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Terpenes for edibles


Active member
FWIW, and this is purely speculatory and with limited experience, it often seems to me the weed I've tried which smelled strongly of black peppercorn had the strongest, most 'uplifting/happy' affects. If I'm not mistaken, that's probably caryophyllene.


Well-known member
FWIW, and this is purely speculatory and with limited experience, it often seems to me the weed I've tried which smelled strongly of black peppercorn had the strongest, most 'uplifting/happy' affects. If I'm not mistaken, that's probably caryophyllene.

yep...thats exactly how it works...

got my 3 recipes closer to completion...my biggest issue is different strains...going to go with only one as i cull my current harem down to one beauty...

but yeah...from what i have achieved you can make edibles that have different effects by manipulating the terpene make up...


Well-known member
I am making some more tonight. However, I am giving up on making anything for me and I am making this for others.

What is a 'normal' dosage? I am thinking about 75mg per piece. Assuming the rosin is about 75%, I'll use 2 grams of rosin to make 20 pieces of candy. That's about 100mg of rosin each piece.

I'll be adding terps to this recipe and I have an awesome chocolate recipe that uses nothing but coconut oil, cocoa, honey and a dash of vanilla. I am going to layer it over Cocoa Krispies squares.

I am wondering about a terp recipe. Would adding equal amounts of Myrcene and (for example) Linalool counter act each other since one is for sleep and one is for energy? Or, will adding equal amounts of both provide both an energy and a 'relaxed' effect? Is that possible? LOL "Wow, I sure am sleepy, I think I'll jog around the block". LMAO

Most of these people are looking for pain relief and I have a ton of this CBD rosin I want to get rid of so, I figure, this is a good way to do it.

As always, comments are welcome. Love to see your recipes, Ozzie.

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Well-known member
I am making some more tonight. However, I am giving up on making anything for me and I am making this for others.

What is a 'normal' dosage? I am thinking about 75mg per piece. Assuming the rosin is about 75%, I'll use 2 grams of rosin to make 20 pieces of candy. That's about 100mg of rosin each piece.

I am wondering about a terp recipe. Would adding equal amounts of Myrcene and (for example) Linalool counter act each other since one is for sleep and one is for energy? Or, will adding equal amounts of both provide both an energy and a 'relaxed' effect? Is that possible? LOL "Wow, I sure am sleepy, I think I'll jog around the block". LMAO

As always, comments are welcome. Love to see your recipes, Ozzie.


by my rough estimations my caps came in at about 30mg each...doesn't sound a lot but they are highly activated.i use decarb buds mixed with coconut oil and lecithin and when the mixture cools i add the terps...i use 2mls of terps for every 20 grams of raw material...

linalool has a relaxant, calming effect so mixing with myrcene makes for a laid back stone...

my sleep/relax mix are equal parts myrcene, linalool and terpinolene

for a daytime mix i use a ratio of 1.5:1:0.5:0.5:0.5
Beta Caryophyllene:myrcene:limonene:humulene:alpha pinene

for my party mix is similar to my daytime mix, just different ratios.

these are a work in progress...i am finding the differences between types more on the subtle side rather than being strongly pronounced...

also less is more when using terps...too strong i find doesn't do much and gives fragrant burps and farts...but also i find it makes digestion a bit strained and gave me some stomach pains


Well-known member
Awesome bud. That totally helps me with tonight's task.

Thanks again.

EDIT: Notes:

200ui Beta Caryophyllene (pain, calm, uplifting)
200ui Alpha Pinene (pain, calm, uplifting, energy)
100ui Limonene (calm, uplifting, energy)

Maybe but probably not (save these for night time or use them to temper daytime?):
50ui Myrcene (pain sleep)
50ui Linalool (pain calm uplifting sleep)
Save for nighty night

Above per 1 gram of rosin

Add 1 gram (1 tsp) coconut oil per gram of rosin

Decarb rosin 250F
Add oil first or terps? 250F is too hot for terps. Add oil
Add Lecithin stir stir

Remove from heat
Add terps and stir stir stir.

0.5 ml terps per gram of rosin.

2 Grams rosin

0.5 tsp coconut oil
0.5 tsp lecithin

400ui Beta Caryophyllene
400ui Alpha Pinene
400ui Limonene

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Well-known member
200ui Beta Caryophyllene (pain, calm, uplifting)
200ui Alpha Pinene (pain, calm, uplifting, energy)
100ui Limonene (calm, uplifting, energy)

personally i would swap the limonene and pinene quantities...or make them equal...i like the limonene better when it comes to a 'pick me up'


Well-known member
Done! Good advice, thanks. I went with 400ui each.

I added a little more than the .5 tsp of coconut oil, just enough to make about 10ml total, with the terps and all. Man, that's a lot of terps. I could smell them and when I ate a sample the terp taste was real real strong.

Anyway, then, I took a hypo and I placed .5ml of this oil/rosin/terp mix on a 1" x 1" Coco Krispies and marshmallow treat I made last night.

It should have made 20 doses but, somehow it only went just under 18. I'm sure it was the mark on the beaker because the hypo should be pretty accurate. So, I got 17 good doses and then I ate the last one just to see how the taste was. WOW, the terps were strong. Definitely no canna taste.

I am thinking about making some chocolate tonight and putting a layer of melted choc on top to hide the oil/terp smell.

I will eat one or 2 more as I proceed just to check the flavor but this entire batch is not even a single dose for me so I am quite sure I'll not notice anything except the taste.

I'll be out tomorrow with some friends so I'll carefully pass some out.

It's actually very funny.. My friends treat my edibles like we used to treat acid. "You want to split one with me and Bobby?" LMAO I definitely have that 'too strong' rep. LOL


Well-known member
WOW!!! I got fucked up last night. This has to be the first time I have actually been 'stoned' in years. Especially from edibles.


And of all things, the edible was made from ABV. Why would I get stoned from edibles that have been half used up already????

I took 3.5 ounces of ABV and did my standard 'crock pot' method. All day at about 170F. Strain the butter using my '1 ton butter press' and made some chocolate candy. All from scratch using raw cocoa and honey and cannabutter. They came out quite delicious considering the butter was made from scrap and that kind of edible is usually pretty 'dirty' tasting.

I had 1/2 cup of butter and I added 400ui of each of 3 terps. 1.2ml is a lot of terp but it made about 20 doses so that's not much per dose.

My wife INSTANTLY knew I was stoned when she saw me. I was actually staggering a little. I started eating them about 4:20 and was stoned to beat the band by 7:00. By 9:30 I was passed out in bed. That NEVER happens to me.

I don't remember how many I ate but it wasn't much. Maybe 3 or 4 pieces at the most. Maybe only 2. I will try again tonight to get an actually dose.

I can't believe this is actually happening. After eating 2 grams of pure rosin loaded with terps and not getting off, to get off on some old ABV is definitely questionable.

Anyway, it was fun to get stoned again. Been a while. LOL

I did notice that it DID NOT relieve my pain. I remember talking to the wife about that last night. "If I'm so stoned, how come I still hurt from head to toe?", I recall saying.


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Well-known member
NOTHING removes my pain, unfortunately. However, I actually slept 3 hours in a row last night which is longer than I have slept in a decade or so. :)


Active member
WOW!!! I got fucked up last night. This has to be the first time I have actually been 'stoned' in years. Especially from edibles.


And of all things, the edible was made from ABV. Why would I get stoned from edibles that have been half used up already????

I took 3.5 ounces of ABV and did my standard 'crock pot' method. All day at about 170F. Strain the butter using my '1 ton butter press' and made some chocolate candy. All from scratch using raw cocoa and honey and cannabutter. They came out quite delicious considering the butter was made from scrap and that kind of edible is usually pretty 'dirty' tasting.

I had 1/2 cup of butter and I added 400ui of each of 3 terps. 1.2ml is a lot of terp but it made about 20 doses so that's not much per dose.

My wife INSTANTLY knew I was stoned when she saw me. I was actually staggering a little. I started eating them about 4:20 and was stoned to beat the band by 7:00. By 9:30 I was passed out in bed. That NEVER happens to me.

I don't remember how many I ate but it wasn't much. Maybe 3 or 4 pieces at the most. Maybe only 2. I will try again tonight to get an actually dose.

I can't believe this is actually happening. After eating 2 grams of pure rosin loaded with terps and not getting off, to get off on some old ABV is definitely questionable.

Anyway, it was fun to get stoned again. Been a while. LOL

I did notice that it DID NOT relieve my pain. I remember talking to the wife about that last night. "If I'm so stoned, how come I still hurt from head to toe?", I recall saying.

Attaboy, Ringo!!!!


Well-known member
well it has been a while but i thought i would report on my progress...

things are going very very well, i now have 4 recipes as i have added a 'happy' mix which is humelene/alpha pinene dominate...this happy mix is actually working very well...myself and others that use it find we are just in a much better mood and generally feel more cheerier...

another aspect of using terpenes has been the ability to remove tolerance build up...in the past before i used terps i would quite quickly build tolerance up on edibles. now with the 4 different profiles i am using i just rotate through the blends. i always take a 'night' one every evening but during the day i mix it up depending on whats install for me...

less is more when it comes to the effectiveness of my caps, taking more actually reduces the 'stone' and i get a better response taking 2/day then i do taking 4/day...

also the medical effects are really starting to make these attractive the anti inflammatory properties, the sleep assistance and general well being improvements have been very well received. one person has now been able to cease 4 different pain/anti inflam medications and have a much better quality of life...

overall a very positive experience...


Well-known member
Hey guys.... guess what? I'm fucking stoned. Almost forgot what this feels like.

In a word....... lecithin.


Also, been doing via Sous Vide.

So, I don't know if it's the efficiency of the Sous Vide or the addition of more lecithin but something is working.

I first discovered it a few days ago when I took my normal dose of ....ALL OF IT !!!!! LOL... and a couple hours later, I actually had to lay down on the couch for a minute.

Wow, at first I thought something was wrong. Then, I said to myself... shit dude, you're stoned. Been so long I forgot what it felt like. LOL

The dose was VERY light (for me). I used 1 ounce of flowers and 1/2 cup of coconut oil. Made some Coco Krispies treats and ate about half of them. So, about 4 tablespoons of oil.


So, yesterday I made some heavy whipping cream. I used only 1 ounce of the same strain flowers in 1/2 cup of cream.

I just took 1 tablespoon. I don't expect much but, we'll see.

Just wanted to report a success story. I had so much failure in this thread that good news was due. LOL

Also, I have been reading about bioavailability and myrcene comes up often.

Hey Oz, if you read this, would you post your terp recipes?



Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
Have you tried decarbing oil sous vide style in a vacuum sealed bag to retain more terps during the decarbing process?

That is actually a great idea! I already do sous vide as a step with my candy, but this is a water bath at lower temps. I wonder how the bags would handle hot oil at 245F? Would also be interesting to watch the co2 bubbles during the process. This would theoretically decarb more evenly and perhaps a bit faster as well.

Looks like standard home vacuum sealer bags aren't up to taking the 250F necessary to follow the decarb bubbling action.

How about using nylon oven 'turkey roaster' bags? Suck the air out with a straw, and knot the top like you would bagging nuggs.

You can use a sous vide bag vacuumed and decarb at 205 for around 1.5 hours. You can watch the bag expand throughout the process to get an idea of how complete decarb is.

Lab tests confirm effective decarb this way for me. Only issue is if decarbing oil instead of flower the oil is difficult to contain in a vacuum sealed bag.

From troutman:

Decarboxylation: Marijuana Alchemy
(decarbing in a sealed bag)



Well-known member
Since I started doing Sous Vide, I stopped adding terps to my edibles. I don't have to any more.

This sous vide method is 'ground breaking' as far as I'm concerns.

Wow did life get so busy for me. It was at least 8 months ago that I made my first order, and put my first posts on the thread. I have been insanely busy with work, but all the while I at least have my experiences to share now!

First, my overall impression with True Terpenes: They are excellent! Prompt responses, helpful customer service, they take excellent care packaging AND shipping the products. My first few orders were all just sample packs. I can attest to the aroma and flavor "accuracy" of several of the profiles where I have tried the originals. The super lemon haze is spot on. I'm not certain if I've ever had authentic "og kush" but I really like the aroma/flavor and effect of their OG profile. I like the sweet citrus sandalwood-ish.

As many of you have already discussed and experimented with regarding indica-body/sedative effects: the Grandaddy Purple profile was my favorite nighttime/ body relaxation+ happy: Its predominantly Linalool, Humulene and Myrcene. At the end of a long day when my neck and back hurt, it truly hits the spot. My father also responds favorably to this mixture as well (for his PM med). He was actually my primary consumer and he has had great response for his sciatica and knee osteoarthritis.

I have since ordered the smallest bottles of pure terpene isolates of the following: Myrcene, Linalool, Humulene, Beta-Caryophyllene and Phytol. My primary interest in phytol is it's possible effects on GABA.
Has anyone else experimented with phytol? I would be interested in hearing your experiences.

As many others have already stated:

1.)You develop a bit of tolerance to a specific terpene profile, so it is good to do occasional rotating or mix up your regimen a bit.

2.) Similar to others, I make capsules. Decarb bud, then heat with lipid of choice (olive oil & coconut oil) along with lecithin. I use an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner in my DIY attempt at making a "nano-emulsion". Last step add the terps.

At the risk of going off on a separate-thread level of tangent: Has anyone else attempted the DIY "nano-emulsion" (ultrasonic jewelry cleaner-lecithin + cannabis oil). I'm unsure if it's just the lecithin, or the sonicating helps, but it does seem to slightly improve bioavailability. Unfortunately, nothing substitutes for consuming edible 15-30 mins before eating a fatty meal- as far as bioavailability goes.

Keep up the good work guys. I will try to contribute with my specific formulations and how they correlate with my experience but for now just dropping a quick message! :tiphat:
Also as others have attested to, using Sous Vide goes a long way to preserving the terpenes when preparing edibles. I was already able to retain the terps in my edibles when I began looking into add-in terps.

I was more interested in being able to precisely formulate or modulate certain effects ( be they therapeutic, recreational, or for aroma & flavor) and I would imagine that is the primary reason most others are interested as well.


Whip them into whipped cream and put on top.
It works if you card wax like you were cutting up a line and scrape back n forth it turns to like whipped cream then vac chamber the terps get trapped inside... Probably would work with real whipped cream......
Get whippets and a real whipped cream charger
Mix whipping cream and terps then blast out ..
$$$ terpy whip


Well-known member
Hey MS81, sounds like we are doing a very similar in regards to making caps although i don't use ultrasonics. when i decarb i am actually removing most of the naturally occurring terpenes, this allows me to control what effect the caps give by manipulating the terpene profile.

my terpene recipes are like a blunt instrument when compared the natural terpene profiles cannabis has but they do give a definitive experience. i have given my various caps to several people now and ask them to detail what they feel without telling them what to expect. across my 3 main recipes i get consistent responses from my testers matching the type of experience i am aiming for.

i look forward to hearing about your formulations and experiences...

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