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Texas Kid

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That was low Grateful. My character is NOT on the line for you to question! You don't know me whatsoever,,,just as you don't really know Gypsy...or Plan B.

Maybe it's time for me to go also. Anybody wanna buy some 420 Judge passes?


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well Vegas is the one that made it personal .... so if you aline yourself with Vegas then I guess he put this on a personal level. Its a shame Bog didnt choose a spokesman who could keep the personal attacks seperate.... but he did set the climate for this whole thing .... its a shame my buddhist brother couldnt have chose someone with a bit more class. Vegas has really done everyone wrong in my opinion. Not just Gypsy but the man he says he speaks for as well. Durga you have my respect and I have really enjoyed your post .... but to aline yourself with Vegas is a big mistake. This should have never gotten personal
nam myoho renge kyo


durga said:
That was low Grateful. My character is NOT on the line for you to question! You don't know me whatsoever,,,just as you don't really know Gypsy...or Plan B.

Maybe it's time for me to go also. Anybody wanna buy some 420 Judge passes?

Durga, You are wrong, my brother...
I do really know Gypsy, Have looked him in the eye and shook his hand.
I have driven with him quite a few miles discussing the state of things...
I 've sat and smoked with him... I've done business with him...
I've watched the way he handles things for years...

I make it a practice to know who I deal with, and only deal with those I know I can trust.

Sorry if you took offence at the 'If you judge character by gifts comment' it was perhaps harsh, although the 'if' does mean 'if'. I don't really know you. If anyone wants to get to know me better, go to 'find more post by'.

I know GradeB by the post he made, and the things said that I know for a 'FACT:' to be venomous lies.

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