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Thai cannabis

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
Thats all I grow ,, Thai's,, and not by choice, I live in the South China Sea, the seeds were brought to me by a Thai diesel smuggeler a few years ago.
Took a few grows to learn the ins an outs of um ,,first grow I had 15 footers lookin like x-mas trees,, after a few more grows hand full of mistakes I got it to where the plants are managable in containers and I can most of the time tell which are not worth the time to finish, and ya better have plenty of that, the stories of 18-20-36 weeks to finish are all spot on true,, and thats AFTER they start to flower that dont count seedling, veg time. heres the 2 kinds I like to keep growing year round.
First 2 piks are the light whispy ones they dry to lightly greenish to gold and has that old skool flavor long missed, when I smoked my first harvest of these the taste hit me like a brick,,It was 1975 all over,,at least till i opened my eyes,, the buzz is great extreamly uplifting and mind awakening(no shit) gives a high artists and musicians would love, I smoke it in the mornings and through out the day with out worry of an over dose (A NAP)
The second 2 piks are of a type that drys to a reddish as you can see and much denser not like an indica bud not even close but much more than the other and bigger bud that grow the intire lenght of a branch, this type gives off a lot of bud the flavor is again oldskool, and can be compared to oldskool Panama Red same with the high,, the high is back of the eyeball YER STONED kinda high with a bigtime body melt,,this is my after dinner blend.

Beautiful plants and well done working to figure out how these seeds grow best.



Yea it is a nice smoke,,I try and keep a good hand full of them going year round, gonna have to say its my fav of the 2.
If you ever do get seeds from this area be prepared, once growing you never know what your going to get from them, unteathered and un trained they go to the sky and never seem to stop, outside in the ground they get monsterous and there is no finish "time", buds also tend to ripen at different times, rarly do I harvest a whole plant at one time, they do accept training well and can be managed and dont seem to mind to much what ya do to um,,SCROG, LST, LOLLYPOPPIN, the stems can bend (or get bent) as long as they dont break compleatly they will survive and keep going. Biggest thing I hate is the Hermi rate, all my seeds pop grow and are 90% female 2-3 months later is when ya find out whos getting ready to bat for both teams, but on that note the hermies grow into some seriously sticky bud,with a killer Tricomb count, seeds and all, I move these away from my girls and let um go wild, shooting "foxtails" from every angle,making for one ugly plant, as well Ive had um go half/half ,,, some buds are hermi and some are all female,I call these my "freakshows" but lemme tell ya the lil buds off the freak shows,,,are badass Whow doggy I'm stoned smoke,, little tiny buds no bigger than a dime with a buzz that is way cool, givea ya that pyso head buzz great for watching a movie, not so great if ya gotta do something like work (EEK thats a 4 letter word)..
Ok im done for now and didnt even touch cloning these bad girls, maybr next time,,,The Yellow Fins are running about 2-3 kilometers off shore me and the boys are heading out,,,its time ta go fishin....



Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
I'm now thinking these are close to complete, since I got a closer eye on them today.

The Purple Haze x Meao Thai's getting a good dose of sunshine.


And the harvest has begun on the lower flowers...


Upper branches will be harvested over the next few days.,


from the future
Hi Rafe,

Ace's Golden Tiger is a nice choice i think for all growers, its a quite manageable indoor or outdoor stuff (approx' 14weeks) than pure Thaï (18/20++ weeks).
Ok it's a F1 crossed with Malawi but i think its very interesting!... My little theory is that cannabis also came in Africa from the South East since longer that we think, due to Austronesian's migration from S.O. Asia a long tima ago... So that greens like Zamal and after Malawi and other SA could come from there... (simplified history of course!).

Well this new done GT from Ace is one of the actually gems' Thaï manageable on the scene i think, big up! Peace.

post scriptum : A pic for fun, my young mom Red Thaï (Sa Daeng)

Rendez-vous in few years brothers'



Active member
I used to have a boner for it, but now i think it's straight up garbage. :D

Schtickin to Pakistan and the desert mountains


Active member
^^ LOL..lovely everyone. My brother lives in Chang Mai and has for some time. I am planning on going to visit him next spring.I am really hoping to see some of these beauties in their natural enviroment.

Sea Maiden..We must be close in age. I remember those opionated thai sticks too.I also remember being very skeptikal of their legitmacy too..lol.No skeptism on the highs and taste though.You never forget those smell and tastes when/if you ever encounter them again.I was turned onto something called "Capers" recently. ( Thai x Purple Kush). I hadn't smelled or smoked anything with a lot of thai in it for over 20 yrs and I knew the smell right away.Brought me right back to the 70's..


Well-known member
Since we are talking about thai and we have already mentioned some ace strains... vietnam blk x thai from ace? Quicker flower time, and i'd imagine a few thai leaners in a pack... anyone have thoughts on this strain?

Growing the little suckers now, wont be able to post my opinion until later this winter :p




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Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
Dry purple haze x thai flowers...


Oh yeah, this is some garbage taking out stuff. Unfortunately, before taking the garbage out, I realize I need to wash some laundry...but before I do that, I think about surfing the web...and before I do that I realize my shoe laces need tied. By the time it's all over...my head stops spinning and I realize I haven't done any of those things. Head space major....


New member
hey all (I'm late to the party as usual)

I've been reminiscing he thai stick from back in the early 80's, and that purple haze x thai
could just do the trick, she is an absolute beauty Ur Humbl Nr8tor. Thanks for the photos!