im me
hey im me
i just need growers with dialed spaces, dialed method, no experimantation, all seeds popped
that possible?
yep all seeds popped and definitley no experimantation.
hey im me
i just need growers with dialed spaces, dialed method, no experimantation, all seeds popped
that possible?
Hey med-man,
My past tester growlogs are in my signature.
I have been growing in the same cabinet for over a year now and have it cycling pretty smoothly.
Cfl in veg and cfl+hps in flower.
Using 1g al pots - pulled an oz per plant last round
Here are some buds shots from that grow: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=6013988&postcount=1811
Sounds like you've bread the perfect mix of S effects with I growth for my indoor cab and medical strain needs!
Would be honored if you let me test them out for you with these hommies.
Happy holidaze,
Howdy, and Merry Christmas...
Just an old timer here, I've been throwing marbles in the ground on and off since the 70's.. I never got into the hype of buying all the latest equipment and packaged nutrients, I'm just an old fashioned hippy organic gardener who likes to keep myself and wifey smilin'...If you wanna know how your marbles do in a "cared for with love" type of outdoor garden, lemme know... B.G. Sr.
I would like to test your Silver Skunk Bx. I have pics in my albums and have a few posts of my final product in BOG and OGraskal gear. I have two albums going with Wifi, Pre98, Jillybean, EmDog, Lucky Charms, OG-TD, MedMan Headband, Goji OG and Tigers milk. I have a 1000 watter open. I have been a part of a test group for Cannafornia Genetics here too, I was the first to pop seeds and post, the thread had to be ended due to hermies in a new test strain.
I would love to try out your Silver Skunk BX1. I've been around for a bit, but I just started posting grows recently. You can see my last 3 grows in my sig. I promise to pop all seeds and not experiment with the grow method if chosen as a tester.
I'll be starting my next seed round in early February. Hopefully, they will be your Silver Skunks!
im new here but i got space and im not one of those ppl who just on here for free seeds for there stash boxs.
yep all seeds popped and definitley no experimantation.
pics and reports are a must