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Thai roundup!


Active member
Thaiphoon, GK79 looks alot like those you got, Maybe a little different. But ya it has those typical thin sativa Thai leaves.
Thats why I like my chocolate diesel so much.
It has alot of Thai influence in the high and the way it grows.
IT looks more like thai then SD. IT has very typical looking sativa thai leaves, like those pure thai pic's above. IT grows like an indica structured plant with Chocolate Thai buds.
BUt thats not why we are here.


Active member
do a search on the portland pure thai. very adapted over theyears to indoors takes like 90+ days. focuses its energy on two or 3 arm sized nugs. super old school grass haze thai taste. truly one of a kind


Active member
Very good read! I'll roll on up and follow along as well. We need more plant specific threads and not alot of hybrid injected comments. Stay on topic.


Are there Thai's that have no raciness or paranoia to them? Just a clean spiritual high? or should I be looking more in the direction of Nepal?


C21H30O2 said:
the description on the bay says its a laotian strain not thai or did i miss the auction for the thai.

There are two strains up...one is Luang Prabang Lao sativa (from northern Laos) and the other is Thai Stick sativa. Here's the description of the Thai recently acquired and up on Seedbay:

In the 60's and 70's there was very little herbal cannabis available and much of what was available was known globally as "Thai Stick". It is estimated that a vast amount of all herbal cannabis sold in many places was this variety and other varieties were generally considered to be of lower quality. Rumour has it that the early thai sticks were dipped in Opium, though towards the 70's this was later changed to Cannabis Oils. What is agreed on is that the buds used to produce Thai stick were generally very good quality and often far outshone the other available brands. With the advent of home growing and better breeding methods the sticks were gradually replaced over time but not before earning themselves a place in the hearts of old time smokers and those famous canna-urban legends.

A recent trip to Thailand into the south region of the Nong Khai Province saw us meeting with some of the original farmers who grew this strain back in the 60's and 70's and offered us a priceless opportunity to both discuss the old methods and, best of all, acquire some of the progeny of those original plants. We have now brought those seeds back and would love the opportunity to offer people a chance to 'grab a slice of history' so to speak. Many times over the last 10 years we have been asked to get these and have not been able to acquire a reliable and validated source. This, i'm proud to say, is no longer the case. This limited edition batch is going to make some of you incredibly happy, of that i am in no doubt at all.

As a tropical Sativa we do not recommend you take on this strain lightly. It has not been grown and stabilised to modern western standards and retains much of it's original charm. It is simply a good, unadulterated historic strain sourced directly from those who grew the original. There may be expressions of different phenos and other issues associated with taking an indigenous strain and growing it away from it's natural environ. Before you bid on a pack of these we strongly recommend you take a moment to research strains from this area and the area itself to familiarise yourself with the plants requirements and natural environment. The reward will be a chance to relive one of the most important historic types of Sativa. Not many of us can say we have genuinely grown this for ourselves and even fewer will be able to remember the original sticks themselves ( especially after trying one! ).

As for the smoke report, well, i'm not going to sell this to you. You have no doubt heard the fond stories relating to this strain and seen the distant glazed look people in the know get when they remember this strain. I'd hate to spoil that experience by giving you a preview. You really need to try this for yourself, as a description from me would do it no justice at all.

A true gem you wont find anywhere else, we are proud to offer it to you and apologise profusely for the wait! :) . . . . . . . Gypsy Nirvana



hi all and good to see you also zam.

Good read zam the ones i grew were both lowland and as i call them high land thias the one i loved the most was called golden budda collected by a friend in thialand from his herb seller who i think got them from his suppler and was aparently the best thia at the time wich was the mid 80s it grew realy viney and had a sweet smell threw flower and once cured even a week would get the brown look and earthy spice smell as did all thias.

I rember a lot of the erly thia still and the thia dipped in Opium i first saw in erly part of the 80s didnt see much of it but was it good it was the wildest smoke its hard to put in wards the affect you got you could taste it for hours real od spice taste.

I belive what most americans call chocklet thias infact a highland thia from memmory they had the most earthy spice taste to them the thias veryed from spicey earthy tasting to almost like smokeing insencs real od flavoured only saw them the insencs thia sticks a few times in 79 to say 81 and came rolled in asian type papper and the stick or cannabis with in looket like a cigar one soled peace very comprest you could take out and it would remain soled.

Thia came in many forms here from the clasic thia stick to comprest brick form to the cigar type looking thia stick.

I rember a few were trying to cash in on the thia popularity by makeing there own thia looking sticks with cotton lol was not even close but some was still good smoke but thia is thia and no matter how much you try and dress it up thia shines in the smoke.

The one i was gifted in 2002 is from 78 imported thia thats been inbreed 10 generations since 78 and never grown indoors.

Its a low land thia line and hates feeding once in flower the most od part of this line that i have never had in any other thia line is its smell its almost like a roten meat like smell in flower.

Heres something i was told a few may find intresting you heard of PNG gold ? Well a very close friend knows a old man think his in his erly 80s now that worket in png for many years and told my friend that infact PNG gold is infact thia i need to re ask him to get the time frame the thia was taken there but aparently the old PNG gold is infact old school thia taken to PNG and grown for decades i wouldnt be suprised if even the old samatren strains were thia lines to but i gess only dna testing would prove that.
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The Soapmaker!
Goofy interjection here but I wish every thread was just like this one. This is great.


Hempy I remember the thaistick knockoffs also. I remember a friend whose step-dad was a pentacostal holiness preacher and the biggest slimeball i've ever met to this day, not that all pentacostal preachers are slime but this guy certainly was. Some are amazingly intense and devout individuals. Anyways this guy had an isomerizer and since by then everyone had picked up on the isomerizer oils made from mexi and domestic leaf being a shitty way to knockoff the great imported hash oils so he'd take a mix of lowgrade mex and leaf wet it down with the nasty shitty lowgrade oil amd wrap it around a skewer and tying it with a piece of straw from a broom.

Also I have several sources claiming westerners mostly the peaxe corps for spreading thai cannabis to islands whose traditional intoxicant was kava kava. Since png is traditionally a kava using country I assume this would be in the group. The peace corps people apprantly really loved the kava themselves.

Another old thai line I'm thinking about cracking is the old sssc line "burning bush" the first smake reports claimed it wasnt all that exciting of smoke but was authentic thai. However I'm sure lots of people are interested in trying this one so maybe we will put it up dor sale some day.

OG bub

ICMag Donor
zamalito said:
Anyways this guy had an isomerizer and since by then everyone had picked up on the isomerizer oils made from mexi and domestic leaf being a shitty way to knockoff the great imported hash oils so he'd take a mix of lowgrade mex and leaf wet it down with the nasty shitty lowgrade oil amd wrap it around a skewer and tying it with a piece of straw from a broom.

Hey bro!
I kinda remember a HT article about 7-8 yrs ago on how to make sticks... exactly as you described above..
friggin knockoffs :bashhead: