowers have little market. If the customers of dispensary don't ask for Landraces this they are at risk of extintion because they are boycotted by the most parties of the modern cannabis culture
So true in my eyes!

During my visit to Thailand last November everywhere I could buy "modern US" strains.
Traditional Thai weed was also available some place, but I had to search + ask for it.

All the sellers were surprised that I didn't want the US weed...


Well-known member
You think is only Arjan, but almost everybody is giving seeds to the landrace farmers. And most of them are happy because landrace flowers have little market. If the customers of dispensary don't ask for Landraces this they are at risk of extintion because they are boycotted by the most parties of the modern cannabis culture
Sawasdee Kha. Sabai dee mai Kha? Yin Dee Torn Raab Kha! :greenstars:

Sadly that is the truth. A friend told me it would be impossible because Thai farmers were very proud of their seeds inherited from their parents and grandparents. But it has happened everywhere and not only with kancha.

Happily you are aware and you are in a good position to help they don't get lost.

Sawasdee Kha.


See the world through a puff of smoke
You think is only Arjan, but almost everybody is giving seeds to the landrace farmers. And most of them are happy because landrace flowers have little market. If the customers of dispensary don't ask for Landraces this they are at risk of extintion because they are boycotted by the most parties of the modern cannabis culture
Sawasdee kha & welcome Prempavee 🙏

No I don't think so. People from the West (Europe & US) will never learn of the mistakes made in the past in other countries like Jamaica, India, Mexico. Mexico went actually in another way due the paraquat operations of the Mexican government with help of the US in the 70s and later on Mexican drug kartels buying seeds in the 90s in the West for planting overthere. You will need the right contacts to find some reasonable landraces nowadays.

I smoke mostly Thai for medical purposes since the early 90s. Missed the period of the Thai stick era, but must say that the minty smelling Thai sold in the coffeeshops in the 90s, was even better than the Skunk that was sold. Purple Haze which was available in the early 90s with that Nag Champa aroma was a bit stronger to give it an idea.

Since 2008 I see an increase in demand of landraces for seeds. Thailand has an unique bunch of landraces and it would be a pity if that disappeared, because of the demand for the new Californian varieties. That demand won't stay forever. People in Jamaica now wants Bob Marley's Lambsbread, but its hard to find in Jamaica. On other Islands in the Caribbean region a professor found some, but not on Jamaica. Keep in mind, what is gone, will never come back.


Well-known member
You think is only Arjan, but almost everybody is giving seeds to the landrace farmers. And most of them are happy because landrace flowers have little market. If the customers of dispensary don't ask for Landraces this they are at risk of extintion because they are boycotted by the most parties of the modern cannabis culture
Hi Prempavee
his trick is to get there first ….
I hope you take some of your rarest stuff and put it in a freezer


Well-known member
Sawasdee kha & welcome Prempavee 🙏

No I don't think so. People from the West (Europe & US) will never learn of the mistakes made in the past in other countries like Jamaica, India, Mexico. Mexico went actually in another way due the paraquat operations of the Mexican government with help of the US in the 70s and later on Mexican drug kartels buying seeds in the 90s in the West for planting overthere. You will need the right contacts to find some reasonable landraces nowadays.

I smoke mostly Thai for medical purposes since the early 90s. Missed the period of the Thai stick era, but must say that the minty smelling Thai sold in the coffeeshops in the 90s, was even better than the Skunk that was sold. Purple Haze which was available in the early 90s with that Nag Champa aroma was a bit stronger to give it an idea.

Since 2008 I see an increase in demand of landraces for seeds. Thailand has an unique bunch of landraces and it would be a pity if that disappeared, because of the demand for the new Californian varieties. That demand won't stay forever. People in Jamaica now wants Bob Marley's Lambsbread, but its hard to find in Jamaica. On other Islands in the Caribbean region a professor found some, but not on Jamaica. Keep in mind, what is gone, will never come back.

The same you can see in this photo has happened in many countries: Jamaica, Mexico, Colombia, South Africa,...

It is pretty sad to see those Rastafarians showing proudly their tiny modern plants to the tourists. I am not a tourist myself but if I were I would feel scammed. If you travel to a far country you expect to see crazy huge plants not the boring stuff you can get at home. I know for sure Jamaica is not a good place to go if you want fine weed.
Of course there is always somebody who still grows the old stuff, but too far on the mountains, or in a dangerous place difficult to reach specially if you are a foreign visitor.

Some seed companies have the advantage they have tons of money. So they can arrive first, hire the army or police. They can get into the fields and take all the seeds they want, even if the villagers disagree. It is something highly unethical. But it is even worse and with no lack of evilness when they spread their hybrid seeds in those places knowing forehand what is going to happen.

I would feel happy only knowing that people in those places are aware and they realize if people from big companies spend tons of money to go there to buy or take their seeds, it is because those seeds are much more valuable than the hyped and overrated seeds those companies sell.


Well-known member
, it is because those seeds are much more valuable than the hyped and overrated seeds those companies sell.
well thats a matter of opinion

some people love the new stuff

but yeh i happen to like sativa landraces more..and westerners getting seeds of the old genetics

is far from a bad bad thing

and yes it now seems more that the introduction of the western hybrids is

helping the landraces to maybe go extinct due to not being thought of as important anymore

as well as becoming contaminated with the "western genetics"


creating an imbalance where the old growers who did not get the new fangled hybrids are not able to sell their produce or must sell at a lesser price

in wonder how long it will be before the people realize ..”iam getting really stioned on this new stuff

but nit high like I used to

though guess all in all for the farmers its about what makes a better living.[and for how long]

slightly off topic:

we watched colombian genetics ..devolve .. go down the tube quickly into wld hybrid land

and it was also all about the money
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Well-known member
Photo from Jerry Kamstra early 70s Oaxacan mountains

View attachment 19007693
You have a lot of great archives , always throwing some sick Picts , there was a really good photo of Jamaican lambsbread in a old book called sinsimella ( not tips)
All I remember is a full page 70’s Rasta dude squatting or standing can’t remember
Googled sinsimella book , just too many now
But probably one of the best field Picts ever of that time , none are higher then 1metre

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