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TG's multiple genetics 1k room, converting to Sea of Green!

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The Mad Monk
Wow, looks great TG! Much different from the beginning of this thread when I was in here. Very nice man, clean set-up and the plants look real good. Innarestin' bit of info that the CFL's kept up as well as they did. What's the wattage total of the CFL's?

Either way, looks real nice man. Keep at it.

Bumble Buddy

Active member
26W CFLs x 8 = ~208 veg watts, sounds about right to me.

TroubleGuy said:
I was told by several people that my veg closet wouldn't keep up with my flowering room's needs. Those people were wrong. 8 CFLs kept up with a 1k flowering room just fine.

Yep, I've found that 160W of T-12 shoplight tube flouros for veg (4 40W tubes), with a 12W CFL for clones, will keep a 1000W HPS flowering nicely supplied. :yes: Could even get away with using less veg watts if the HPS is used to veg em for a couple weeks, but then it wouldn't be a perpetual flower grow.


With the extra space I have I'm planning on moving the vegging plants into the bloom room during light's on just to give them that extra time under intense light like I did in the beginning.

I'll figure it out, right now it's working pretty well so I'll make improvements as I feel they're needed.

Thanks for your comments, more pictures coming soon with harvest for gen1 about a week away.


Definitely looking good bro, keep it up! :D Your trimjob is nice too, it's hard to cut so high up, but man is it worth it in the end to see those big donkey dicks! LOL :D


That's what I'm going for! The stuff I have in gen2 has too much branching, so I modified my trim technique for the next gens. What I do now is trim everything from 8"-10" up depending on plant height, then remove all small/new growth tips that'll be branches and leave the fan leaves, all the way up to the top. I'm expecting good results from that, but we'll see when things mature a bit! :joint:


I was reading through some old SoG info I'd bookmarked and in this topic, the posts and pictures made by jrosek (now unregistered) convinced me to experiment with trimming fan leaves that block light to bud sites in a side by side SoG environment - I've already done it on bigger plants and the colas that were trimmed are fatter than the ones that weren't, and harvest time for those is still about a week away.

So I trimmed gen2 which is about 30 days in. 5 trimmed, 4 untrimmed, we'll see in about a month which produce better.

If trimming them at 20 and 40 days works better than leaving them untrimmed, I'll be combining it with the pre-flower trim I gave gen3 and gen4. I'd like to find the most productive ways there are and since everybody seems to have an opinion, and many of those opinions aren't backed by any experience, I decided to do it myself and find out. Best way to go in my opinion!

Pictured: two shots of different gen2 plants for comparison.


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trimmed means bigger buds with less final trimming....always a plus in my book :D
You can already see it now. The one on the left is definitely thicker already than the other and should be gorgeous come harvest time :D


I believe that too, I'd just like to have some proof for the naysayers :joint: I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it, I've seen enough that I'm sure it's true.

Also had an underwatering problem a few days ago with two small plants, the ones with curly leaves in the pic linked below. They're not dead, they're still using water, but at a much slower rate. The leaves are all dry but the buds aren't. Think they'll grow any more or should I just cut them now? Trichs are still clear, but because the leaves are essentially dead, not using any water, I don't know if it WILL mature. I apologize for the huge image size and 3mb file size but I wanted it to be detailed so I could hopefully get an accurate opinion.



And finally, took some clones for the 5th gen, and also doing a little "water cloning" experiment. I'm rooting about 5 clones in water, and another 5 in water that has a small amount of Vita Grow rooting hormone mix in it, and I might do 5 more with a higher dose. Messing around to see if I can find an even quicker rooting method than I currently have :joint:


we do love our experiments - ::throws good vibes at the crusty ladiez::


The underwatered plants are still alive and doing fine.

I keep checking everything for even a hint of cloudiness showing me it's time to harvest soon and it's all still clear as far as I can tell. I'm looking forward to taking it down but it's not being taken down til it's ready..8 weeks is over on the 6th. i'll keep it updated...


Took down the worse of the two that dried out. It was staying alive but it wasn't doing anything, and I figured it'd be a good chance to cut one small one down a few days early and compare it to the final product when the rest is done.

I'm gonna let the rest go at least until the 6th, longer if they're not showing cloudy trichs by then.


Ill be removing God Bud from circulation in my garden after this first harvest. The one in bloom seems to be doing alright as far as pests are concerned, but every time I look in my veg room for mites, it's ALWAYS the god bud mother that's infested...i used einstein oil 3 days ago and when I looked at the underside of a couple leaves I saw tons of eggs and a few mites working away eating the leaves... I noticed this when I first got the god bud clone too, and posted about it and got no definitive answers...suffices to say it is a mite breeding ground, this plant is not resistant to mites at all and I am positive it can be replaced by something much better that is pest resistant.

Also spent a little time looking at the trichomes through a 10x magnifier (what a pain in the ass!) and found a few that turned amber. I can't tell the difference between clear and cloudy through this thing cause the zoom isn't strong enough, but I know at least one of the larger plants is coming down within 48 hours.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Awww man sorry to hear bout the god bud,FUCKIN MITES.... Im so glad i am bug free. so when do you chop as in trich color and such?


Yeah, mites suck, that one strain has no resistance to them. I have other plants in the same room less than 2 feet from this one that had no mites and no mite damage on leaves, yet this one plant was a breeding ground for them. Needless to say I kiled off the god bud mother and will wait til I can order seeds to try god bud again. If I'm gonna keep it, it needs to be a pheno resistant to pests like the others I have.

I'll harvest whenever they show me they're ready...i spent some time yesterday looking at them under a 10x magnifier and found a few trichs that had turned amber/partially amber. I can't really see a difference between clear and cloudy under this 10x thing though, it's not a strong enough magnifier so I'll pick one up at radio shack tomorrow.

Also just found a male. All but this one had shown sex yesterday, today I saw some balls forming so I got rid of it.


On the 9th, 4 small WW, 1 small Remedy, and 1 large WW were harvested. 3 more large plants and 2 more small ones are being harvested about 8 hours after the lights turn off today. I'm keeping the God Bud going, it's barely got any cloudy trichs on it.

Pictures will follow once everything is chopped and trimmed.


First plant of the evening trimmed and ready to hang...another one, maybe two if I don't get too tired being done tonight + 2 small ones being done too.


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