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Terrifying rise of super-strength 'skunk' cannabis:


moose eater

I caught this report on BBC television on our public television channel the other night.

What a steaming pile of soft dog feces!!

I needed to hear them say only two things to add it up as dung.

They deferred to the numbers reported by the Mississippi Marijuana Potency Monitoring Project (the Feds' testing facility in the early 70s and beyond that would later take on the duty of sending out the monthly tins of ~300 joints of bunk field weed to the then-recognized 20 or so medical canna patients) that claimed the grass in the early 70s was ~1% THC.

The fact is that Pharm-Chem Labs then was also testing, including for private individuals (send in a sample with your own home-labeled and created I.D # of your choosing, then call in and get your report.. for nearly ANY substance), as a private facility, using more functional protocol in their testing, and on average, just testing Mexican dirt weed, they tripled the reported potency by the MMPMP. (*I'd bore your with the two different protocols, but I'll abstain. Suffice it to say that MMPMP was either trying to skew their results, or had zero competent science folks on staff).

The next thing made clear in the BBC televised discussion was that the two hacks representing Kings College in the UK, are affiliated with a company that has patents pending for medicalized cannabis extracts.. Say no more.. Conflict of interest straight out of the gate, anyone??

NIDA, as early as 1970 to 1972 had reported Afghani/Nepali hash that scored as high as 70+% THC..

Yet when the Nixon Admin sent folks to S.E. Asia to research (most specifically the Air Force folks, as they seemed to have a greater rate of use of recreational drugs in the field.. "Fly High' in the Air Force apparently took on a -whole- new meaning), their research uncovered all of about TWO enlistees who had mental health issues that one might consider to include some degree of psychosis, and those two had, if I might wager, a pre-existing history of mental disorders. Imagine THAT!!

Lastly, the more objective research states that there -may- be a -correlation- between cannabis use and psychosis, but no hard evidence of a *causal* relationship.

Guess what? Many persons struggling with psychosis are prone to self-medicating; often with drugs that cause a sedative affect, such as alcohol...... or Indicas.. to lessen the anxiety of paranoid delusions and hallucinations. Yes, boys and girls, people who feel excessively anxious about life, sometimes try to quell that anxiety, what ever the source, with some form of substance use. For some, it works beautifully. For others, not so well.

To quote a former compatriot in the legalization efforts of years ago up here, when we were driving down a rural byway near my home, and the ONDCP/Partnership for a Truth-Free (Drug-Free) America was running one of their incessant BS ads trying to maintain criminalization/prohibition, and their ad had a young male on the radio, saying.. "When I smoke marijuana, I feel alone. Once I felt SO alone, I carved the word 'ALONE' in my arm!" My compatriot turned to me and said, "You know what I think?" My honest answer was "Sometimes." He said, "I think people with mental illnesses should avoid drugs." I replied, again, "Sometimes."

I knew years ago the prohibitionists would not give up their cash cow and corner on the regulation of vices as easily as some thought, but sometimes they look just plain silly when you step back and look at their efforts in a critical manner.. Unfortunately, all kinds of corporate-owned media are giving them what ever microphone to blather into they request. And even public television now, where they once held to a higher standard.

Sometimes the world gets really depressing. I may have to take a toke of hash. Does that mean my hash use caused my depression?? :biggrin:


moose eater who cares about logic when you can claim a specific terpene did this.

This is too intense for me guys. :) I'm out.


cant re Member
talk about behind time the uk is still like stuck way back in the 80's weed wise, ohhh new skunk lmao

thank for the morning funnies. new powerful skunk. wow what a laugh

the funniest thing about the article, is how many non uk members here actually believe that we only have 14% tested weed...

its not the weed scene that is stuck in the 80's ,its the medias knowledge

^this is true.


Is any of this hysteria bleeding over into British entertainment media like any corn ball detective shows where the bad guys are skunk cannabis smoking mad men or terrorist skunk smugglers?


Well-known member
Psychiatrists already think we’re all crazy anyhows-lol
Surely a little more skunk psychosis can’t hurt