Hi Knop,
Please forgive me if you feel that I'm highjacking your thread, but as long as it has Prempavee's attention, I'd like to pick her brain. Please let me know if you object. You see, I grew something last year with more than 50% Thai genetics in it. I'd like to get her opinion on what the plant should look like when it is perfectly ripe. Maybe she could be so kind as to post a close up (macro) picture on this thread of a perfectly ripe flower.
Another question would be, did she learn any advice from the older farmers there about how to grow powerful ganja that she would share here.
I think this plant looks somewhat like Squirrel Tail. I started this plant too late. I live near the equator. These pictures below were taken in mid March, a week or two before harvest.
I was smoking Thai Sticks back in the 1970s and early 80s. That ganja was extremely strong and good. This plant had only an inkling of what I'm hoping for.
I've acquired some seeds of Tiger Tail. I'm looking forward to planting them at the beginning of September. Sometimes the rainy season runs late here. October is normally the wettest month.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
P.S. I have much more detail of my grow on "The Search for Trip Weed" thread. It is more wide ranging and I probably bloviate extensively. LOL. This thread is concise for Prempavee Seeds.
Please forgive me if you feel that I'm highjacking your thread, but as long as it has Prempavee's attention, I'd like to pick her brain. Please let me know if you object. You see, I grew something last year with more than 50% Thai genetics in it. I'd like to get her opinion on what the plant should look like when it is perfectly ripe. Maybe she could be so kind as to post a close up (macro) picture on this thread of a perfectly ripe flower.
Another question would be, did she learn any advice from the older farmers there about how to grow powerful ganja that she would share here.
I think this plant looks somewhat like Squirrel Tail. I started this plant too late. I live near the equator. These pictures below were taken in mid March, a week or two before harvest.
I was smoking Thai Sticks back in the 1970s and early 80s. That ganja was extremely strong and good. This plant had only an inkling of what I'm hoping for.
I've acquired some seeds of Tiger Tail. I'm looking forward to planting them at the beginning of September. Sometimes the rainy season runs late here. October is normally the wettest month.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
P.S. I have much more detail of my grow on "The Search for Trip Weed" thread. It is more wide ranging and I probably bloviate extensively. LOL. This thread is concise for Prempavee Seeds.