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Test grow Sowahh vs New Caledonia male cross and other goodies


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Hi, I'm here 👀 interested in what this Sowaah male can give 😉, very interesting New Caledonia!!! What characteristics does he bring to the table? I cross my fingers


Well-known member
Hi, I'm here 👀 interested in what this Sowaah male can give 😉, very interesting New Caledonia!!! What characteristics does he bring to the table? I cross my fingers
Welcome, I've already grown 2 females made with the Sowahh males(I used the pollen from 2) in my last run, the results were good enough for me to try more seeds but sadly only the Cherry D germinated, the Rocky D were fucked by too much heat to help them crack open. About the NC I have no idea what it will bring as it's not my own seeds, they are from @elanius , it should bring NLD type of high and passionfruit taste from what I've been told. I'll see in a few weeks what it has to offer.


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By the way, a bit of info about the Black Cherry Punch who made the seeds I am growing now. They were 2 different BCP grown in different runs, the one used to make the Cherry D with Sowahh pollen was very purple with a grape/berry/passionfruit smell and taste, at first I didn't want to make seeds with her and Diesel pollen but finally I pollinated a tiny branch to make around 15 seeds out of curiosity.
This is the mother of the Cherry D in growth right now(behind her are some Sowahh females)

The BCP who made male flowers and auto-pollinated herself was very different looking and smelling compared to the 2 other BCP I had already grown in previous runs. She made beautiful colas, was more green than her sisters and her taste was very different too, more cedar and woody notes than fruity ones, her high was lovely, that's why I've decided to try a few of her seeds even if I know it's a risk. I'll keep a close eye on the flowers to be sure I don't end up with a bunch of seeds.
This is the BCP who auto-pollinated herself, making around 200 seeds in the lower flowers, thankfully her flowers at the top were not seeded so I've been able to enjoy her.
BCP selfed.JPG

Sorry for the blurry picture


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The (TCxPnP)xNC#1 has definitely outgrown her mutated first growth and now look really healthy with the most indica looking leaves from the 4 seedlings of this cross, really happy to see this plant became a viable seedling, giving me more chance for females. I'm impressed by the growth rate of the 4 plants fathered by the New Caledonia male, I'll take some pics of them tomorrow after a necessary transplant in slightly bigger pots but small enough to be easily movable next week.
Compared to those plants the Cherry D seedlings are slow growers but nothing concerning, just normal growth for hybrids with a good % of indica blood.
Here are the (TCxPnp)xNC around day 16, they are doing great for the difficult growing conditions they have to endure because it's insanely cold outside this winter and I live in a very old building hard to keep warm.

The 4th was already transplanted in a 4L pot before I found something easier to move next week.I hope to have 2 females from those 5 seedlings. The one on the left on the 1st pic might be male when I see the size of her trunk and how fast she's developing, they have been the whole time under the LED and I can see the other seedlings struggling because it doesn't make enough heat but not those, they grow like champ even in the cold.
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The (TCxPnp)xNC#1 might have a normal growth now but it's not the case for 1 of the Bota Farm, the one who lost a cotyledon during germination is really ugly and has no real apex forming. I'll take a picture later to show how it evolves, this seedling was mistreated from the start but the genetic lacks the necessary resilience to overcome possible stress, that's not a good point for Bota Farm genetics, they appear to be weak and easily derailed, I have successfully grown many seedlings who lost 1 cotyledon when removing the shell by hand, if other genetics can do it, Bota Farm plants should be able to do it as well.


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I will move in a few days now so I have dismantled the grow room I have used those last 4 years, the seedlings have been set-up in my small veg tent with only the HPS as it makes enough heat to keep them healthy compared to the LED board alone.
There is a noticeable difference of growth between the plants who were under the LED and the ones under the HPS, the ones under the LED are much smaller and have more twisted leaves because of the cold. They still look healthy enough to keep them going and after a few days under the HPS they will quickly accelerate their growth rate.
I'm amazed by the speed of growth of the BCP#1, she is right now close to the end of her 18th day, she might not be the happiest but she certainly is the fastest grower.
Here she is not very happy but still the biggest, the mix of LED and HPS spectrums definitely was beneficial to her, she was showered by light of both, 100w of LED and 250w of HPS. It was quite effective even if the other plants are not as big.

What is funny is the slower seedling to grow is also a BCP, the last one to have germinated about 5 days after her sister, their gap in development is bigger than those 5 days age gap.
Here is the smallest BCP and also smallest seedlings around day 13 since it sprouted out of soil


Well-known member
Update, it's the end of day 20 since the first BCP saw the light, the plants are between 15 and 20 days of growth depending on the day they germinated. I had to up pot some of the fastest growing seedlings even if it will be a real headache to move them in those pots. I'm very happy with the growth rate displayed by all the different genetics, some are slower, some are faster but almost all seedlings look happy as can be given their imperfect conditions. I have started to give some food in the waterings a few days ago, only some Grow from Terra Aquatica and a touch of Cal+Mag sometimes but I have to be careful with that as there is already a lot of Cal in my tap water.

First showcased are the 2 OGS, the last seedlings to pop but certainly not the slowest growers, they are around day 15 since birth so very vigorous plants.

-The (TCxPnP)xNC are very fast growers, they will have to be topped to be moved in a few days because they will be too tall to fit in a moving box otherwise, the #1 grew out of the mutation but it still grows much slower than its siblings, not a real problem in my present condition in fact. I love the shape of those plants, very beautiful leaves, I can't wait to see what their flowers will look like, it will be a very interesting bloom.


-Cherry D, some of them are 18/20 days old but they are quite slow growers, they were under the LED in the previous space and didn't have enough heat to help them grow faster. It's not a problem as they will be the easiest to move being the smallest. Once they are in my next place I will help them to accelerate their growth with bigger pots and more light upon them. They look to be very indica influenced so far but I know their Sowahh genes will manifest later once the flowering will start.

-Bota Farm, around 18 days old and their number of healthy seedlings has reduced, I had 5 seeds, only 4 germinated and now only 3 are growing correctly, none of them have the same shape of leaves so I really don't know what to expect. But if I had bought 5 seed at 30$ to get only 3 healthy seedlings I would be pissed, I hope they will show something really nice in bloom to justify their insane pricing, so far they are not worthy of their market price. Decent growth rate for 2 of them but the 3rd in the 4L pot is very slow, slower than the Cherry D despite having grown directly under the HPS so no cold for her, just a fat leaved indica very slow to develop in the first weeks. My favorite so far is the one on the right in the foreground, she has some nicely shaped leaves, I really hope they will make some great flowers.

-BCP, one of them is the oldest seedling who is 20/21 days today, it's growing insanely fast to the point I had to top it already, it rarely happens to me to top a plant so early but she was really too tall compared to all the other seedlings, I had to keep her in check. She might be topped again for moving, I might leave 4 or 6 branches on her not more. I sometimes wonder if it's a male when I see how fast it grows, it comes from an accidental selfing so it should be female but it's possible to find males in those seeds as well. Its siblings are much slower to develop they have a good % of indica in their blood so it's normal for them to grow slowly in the first weeks. It's just crazy to see the gap in growth between the biggest and smallest BCP, the 2 in small pots germinated about 4/5 days after the 1st one and they grow slower so the difference between them is huge. I hope they won't turn into a herm fest, I, know it's possible as they come from herm pollen but I'm curious to see what they can produce, their mother had a great high so I hope to find something as pleasing to smoke in those. We'll see in a few weeks.

If all goes smoothly I will start the 12/12 period around 25th february, at least with the biggest seedlings if some are still too small they'll stay in veg until they are showing pre-flowers or are big enough.
edit: I'll take another pic of the OGS because the one above is too blurry, sorry.


Well-known member
I will soon update this thread, I had to move and deal with an absurd ban period from this forum so couldn't update sooner, I have to repot and take some pics, it will be done in the next hours.

I will update with pics tomorrow, I have to rebuild a grow tent before being able to repot all the plants. I have moved only 16 plants from the 18 seedlings i had in veg, I didn't want to take unnecessary risks moving the last 2, so I gave them to a friend, he got 1 Black Cherry Punch and 1 Bota Farm, the runt.
So I still have:
-4 Cherry D (my own cross)
-4 (TCx PnP) x NC (@elanius cross)
-2 Old Gas Station (Old School Genetics)
-3 Bota Farm, don't know which crosses from this seed brand
-3 Black Cherry Punch, selfed seeds from herm pollen.
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Well-known member
Ok I have built the box and repotted most of the plants who needed more root space, only 1 (TCxPnP)xNC, the #1 was not up potted as I had not enough soil. It will have to stay in its little pot for a few more days, I don't know if I keep this one in veg or not, it would be better to do it.
I think I'll start to give the plants 12/12 tomorrow.
Pics will come soon.


Well-known member
This is what the plants look like today after 25/30 days of veg depending on their germination day, they had to be cut to travel to my new place so they look quite small.
Some of the plants didn't like too much being moved and neglected those last days as I've been quite busy, specially the biggest BCP is not looking very happy but she should get healthy again pretty fast.
The plants are now under the Lumatek Zeus LED at 50% for now, I will have it at 100% once I see some pre-flowers on some the plants.

-CHERRY D reg, the 4 plants have been kept in very small pots for too long so they are smaller than they should be at this date, they are around 26/27 days since germination, all cut at their 2nd node like all the other seedlings


-Black Cherry Punch S1, the big plant has been super fast growing since day 1 when her sisters have been much slower to develop but they were in smaller pot much longer

-Old Gas Station, reg. I really hope to have at least 1 female from those 2 seedlings, no way to tell so far if it's the case. they look quite happy despite the stress they went through with the travel and cut of their their upper levels.

-Bota Farm, those are fem seeds so should be 3 females, the runt was given to a friend, I didn't want to move it. They look like they are different crosses, I would like to know what they really are but in reality I have no idea. I would not grow those plants if the seeds had not been given to me to test them

-(TCxPnP)xNC, reg seeds they are the healthiest plants of the run, their growth rate is quite impressive and was not really slowed by all the stress they have endured with the moving. I hope to have 1 or 2 females from those seedlings because I'm really curious to know what they will produce. I also hope they won't flower for ever with the New Caledonia genes in their blood, we'll see how they behave in bloom in the next weeks.

I will take some clones when the plants are big enough, I don't think I'll be able to clone all the different females (too many clones to keep) but I really want to keep some OGS and New Caledonia at least


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The plants are around 30/35 days since germination, the timer is now on 11/13 to force flowering. The oldest seedling, the BCP#1 has some female pre-flowers already out, this plant has been so much faster to grow than any other seedling and really surprises me with her fast growth rate. She is only in a 7L pot because I had not enough soil to repot in a bigger one, I might up pot her when some males will be culled, freeing a few liters of soil.
I have decided to set the timer on 11/13 to force flowering as fast as possible, this will help the plants to reach maturity a few days earlier than with a 12/12 schedule as my jars are empty every day counts to have some buds ready to smoke.
I have 6 seedlings who should be females at least, the 3 BOTA FARM and the 3 BCP S1. The seedlings from regular seeds should make +/-5 more females:
- 2 Old Gas Station reg= 1 female hopefully
-4 Cherry D reg= 2 females
-4 (TCxPnP)xNC= 2 females
This is of course only theory and I don't know exactly what each seedling will become in a few days.
Depending on the soil quantity available the females will be up potted in 7L pot minimum and possibly in 12L ones, most of the seedlings are in 4L pots so it would be better for production if I could use 12L pots. I know I could get one more bag of soil to transplant in 12L but I prefer to limit the soil quantity in my apartment for safety reason.
The first day of flowering schedule was the 1st of March, I hope to have some flowers mature enough to be smokable around the 25th of April, at around 55 days of flowering. As the BCP#1 has already some pre-flowers she should be the first plant ready to be smoked, we'll see how she evolves in the next weeks.


Well-known member
We are now at the 8th day of flowering, not many pre-flowers visible so far but it's normal as I had to cut the plants to move them they'll need a bit more time than usual to react to the flowering schedule. The BCP#1 has some visible pistils, she's by far the biggest plant of the bunch, she looks like she has 1 more week of veg than all the other seedlings, so strange.
One of the OGS has male pre-flowers, it's the first male to show its balls not the last as I have about 10 regular seedlings.
The Bota Farms testers don't look good, one of them have only fasciated branches so I will cull it as I hate this mutation, only 1 out of 5 seed is really looking good, that's really not a good ratio for such expensive seeds. I have only 3 Bota Farm seedlings out of 5 seeds as 1 didn't germinate, I already ditched 1 super slow grower half mutant , and from those 3 I'll keep only 1 I think. Honestly my plants from accidental pollinisation(The BCP's) look better than the Bota Farm testers, those seeds are not from a solid breeding program when I see the % of mutants it's obvious, don't waste your money on those seeds. Even if the 1 plant I'll keep makes great flowers it's not enough to justify buying those improvised polyhybrids at their crazy price.
The Cherry D are a bit slow to grow, I think their root suffer a bit when I kept them 1 month in tiny pots.
The BCP's have a few fasciated branches here and there, I top those to avoid the ugly flowers it produces, those seedlings are from bag seeds so you can't expect perfection from those but they still look better than the expensive Bota Farm seeds.
The (TCxPnP)xNC are the most beautiful plants of this run, no pre-flowers yet on any of them but it won't be too long before they come out. Those are really beautiful and I hope to get 2 females at least.
I'll post some pics tomorrow to show the different crosses. IMO the healthiest and prettiest are the 2 OGS and the 4 (TCxPnP)xNC
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This is the Bota Farm I’ll cull because it has only fasciated branches and I have noticed some male and female pré-flowers so no way I keep this herming mutant.


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Well-known member
Here are some pics of the different crosses at the beginning of the day 9 of 11/13

-(TCxPnP)xNC, those are beautiful and very healthy, one is smaller because I had no more soil t up pot it last week, I've seen 1 male pre-flower on 1 of those and some pistils on another one, so 1 male and 1 female so far, still 2 plants to declare their sex.

-Cherry D, those 4 seedlings are a bit smaller because they were kept too long in very small pots but they are healthy, I've seen some male pre-flower on 1 of them so 1 male so far and no female yet.
Cherry D.JPG

-Bota Farm, I have only 2 seedlings still going as the others were awful mutants, the biggest one is looking good, I see some pistils here and there on her, nothing yet on her sister who is very slow to grow and had 2 fasciated branches who were topped. If I have enough plants to fill my tent without this one it will go as well. Honestly those seeds are not worth the price asked, thankfully I didn't pay them or I would be really mad.
Bota FarmJPG.JPG

-Old Gas Station, those 2 plants germinated about 5 days after the other but it's not visible now, they have been extremely vigorous and healthy. 1 is a male and the other one has no pre-flower yet so fingers crossed for a female, I really want to test smoke some flowers from a Skunk/ Sour D hybrid, it has to be some excellent buds.
Old Gas Station.JPG

-Black Cherry Punch S1, the #1 is huge compared to all the other seedlings she's insanely vigorous, i have no idea why she's growing so fast specially when I see her sisters who look like dwarves next to her. Those plants are from accidental seeds so they are some genetic freaks and have a few fasciated branches I had to top them or remove them completely but it's not as extreme as the Bota Farm I cull because all her branches were fasciated.

I cleaned the bottom part of each plant but I'll remove more leaves and branches at the end of the stretch. I will up pot the biggest females in 12L of soil as soon as possible, once all the males are declared and culled I'll use the soil for the final transplant.
It's not easy to see but the plants fathered by the NC male are really big, I can't imagine how big they would be if I had transplant them in more than 4L of soil. I will take clones of the females very soon to be able to keep this genetic going for a while, I am sure they will make some very nice buds to smoke.


Well-known member
Some more plants have some readable pre-flowers now and I'm pretty happy with the results I got so far.
-(TCxPnP)xNC= 1 male, the #1 who is the smallest of the 4, very happy this one is a male in fact. 2 females for sure and maybe 3 but the last one is not certified 100% yet. Yeah, I'm really happy to have at least 2 beautiful females of this cross and possibly 3.
-OGS, 1 male declared since 2/3 days already and apparently 1 female, it's not 100% sure but it looks good.
-Cherry D, 1 male for sure and certainly 2, the other 2 seedlings of this cross have high chances to be females and I think I've seen a pistil on one of them but it's too early to identify them clearly.
So out of the 10 regular seedlings it looks like I'll get 5/6 females and they should produce something interesting to smoke, I'm really curious to see how the New Caledonian cross will turn out, I know there is only a little % of real landrace genetics and I like it this way, I want to have some manageable plants to grow. When I see how big they are after the extreme hair cut they got I wonder how huge they would be if I had not been forced to keep only the 2 lower nodes. @elanius did a great job with those seeds and I'm glad to test them and showcase their beauty.
The Old Gas Station should be a great smoke, being a cross of 2 of my favorite genetics, I have high expectations for this girl. She is ultra vigorous and forms many ramifications, I'll clone her for sure.
The Cherry D are less vigorous than the other regular seedlings, they were kept in too small pots for too long, the roots were not extra healthy and white when I transplanted them, this is my fault as I wanted to be able to move them easily. They should still be able to make some nice flowers with their genetic make-up, the Black Cherry Punch and Sowahh, those are great parents. I would like to have something with the Purple Punch type of high and Sour D taste, if I'm lucky I could find a female with this specific profile.

The BCP#1 is way ahead of her sisters, I really don't understand what makes this plant growing so much faster than the other seedlings who germinated at the same time, she's a monster. The 2 other BCP look so small compared to her I might not even flower them if I have enough plants to fill the tent without them. Being from herm pollen they are all a risk of accidental pollinisation, less of those means less risk. I'll see in the coming days.
About the Bota Farm, I have 1 looking really good and 1 who will get culled if I can fill the space without her, I don't have a lot of trust in those pollen chucks, there is a high possibility they turn hermies so it's for the best if I keep only one of them. This test grow proves the seeds price today doesn't mean anything, the Bota Farm seeds are very expensive but there is nothing to justify this high price so far.


Well-known member
Little update:
I repotted 3 (TCxPnP)xNC females in 12L pots and culled 1 of the Bota Farm who had way too many fasciated branches and was very small compared to all the other plants in the tent.
So in bloom I have:
-1 Old Gas Station
-3 (TCxPnP)xNC
-1 Bota Farm(the only decent one out of 4 seedlings)
-2 Cherry D
-3 BCP but I don't know if I'll keep all of them


Well-known member
Today is day 14 of flowering schedule, all the different plants are declared male or female and sorted out, I've culled all males as I don't plan to make seeds on this run and also got rid of the females with too much mutations or too many chances to herm
Here is a group shot a group shot after a little cleaning of the bottom part of the plants

So there are 9 females in bloom only:
- 3 (TCxPnP)xNC
-2 Cherry D
-2 BCP
-1 Old Gas Station
-1 Bota Farm, last one out of 4 seedlings.
I will make individual pics later, they are all mixed up in the tent. The NC cross is very promising and the Bota Farm a huge disappointment , their plants are just pollen chucks ultrapolyhybrids hoping to get 1 good phenotypes out of many expensive seeds, ridiculous approach of breeding to me or at least give those to your friends don't sell them at 30$ a seed; what a joke. I feel sorry for their customers
I expect to get some tasty flowers from those plants, the OGS specially should make some great buds, I have taken 5 branches to be sure I'll get at least 1 or 2 rooted clones. If I have more I'll be really happy. i have taken clones of 1 NC cross only so far.
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The OGS is quickly becoming the biggest plant of the run, she has a powerful stretch which is welcome this time because I had to cut the plants and only kept the 2 lower nodes. I can't imagine how big the OGS would be now if I had not cut so many nodes, I'm afraid the 7L pot she's in won't be big enough for her until harvest time, I have to water her daily because every time I pick up the pot it is very light and the soil is very dry in only 24 hours.
The 3 New Caledonian hybrids are doing great but one of them has a very different shape and I'm afraid I've been to extreme in her trimming because it looks like she won't develop as much as her sisters will during the stretch period.
I really have to make some pictures to show the evolution of the plants, I'll do that this evening promised.