It doesn't necessarily need to be clarence, but it should be someone with growing experience to verify the grow meets requirements.If C is willing to take on the responsibility to verify, that's cool with me. Hes 3rd party enough and as liason between breeders/testers is probably in the best position to do it.
If so we could ask for volunteers from qualified members (probably mods or admins), definitely someone impartial.
Otherwise shouldn't the breeder be the one to pass judgement on the grow?
I can validate the official grow report entries, but I'm not the one to verify the grow met all the requirements of the breeder.
What about quantifying the results so there is some measure that can be used for breeders to determine a successful outcome?
What I mean is gms per watt, or some widely accepted parameters that breeders and growers can use to decide whether to grow that strain and to compare with others.
Has there ever been a requirement for photos on a grow? I assume all provide such documentation. I'm just wondering if there should be qualitative requirement. Like high rez images as opposed to cheap cellphone pics. Then the breeder might be able to use them or we could put them in the magazine. They should be lighted properly too. So a decent camera and some ability to take pics, yes?